Why are the rules on this site not being implemented?

Rob K:
Proof if it were needed that the pre-mod system is not even worth the words stated in the ‘rules’. Whoever the mod is that is allowing these posts through should be sacked.

Get on with it. I refuse to stoop to your childish levels. I am out until you are banned.

Really?? OK then.

To be honest Rob, even though I found you to be a bit of a Troll and a bully, you still had the balls to stand up to what you believe in.
We’ve had our differences, I’ve already apologised for my BS over a Year ago, life goes on, this place will be a little bit duller without you. Anyway, bye.


The rules are acceptable to the huge majority of people who use this site. I can only suggest if they are not to anyones liking they use one of the other websites out there that have different guidelines to ours.

My ball my rules :exclamation: :exclamation:

As you would be, if it was your site.

The rules are acceptable to the huge majority of people who use this site. I can only suggest if they are not to anyones liking they use one of the other websites out there that have different guidelines to ours.

I find the rules all fair and good even though I have been on premod and also thanks for the link explaining the warnings ratings , I am on number two which could explain why I am not allowed a avatar. sigh
That is all .HTH :wink:

i don’t even no who is on pre-mod :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Big Vern is .HTH :wink:

Suffolk ReeferBoy:
I am on number two which could explain why I am not allowed a avatar. sigh

Personally I have never considered you to be a number 2.

I hope this helps.

Yes I am…I’m not proud, but they are the facts. HTH. :wink:

personal attack removed

wow, first post and he is pre modded :smiley: :smiley:. Now that takes some doing

On the subject of the forum rules, where are they ? :confused:

On the subject of the forum rules, where are they ? :confused:

Plain English version rules and guidelines

Thanks for that, just out of interest how do you find them :confused:

I’ve looked on the index page and in the forums, I’ve obviously missed something :blush:

Thanks for that, just out of interest how do you find them :confused:

I’ve looked on the index page and in the forums, I’ve obviously missed something :blush:


Oh yeah, I knew I’d seen them somewhere :blush: :blush:

Rob K:
I refuse to stoop to your childish levels. I am out until you are banned.

So he was banned then or you just couldn’t keep your word?


Rob K:
I refuse to stoop to your childish levels. I am out until you are banned.

So he was banned then or you just couldn’t keep your word?

As Rikki once said, It is a long time since anybody was banned.

However Steve, you know better than to try a fishing trip on that subject, because as you already know, IF any sanctions are taken, they will always remain private between the Mod/Admin team and the member.

I know this doesn’t answer your question in the way that you seem to want, but I hope it helps.

As Rikki once said, It is a long time since anybody was banned.

However Steve, you know better than to try a fishing trip on that subject, because as you already know, IF any sanctions are taken, they will always remain private between the Mod/Admin team and the member.

I know this doesn’t answer your question in the way that you seem to want, but I hope it helps.

Hehehe, what do you think Dave?
I’m just returning the ‘compliment’ to special K, as you know!

I’m just returning the ‘compliment’ to special K, as you know!

Is that different way of saying, “I’m being a childish ■■■■”? Because that’s what you are coming across as. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:



I’m just returning the ‘compliment’ to special K, as you know!

Is that different way of saying, “I’m being a childish ■■■■”? Because that’s what you are coming across as. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Errrr, nope, that was me just returning a favour. You are of course free to read it as you see fit.
Thank you.

Rob K:

He’s still at it though ain’t he? Things don’t go his way, and off he goes. :unamused:

Exactly the sort of pointless crap and trolling I’m talking about. The whole point of members being on pre-mod is to prevent this from going public. What a complete waste of [zb] time.

Why take things so seriously? :confused: :unamused: Why don’t you go back to truckersworld if thats how you want a forum to be run…Oh hang on your banned. :laughing:

I wasn’t banned…I served my time. Not that it was anyone’s business. SHHHHH! :wink: