Why do some of you do this?

Am i supposed to be impressed by some people minor scholastic achievements written in there signatures in this forum?

I could not care less if you are LGV,HGV,ADR,CPC,CTITB,VD and scar. Driver assessor. Or whatever !!!
. Who are you trying to impress ?
Another thing while i am ranting, people with stupid ID,s. You know who you are !!

I put mine there for a specific reason - it gives the reader an idea of ‘where I am coming from’ when I post specific replies such as giving my personal advice to newbies on training matters etc.
It would be a bit of a pain to keep adding onto the end of every post I wrote when it was specifically needed as I post a lot in the newbie forum

Haven’t you got anything to put after your name then.

personal attack editedmm

It might seem a bit ‘look at me’ but I agree with Rog, it gives a clue whether you know, or ought to know :unamused: , what you are talking about.
My sig. tells everyone here long enough to remember that I used to be here in a former incarnation - before a dreaded bug tried to lock me out and the best techie brains of TN and the wider tinternet couldn’t suss the problem. :wink: :cry:

I put mine there for a specific reason - it gives the reader an idea of ‘where I am coming from’ when I post specific replies such as giving my personal advice to newbies on training matters etc.
It would be a bit of a pain to keep adding onto the end of every post I wrote when it was specifically needed as I post a lot in the newbie forum

Some people in here though ROG probably know more than you will ever know or may have even forgot than you will ever no!!

And i don’t see them putting there achievements in there signature. It does seem a little "hey look at me " as spardo says…


I put mine there for a specific reason - it gives the reader an idea of ‘where I am coming from’ when I post specific replies such as giving my personal advice to newbies on training matters etc.
It would be a bit of a pain to keep adding onto the end of every post I wrote when it was specifically needed as I post a lot in the newbie forum

Some people in here though ROG probably know more than you will ever no or may have even forgot than you will ever no!!

And i don’t see them putting there achievements in there signature. It does seem a little "hey look at me " as spardo says…

He “knows” how to spell :wink: :wink: Unlike miself of course :unamused:

Thanks coder !! :wink: :wink: :wink:

for some reason this song comes to mind


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Some people in here though ROG probably know more than you will ever know or may have even forgot than you will ever no!!

Of course there are members on here who could run rings aroung me on MANY subjects but my specific field is LGV driver training and safe on-the-road driving which is what I refer to in my signature.
If I was to put ‘Tacho law expert’ or something like that and then gave wrong advice on it, I think I might get complaints - OR WORSE :exclamation:
Take dieseldave for example, members KNOW that when he replies to a post that relates to his specific field of expertise, that they are getting the info from a reliable source and his signature tells them that.
If LGV instructors give advice to newbies and do not make it clear that they are such, then the newbie might be wary of that advice and not take it on board. Imagine taking and using the advice from someone who passed their test 20 years ago and the test criteria has changed, they could potentially find themselves in a bit of a pickle :exclamation:

If anyone has a particular field of expertise then I see no problem in them advertising it in their signature - there is, after all, only so much you can put into a signature due to the limited character space available and I think that is why site admin has made that restriction otherwise we could have signatures that took up half a page :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

[If LGV instructors give advice to newbies and do not make it clear that they are such, then the newbie might be wary of that advice and not take it on board. Imagine taking and using the advice from someone who passed their test 20 years ago and the test criteria has changed, they could potentially find themselves in a bit of a pickle :exclamation:


This is precisely why I took exception to a post of yours in another thread where you seemed to be putting forward the case for periodic re-training with people such as yourself. You train drivers to pass a test, this is not necessarily the same thing as safe driving. I don’t know you or your level of expertise but I sure as hell don’t want you teaching me how to pass a test after driving safely the way I do for 40 years.
To give you one small example, when HGV driver testing first came in drivers who already had experience over a specific qualifying period were exempt. A good friend of mine who quite by chance though of many years standing as a safe driver, needed to take the test and failed twice before, using methods against his better judgement, finally passing. The reason he failed? He held the Atki he was driving on the first handvalve positon while keeping the clutch and gear engaged while waiting to enter a busy road. He was told to set the handbrake and knock it out of gear 'till ready to move. Almost impossible given the time to get a crash box into gear and then wait for the delay on the handvalve blowoff.
While I wouldn’t presume to advise a newbie how to pass the test your final comment would suggest that only you, rather than me, is qualified to give advice on driving.

Dont you listen to em rog. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i can’t see why you have a problem jimboy this forum is supposed to be a place where we can freely exchange ideas and thoughts. Attacking other members because they advertise their achievements says more about you than them.
You should include these letters in your signiture

edited personal attack mm

I dont see many people advertising their skills in Flower Arrangers Weekly.

i can’t see why you have a problem jimboy this forum is supposed to be a place where we can freely exchange ideas and thoughts. Attacking other members because they advertise their achievements says more about you than them.

…couldn,t agree more epeciacially that guys like rog and dieseldave give advice in good faith and aim to help fellow members, as far as I know driving instructors undergo periodical assesments which are quite strict that forces them to keep on top of novelties so why shouldn’t they show that they speak with some authority on the given subject

sorted,jb :wink:

made a mess with quotes in my post :blush: :blush: sorry should be the other way around…will go and seat in the corner now :cry:

…couldn,t agree more epeciacially that guys like rog and dieseldave give advice in good faith and aim to help fellow members, as far as I know driving instructors undergo periodical assesments which are quite strict that forces them to keep on top of novelties so why shouldn’t they show that they speak with some authority on the given subject

Do they! ?


thanks :smiley:

I cant see why peoples little petty gripes with others is an issue for the feedback forum. :open_mouth:

Surely If you have a genuine issue with those certain people ,you should be man enough to take it up with them personally.not go to a certain extent of going pretty much behind their backs by posting in here.

Are you jealous or something??

I was on the phone to DieselDave the other day relating to ADR,cause thats what he does.ROG operates mainly in the New and Wannabe Forum,so he has stuff in his sig that relates to and could be of help to newbies!!!

Am I missing something or are people just trying to pick fights,for the sake of it,cause their lacking in something of substance,or is it cause the people who are more qualified like DieselDave and ROG to talk about certain subjects are getting all the attention!!!

Grow up FFS!!

I for one are glad of the letters and expertise quoted in signatures, as a newbie, I am able to decide whether or not advice is reliable or from a keyboard warrior. I absolutely have no problem with Rogs’ or Diesel Daves’ sigs or anybody elses and would go as far as saying they compliment the forum and the huge amount of advice/info available. Nuff said.

maybe we should all call each other comrade?..i’ll change my user name to comrade john 1…rog you can have comrade rog 1…there are already 124 comrade jimboys so jim can be comrade jim 124… :confused: