Why are the rules on this site not being implemented?

As Rikki is once again ignoring emails…

The rules state :

Stage One - Rule Reminder

The first time a rules breach occurs, you will receive a PM or E-Mail from the Forum Moderator or an Admin reminding you of the rules.

members who breach the rules slightly or whose posts take up a disproportionate amount of the Moderators/Admin team’s time may have their forum permisssions set so any posts they make has to be approved by a Moderator/Admin before it is seen publicaly. This may be done for a short time (e.g. Overnight to allow a situation to cool down,) or for a longer period. The pre-moderation may be set for a single forum or board wide depending on the individual case. It may take a while for pre-moderated posts to appear depending on wether any of the moderating team are on-line and their workload

Stage Two - Yellow Card

If you carry on breaking the rules, you will be given a Formal Warning, know as a Yellow Card, also by PM or E-Mail.

Continued breaches of the rules will attract periods of suspension, increasing as follows for each occasion.

Stage Three - 48 Hours

Stage Four - 2 Weeks

Stage Five - 1 Month

Stage Six - Long Term

If after Stage Five you carry on creating work for the Mods with your rule-breaching, you will get a Long Term Suspension - first for 6 months and then for 12 months. Both types of Long Term Suspension will only be lifted at the end of their time once we have received a written undertaking from the member concerned to abide by the rules in future.

Why are trouble-causing members never moved past the pre-mod stage?

There are several members who refuse to post within the rules and whose sole reason for being here is to maliciously cause trouble for others. A number of them are on pre-mod and have been for some considerable time with no intention of changing their ways. What exactly is the point of this? Clearly the members are too stupid to understand how to conduct themselves in a correct manner and so the only thing it serves to do is create a whole load of unnecessary work for the mods.

May I propose a better method and far simpler way of dealing with this :

Stage 1 : warning
Stage 2 : final warning
Stage 3 : pre-mod (you have 15 pre-modded posts to prove you’ve learnt your lesson and can be released back to the civilised forum community)
Stage 4 : if you fail at 3, perma ban.

Can anyone see a problem with this because I can’t.


Good to see you back.

Yes I agree the moderation of this site has been a bit up and down, and certain members are getting away with it. Not a complaint and certainly not bad enough to warrant me leaving.

I also see what appears to be reincarnations almost on a daily basis. No proof so only saying ‘what appears to be’

Hope you had a good Christmas and Happy New Year to you :slight_smile:

Rob K:
Can anyone see a problem with this because I can’t.


Yes. It would still be too soft.

They’re just making themselves unnecessary work imho.
They can easily enough register as another user anyway.

Red Squirrel:
They can easily enough register as another user anyway.

Most of the attempts to re-register don’t even make it to the board, although admittedly some do.


Red Squirrel:
They can easily enough register as another user anyway.

Most of the attempts to re-register don’t even make it to the board, although admittedly some do.

I find that surprising actually.

Rob K:
Why are trouble-causing members never moved past the pre-mod stage?

There are several members who refuse to post within the rules and whose sole reason for being here is to maliciously cause trouble for others. A number of them are on pre-mod and have been for some considerable time with no intention of changing their ways. What exactly is the point of this? Clearly the members are too stupid to understand how to conduct themselves in a correct manner and so the only thing it serves to do is create a whole load of unnecessary work for the mods.

May I propose a better method and far simpler way of dealing with this :

Stage 1 : warning
Stage 2 : final warning
Stage 3 : pre-mod (you have 15 pre-modded posts to prove you’ve learnt your lesson and can be released back to the civilised forum community)
Stage 4 : if you fail at 3, perma ban.

Can anyone see a problem with this because I can’t.


Whilst in principle I can see you point, it has to be said that if someone on pre-mod is still managing to post stuff that’s against the rules there must be something going wrong with the pre-mod system, having said that I have to say that I haven’t noticed it happening but then I don’t read all the threads so that may explain why.

Personally I wouldn’t bother with the pre-mod system, after fair warnings I’d suspend rule-breakers for say a week then a month then perhaps three months then permanently.

In my humble opinion the way this place is moderated is much better than it was when entire threads would be locked or deleted because a few people couldn’t post responsibly, so there has been a huge improvement in my opinion.

At the end of the day the people who run this site have decided on a system and we just have to accept it, you can’t please all of the people all of the time so there will always be things some of us don’t agree with, but the way I look on it is that if they want to make work for themselves it’s their choice and wont spoil my experience of this site :wink:

Good to see you posting again though Rob :wink:

All the Rob K fans have been waiting in anticipation for the return of the great man himself, and this is what we get? What a big let down ffs. :unamused:

Nothing to see here folks, move along now …

He’s still at it though ain’t he? Things don’t go his way, and off he goes. :unamused:

He’s still at it though ain’t he? Things don’t go his way, and off he goes. :unamused:

Exactly the sort of pointless crap and trolling I’m talking about. The whole point of members being on pre-mod is to prevent this from going public. What a complete waste of ■■■■■■■ time.

i don’t even no who is on pre-mod :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

but saying that, life is to short to even worry about it.

Rob K:

He’s still at it though ain’t he? Things don’t go his way, and off he goes. :unamused:

Exactly the sort of pointless crap and trolling I’m talking about. The whole point of members being on pre-mod is to prevent this from going public. What a complete waste of [zb] time.

How is this trolling? What you posted is more likely to cause offence. And whoever is in charge ie:- NOT YOU! Has deemed what I post acceptable. So once again, you whinge on like an old washer woman, cos you aren’t happy… Welcome back.

i don’t even no who is on pre-mod :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Their username appears unbolded in certain areas of the site when they are on pre-mod.


Rob K:

He’s still at it though ain’t he? Things don’t go his way, and off he goes. :unamused:

Exactly the sort of pointless crap and trolling I’m talking about. The whole point of members being on pre-mod is to prevent this from going public. What a complete waste of [zb] time.

How is this trolling? What you posted is more likely to cause offence. And whoever is in charge ie:- NOT YOU! Has deemed what I post acceptable. So once again, you whinge on like an old washer woman, cos you aren’t happy. Get a life you pathetic man. Welcome back.

Proof if it were needed that the pre-mod system is not even worth the words stated in the ‘rules’. Whoever the mod is that is allowing these posts through should be sacked.

Get on with it. I refuse to stoop to your childish levels. I am out until you are banned.

The rules are acceptable to the huge majority of people who use this site. I can only suggest if they are not to anyones liking they use one of the other websites out there that have different guidelines to ours.

Well welcome back, and good bye again :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Rob K:


Rob K:

He’s still at it though ain’t he? Things don’t go his way, and off he goes. :unamused:

Exactly the sort of pointless crap and trolling I’m talking about. The whole point of members being on pre-mod is to prevent this from going public. What a complete waste of [zb] time.

How is this trolling? What you posted is more likely to cause offence. And whoever is in charge ie:- NOT YOU! Has deemed what I post acceptable. So once again, you whinge on like an old washer woman, cos you aren’t happy. Get a life you pathetic man. Welcome back.

Proof if it were needed that the pre-mod system is not even worth the words stated in the ‘rules’. Whoever the mod is that is allowing these posts through should be sacked.

Get on with it. I refuse to stoop to your childish levels. I am out until you are banned.

YOU…want ME banned? When you get a Forum that you can finally be in charge of. I’ll be sure not to register ok? Until then…Mind it. I am being punished for reasons that have (How can I put it?) Oh yeah. Nowt to do with you. Gee.whizz! :unamused:


Rob K:


Rob K:

He’s still at it though ain’t he? Things don’t go his way, and off he goes. :unamused:

Exactly the sort of pointless crap and trolling I’m talking about. The whole point of members being on pre-mod is to prevent this from going public. What a complete waste of [zb] time.

How is this trolling? What you posted is more likely to cause offence. And whoever is in charge ie:- NOT YOU! Has deemed what I post acceptable. So once again, you whinge on like an old washer woman, cos you aren’t happy. Get a life you pathetic man. Welcome back.

Proof if it were needed that the pre-mod system is not even worth the words stated in the ‘rules’. Whoever the mod is that is allowing these posts through should be sacked.

Get on with it. I refuse to stoop to your childish levels. I am out until you are banned.

YOU…want ME banned? When you get a Forum that you can finally be in charge of. I’ll be sure not to register ok? Until then…Mind it. I am being punished for reasons that have (How can I put it?) Oh yeah. Nowt to do with you. Gee.whizz! :unamused:

Here’s my own personal view, because there isn’t a rule for this (i don’t think! :blush: ) , but if you two don’t get on then don’t converse with each other. You’re supposed to be grown men for christs sake. I’ll bet the mods on Walt Disneys forum don’t have to deal with this childishness.

The rules are acceptable to the huge majority of people who use this site. I can only suggest if they are not to anyones liking they use one of the other websites out there that have different guidelines to ours.


The rules are acceptable to the huge majority of people who use this site. I can only suggest if they are not to anyones liking they use one of the other websites out there that have different guidelines to ours.

My ball my rules :exclamation: :exclamation: