Who's a Class 1 bellend!

Well I’m driving a double decker tomorrow with the normal driver in the passengers seat! :smiley:
It’s unpaid, but I’m not at all concerned about that, as I want the hours and experience behind the wheel…
It’s multi-drop so I should get plenty of maneuvering practice, or just crying like a little girl! :laughing:

Obviously it’s with the firm I normally drive a VAN for, and why I was happy to be working at a place that runs both classes.
For those that don’t know, I’m a limper (agency), so getting the opportunity to ease into Artic driving isn’t necessarily easy…

So I’m all over it like a rash! :grimacing:

40 mile an hour winds tomorrow lunchtime! :open_mouth:
Extra underpants are already packed! :laughing:

Well done Evil although we had no doubts you’d make it!

Now, you need to report back how many shunts it took to do the first RDC reverse into a bay…seems to be pretty much the standard by which all new class 1 drivers are judged here (and no cheating). :slight_smile:

Well done Evil although we had no doubts you’d make it!

Now, you need to report back how many shunts it took to do the first RDC reverse into a bay…seems to be pretty much the standard by which all new class 1 drivers are judged here (and no cheating). :slight_smile:

Cheers pal, and it’s pallet delivery in a tautliner (curtain sider), so not RDC’s.
More like industrial estates with cars abandoned everywhere, and plenty of interesting turns to negotiate.
Should be fun! :smiley:

I’ll try not to bring back a mascot! :grimacing:

First day out in a decker on a windy day fair play fella good on you deep end and all that.
Take it easy keep away from kerbs and do everything smoothly keep us updated

Good on ya mate. I ended up in swansea (eventually) Today and the wind was howling. I was only in a 13ft 18t curtain sider but it was blowing me all over the place sepecially when I was empty running back.

Hey all the best drivers start on Van btw & work there way up through the ranks

Well done & yep I still lower myself to come in here to help the newbies as this is how they learn from us older women on the forum now listen to your mother & be very careful out there as there are some big nasty men out there :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

First day out in a decker on a windy day fair play fella good on you deep end and all that.
Take it easy keep away from kerbs and do everything smoothly keep us updated

Easy is DEFINITELY the way I’ll be driving, I couldn’t take the abuse if I ■■■■ up on my first outing! :laughing:

Good on ya mate. I ended up in swansea (eventually) Today and the wind was howling. I was only in a 13ft 18t curtain sider but it was blowing me all over the place sepecially when I was empty running back.

I’m looking forward to it mate, got blown about a little over the weekend in Big Beauty…
But I suspect that will be nothing compared to tomorrow in a DD. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hey all the best drivers start on Van btw & work there way up through the ranks

Well done & yep I still lower myself to come in here to help the newbies as this is how they learn from us older women on the forum now listen to your mother & be very careful out there as there are some big nasty men out there :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m one of those big nasty men! :open_mouth:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Cheers animal, and I won’t forget to pop in here and belittle the VAN drivers! :laughing:
Besides, I’ve no intention of relinquishing my title of biggest Bellend! :grimacing:

I also need to try and make up for the beaver’s absence while he’s sunning himself on holiday in Dubai! :sunglasses:
Paul’s having a good go as well!!! And he is a VERY VERY bad man… :wink:

I always thought you were a 1st Class Bell End, but I guess you have a certificate now that says otherwise…

Congratulations :laughing:

Best of luck today!

Evil! Congratz on the pass. W+D or artic? Which route did you do? The burgerking turn? That railway bridge that screwed me over?

I always thought you were a 1st Class Bell End, but I guess you have a certificate now that says otherwise…

Congratulations :laughing:

Best of luck today!

Cheers pal, and the certificate or possible lack of one… sent our warehouse supervisor into a spin when I pulled back in this evening after a run on my own. He came limping over at speed (non agency) asking “you got a licence for this?”, and my response was “what licence? :open_mouth:”, adding “I’m already HGV mate!” But I could only keep it up for about 4 rounds of him getting concerned that I didn’t know I needed a different licence for Class 1, before I cracked and laughed! :laughing:

Evil! Congratz on the pass. W+D or artic? Which route did you do? The burgerking turn? That railway bridge that screwed me over?

Hi mate, it was Big Beauty (the red artic) As for the run, I’m pretty much a blank! :open_mouth: A lot of it I didn’t cover with Dave, as apparently there are about 8 routes, and you can’t cover em all… The one part I do remember, is a T junction that requires a very late 90 degree right turn to get past the curb, while not taking out the traffic light in front with the mirror or headboard. And as long as you miss those by inches, you can get the trailer wheels around the curb.
But I didn’t quite manage that! :open_mouth:
Hence why I got enough minors to start up a coalmine! :laughing:

Definitely worth it though, as had a great day today in Class 1! :smiley:
After my shift chauffeuring the normal driver around, with him giving me advice, tips and watching me back on the tricky bits. I went for a short run on my own to go collect a trailer, bring it back, unload it, return it, and put back on the bay. Loved that, and especially appreciated only needing 4 attempts to put it on the bay! :smiley: However that was with no one watching in a deserted yard. Result! :grimacing: i.e. Practice with no pressure…
I think I could have done it in less if it wasn’t dark, as I couldn’t see the lines and getting it straight was the hardest part.
But have one person watching, and I bet I would have been in double figures! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Glad you’re enjoying driving artics.

I can help with the route. For anyone with local knowledge, from our centre to the box junc at Sutton. Past Asda. Right at the RAB. Follow through to A38 (Snipe pub) turn right. To m’way rab, 1st exit onto M1 south. Down 1 junction to 27. Follow signs for Mansfield. After 2 miles or so, look out for me coming towards you and flashing my lights! Turn left at the traffic lights towards Kirkby. (This will be be potential curb catcher). Follow all the way through Kirkby to mini rab. Turn right. Over A38. Roundabout 1st exit. To church traffic lights, turn right. Asda rab, 1st exit. Back to centre.

In my book, this is a low priority route for 2 reasons. Firstly, it’s straightforward with no real “trip up” points. Secondly, it’s not overused.

Hope this helps, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:
Glad you’re enjoying driving artics.

I can help with the route. For anyone with local knowledge, from our centre to the box junc at Sutton. Past Asda. Right at the RAB. Follow through to A38 (Snipe pub) turn right. To m’way rab, 1st exit onto M1 south. Down 1 junction to 27. Follow signs for Mansfield. After 2 miles or so, look out for me coming towards you and flashing my lights! Turn left at the traffic lights towards Kirkby. (This will be be potential curb catcher). Follow all the way through Kirkby to mini rab. Turn right. Over A38. Roundabout 1st exit. To church traffic lights, turn right. Asda rab, 1st exit. Back to centre.

In my book, this is a low priority route for 2 reasons. Firstly, it’s straightforward with no real “trip up” points. Secondly, it’s not overused.

Hope this helps, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Where’s the tight right turn in that I describe Pete?
I’m lost! :laughing:

The other part I remember was a very straight minor high street road with a dip/valley in the centre, that was tight to get 2 artics past each other… Think I got another minor there for hesitation, lack of progress where the examiner would have liked me to press on. My thoughts were don’t be aggressive and get a major! :laughing:

Well done!

Popping over too from t’ other thread as it’s a well know name. You’ll be an artic convert before you know it. Enjoy and ask away for advice… Well done.

Where’s the tight right turn in that I describe Pete?

It’ll be this one:

To church traffic lights, turn right.

There is only one route that uses the bit of road where I met you so I think I’ve got it right.

This is the link to the junction. streetlist.co.uk/address/Hac … al-DH8-5UQ The secret with an artic is to start off a little way from the left curb so that you can steer left in the junction before steering right. Hope that makes sense.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

ting tau lay CONGRADULATIONS I must say you must be a very talented endofbell and have a mahooseve iq for to post as much as you do one often wonders if one needs shampoo :question: well done baldy :question: :confused:

Well done Evil. Your pep talk has brought me around. Good to keep things in perspective following what those ■■■■■ did in Paris.

Was the reverse as easy/hard as people make out?

Test reverse is a doddle

Thanks again people, and I will Freight Dog as I’m not exactly shy am I? :smiley:

That looks like the junction Pete, and that does make sense… I just bottled it and started turning a little too soon fearing the headboard overhang would hit the traffic light. Plus I probably didn’t steer initially left enough to start with… :blush:

Cheers mozzy666 I’m massively talented, and when I know what in, I’ll let you all know!
And no massive IO mate, I’m just a gobby bellend! :laughing:

JS8576 - I do try to help other pal, and I like to have a giggle as well… Normally like a girl! :laughing:
As for the reverse it just takes a bit of practice, and some will need more than others… What you shouldn’t do is admit defeat and get annoyed with yourself. It just takes time, and you have plenty of that on your lessons if needed. However if you (or anyone else) are worried about it, you could/should maybe consider extra training if you can find it. It probably doesn’t even need to be an artic, as the basics are the same with a car trailer or caravan. So if you know someone who has something like that, ask them! :smiley:

Compared to the real world, yes the test reverse is a doddle (as Paul says) but it’s about showing you have potential to learn and improve. Plus if they did do a realistic reverse on test, most learners would run way screaming. Just like I wanted to do a couple of times today, when I had to basically jack-knife the trailer, and then chase it around to get into a couple of drops. Luckily for me a had an experienced driver with me, who was watching my back. And who can blame him, the front of me isn’t exactly pretty! :laughing: