Why do some of you do this?

Dont you listen to em rog. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I listen to all comments - whether I respond to them is another matter :slight_smile:

This is precisely why I took exception to a post of yours in another thread where you seemed to be putting forward the case for periodic re-training with people such as yourself. You train drivers to pass a test, this is not necessarily the same thing as safe driving. I donā€™t know you or your level of expertise but I sure as hell donā€™t want you teaching me how to pass a test after driving safely the way I do for 40 years.

That is why the OTHER bit is on my sig - the bit under LGV INSTRUCTOR :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: - I have a foot in both camps.

To test or assess a seasoned driver with DSA methods would be ridiculous and as it happens, I will be teaching 2 seasoned drivers to assess others this week :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hi jimboy124, IMHO this is an interesting post in which youā€™ve put a couple of questions that need good answers.

Iā€™d like to be able to give you good answers to those questions, but could you please help me to understand them first?

Am i supposed to be impressed by some people minor scholastic achievements written in there signatures in this forum?

Iā€™m wondering what criteria youā€™ve used to decide that some people have ā€œminor scholastic achievementsā€ ?
Or, in other words, it might help somebody trying to answer you if we knew your definition of ā€œminor.ā€ :confused:
Have you asked that question on the basis that you hold a superior qualification of some sort, and youā€™re out to poke fun at those of us who only have a ā€œminorā€ qualification?
Would you find it acceptable if a person were to put a vocational qualification in their signature, rather than a scholastic one?

I could not care less if you are LGV,HGV,ADR,CPC,CTITB,VD and scar. Driver assessor. Or whatever !!!

Iā€™m absolutely with you there jimboy124, because I couldnā€™t care less whether you care less.:grimacing:
People have whatever qualification(s) they have, and if they want to put it/them in their signature, surely they can, otherwise the Mods would have removed it.
The point here jimboy124 is that the forum has a set of published rules, whereas you seem to make yours up as you go along.
And then spring them on people. :smiling_imp:

. Who are you trying to impress ?

Iā€™m not sure that anybody is trying to impress anybody else.
If somebody has a recognised qualification, surely youā€™d agree that it shows that they have achieved the required standard?
So, if thatā€™s a source of pride to a person, why do you need to ask why they put it in their signature? Isnā€™t that their choice?
Iā€™d share your concern about it if a claim to hold a qualification were false, or the person gave misleading advice all the time.

Another thing while i am ranting, people with stupid ID,s. You know who you are !!

Again jimboy124, it might help if a person knew your definition of ā€œstupidā€ when it comes to giving themselves an ID.
Who knows how your system works, because it seems to be based on a system of rules known only to yourself.

Would it be an idea for you to post ā€œthe jimboy124 guide to new members giving themselves an IDā€ ?
That way, those poor unfortunates wouldnā€™t fall foul of your as yet unpublished rule-book.

By the same unknown rule-book, is it OK if a member puts a qualification in their signature that isnā€™t ā€œminor.ā€?

Perhaps youā€™d be good enough to post a list of qualifications that you would find acceptable in signatures pleaseā€¦
If you were to do that, Iā€™m sure that people would do their very best not to cause you the inconvenience of you having to question them by only using ā€œminorā€ qualifications. :smiley:

:wink: BTW jimboy124, my signature doesnā€™t have any qualifications in it, and I hope you find my username acceptable. :sunglasses:

I got a cycling profiency certificate and a bronze award for swimming, and if i wanted to put that in my signature that would be my choice. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I find it slightly preturbing in a week where a number of major companies have gone bust, the new EU members get free reign to the UK transport market, the cost of fuel has risen yet again, one of the most read topics on the forum is this oneā€¦

Is it meā– ā– ? :unamused: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

I would rather see qualifications that people hold.

Rather than some one making and posting dangerous videos of trucks going in and out of lay byes at speed in front of others.

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
I would rather see qualifications that people hold.

Rather than some one making and posting dangerous videos of trucks going in and out of lay byes at speed in front of others.

Brilliant, i wondered how long it would be before you turned up!!

Not only the most stupid ID on here but your acheivements are in bold !! :


I bet you jog with your dog, shop at Habitat and listen to Steely Dan !!


26 years an Lgv Trainer:
I would rather see qualifications that people hold.

Rather than some one making and posting dangerous videos of trucks going in and out of lay byes at speed in front of others.

Brilliant, i wondered how long it would be before you turned up!!

Not only the most stupid ID on here but your acheivements are in bold !! :


I bet you jog with your dog, shop at Habitat and listen to Steely Dan !!

That depends if you are proud at what you can do i guess.

Nice avator by the way is that really you or what you dream of ?

Still a great video that you took very clever . very stupid . and sums you up a treat.

I would rather let people know what i can do rather than show the crazy stuff you do and your proud of doing it.

It is people like you that give Drivers a bad name.

i guess you two donā€™t get along then

I actually like what some of the lads have in the sigs like ROG and 26 years an Lgv Trainer etc, i dont see it as a ā€œlook at meā€ thing at all , i see it as someone who is open to help others if needed, whats wrong with that ?

If thats all you have a problem with in life then get out more or join a lefty group to vent your anger at things that dont have an impact on your life but you feel the need to impose your self righteous opinion on :unamused:

Or just have a few more beers and chill

fight fight fightā€¦

I cant see why peoples little petty gripes with others is an issue for the feedback forum. :open_mouth:

Surely If you have a genuine issue with those certain people ,you should be man enough to take it up with them personally.not go to a certain extent of going pretty much behind their backs by posting in here.


To be fair to Jimboy (well someone has got to be, heā€™s on his own in here so far :laughing: ) he didnā€™t post it in the Feedback Forum but in the Professional Driversā€™ one, it was a Mod who moved it here.
But even if he had, how is that ā€˜going pretty much behind their backsā€™ ?
I donā€™t share his complaint but hardly a case for going to war. :unamused:

I dont think anyone is going to war with him , he might be a top bloke in life , i dont know , but his post had a rather pathetic theme to it hence some of the replyā€™s.

Personally I donā€™t care what people put in their signature, I give it no credence anyway.

This is the Internet, anyone can claim anything they like, the only way to see if someone knows what theyā€™re talking about is to read some of their posts, what it says in the signature is insignificant and certainly not worth getting upset over.

ā€¦but his post had a rather pathetic theme to it hence some of the replyā€™s.

I believe it is called fishing, and he didnā€™t half get some bites. It is getting far to easy to wind people up on here and to get them to bite over the smallest things. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Looks like weā€™ll have to thing of something more challenging for next weekend Jim, this one was too easy. Seven or eight biters wasnā€™t a bad result really, although you win the bet as I did say I thought you would get to double figures :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I believe it is called fishing, and he didnā€™t half get some bites. It is getting far to easy to wind people up on here and to get them to bite over the smallest things. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

When is having a dig at people a small thing ?

he still needs to get out more :wink:

(Bait at the ready)

Personally I donā€™t care what people put in their signature, I give it no credence anyway.

This is the Internet, anyone can claim anything they like, the only way to see if someone knows what theyā€™re talking about is to read some of their posts, what it says in the signature is insignificant and certainly not worth getting upset over.

You have turned me round tachograph.
I apologise to everybody i have upset todayā€¦
All i was doing was expressing my opinion about something that was getting on my nerves!
I am OK now ā€¦ the pills have kicked in !!
I will move on to my next abomination !!
:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Now then, Iā€™ll start about the poster having a username and not their real nameā€¦

ā€¦ OK, maybe not :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

and whats wrong with steely dan

edited, 'cos Iā€™m an arse! :laughing: :blush:

and i jog with my dog, does that make me a bad person

I got a cycling profiency certificate and a bronze award for swimming, and if i wanted to put that in my signature that would be my choice. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Is it meā– ā– ? :unamused: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Does this make Rikki a relative of Arnold Rimmer BSC? (Bronze Swimming Ceritificate)