Who's working over the holidays

was meant to be off from fri eve till wed morn then phone call comes can you work the weekend
says i “have plans made”
says them “can u do sat”
i say “ok”
then" can you do mon tues"
says i “look i do sat as a favour but if u stuck i wont let u down but prefer not to” (worst words i ever said)
so phone call comes “do mon nice and easy trip for u go into london city (20 miles away) u got a 3.5 tonner they will be waiting for you at 8am to tip u then back to yard and finished for the day” (we get paid by the day)

so do that today in city for 7am they tip at 8am then i get u have a load to go back hmmm didnt finish till 5pm so much for the easy day

you live you learn!!!

Done 3 drops around Paris and now heading over to Laval ready for the morning.

Just done Cardiff to Crawley during during rush hour and only came off the limiter through the road works. Bliss. I would still preferred to have stayed in bed though.

I took on some work for some coach driving work as the regular agencies refused to give me any.

So on Sunday I drove a 49 seater coach a total of 70 miles including from base to the customer and spent a relaxing 3 hours of POA of my 7 hour duty just catching up on webforums from my laptop.

Then yesterday I was doing a shuttle run out in Lincolnshire in a minibus to the Midlands for some tour coaches. I’ll probably get about £140 for those two days of work but it’s still money coming in isn’t it!

Working all of it for standard time because i’m rostered in and public holidays are classed as normal working days. Thankyou DHL.

I’m so glad they sacked me and saved me from myself! :grimacing:

washy jnr:
Normal working days for us,Monday and Tuesday,but on the positive side it’s double bubble and 2 days holiday in lieu :sunglasses:
Monday starts 0215 Brackley-Silverstone-Brackley-Glastonbury-Brackley

Well,worked out very well in the end…13.25 hrs payable on Monday and 10.5 hrs payable today…a week’s wage’s in 2 days and I didnt have to go to the street party :smiley:
