Who's a Class 1 bellend!

Thanks everyone! :smiley:

OMG! :open_mouth: Royalty truly has graced us with his presence… :laughing:
And for all the fresh Newbies on the forum, this man has seen it, done it, brought the tee shirt & is still wearing it backwards! :laughing:
But I don’t think I’ve even seen this omnipotent driving Adonis EVER post here, as he’s far to busy reading his map because he’s too tight to buy a new SatNav! :laughing:

Cheers mate and sound advice mate…
And now I’ve conquered being the biggest bellend on the Newbie forum, I’ll be turning my attention and ambitions to the main forum… Boy that’s going to be a tough job! :open_mouth:
However, I won’t forget my roots, and will pop in here to speak to the VAN drivers now and then! :smiley:

Paul - I think 4 in a row is pretty good, but I got more minors than that! :laughing:

LOL - No worries Pete and thanks! :smiley: It didn’t make any difference, and the examiner seemed chuffed to see you and say hello! :laughing:
Jokes Pete? :open_mouth: - You normally resist, but I wish you wouldn’t! :smiley: And I agree with Paul as to your status…

Coming to a town near you soon… … …


If only I could get that plate! :smiley:
But a left ■■■■■■? :open_mouth: Not on your life at the minute pal! :laughing:

You’ll still be a van driving bellend to us. Now your just a bendy bellend.

Congratulations on the pass

I need to buy a cordless angle grinder and find a reason to go to Santa Pod again.

Ah, so that was you in the reception today!
I was in reception eagerly bricking myself in anticipation of my first play in a bendy truck when you returned from test. Well ■■■■■■ done that man. Jobs a good un!

Gone quiet, probably trying to get his username changed to BarryBlindside or something equally pathetic.

You’ll still be a van driving bellend to us. Now your just a bendy bellend.

Congratulations on the pass

Beaver reckons he’s more into rigid things.

Ah, so that was you in the reception today!
I was in reception eagerly bricking myself in anticipation of my first play in a bendy truck when you returned from test. Well [zb] done that man. Jobs a good un!

Ehh? my mind is a bit of a blur after my test mate, I was in shock that I passed! :laughing:
But probably yes, a tall bellend in an orange Hi-Viz jacket, that would be me! :smiley:
Hope your drive went well pal, the truck was in one piece when i left it! :laughing:

Go to bed Paul, you’ve a very very bad man! :grimacing:

NickW88 - Sorry mate, don’t speak to VAN drivers anymore! :laughing:

wow, congrats, mate, well done really. best of luck in moving onto class one work :slight_smile:

wow, congrats, mate, well done really. best of luck in moving onto class one work :slight_smile:

Cheers pal, and I can’t wait…
My back can’t cope with class 2 VAN work! :laughing:

Congrats, Evil,

I look forward to updates on how you get on with your new caravan. :slight_smile:


yeah, i hear you mate

not really enjoying multidrop myself: bloody drive for 20 mins and then spend 2 hours inside and outside the trailer, that’s not really what i have spent 3K+ on :unamused: :blush:

yeah, i hear you mate

not really enjoying multidrop myself: bloody drive for 20 mins and then spend 2 hours inside and outside the trailer, that’s not really what i have spent 3K+ on :unamused: :blush:

Yep, Class 2 can be a bit/lot physical depending on the gig, and I didn’t think mine was too bad…
Or not until I rested all weekend and then put my back out Sunday evening getting off the sofa! :laughing:
It just went ping and I’ve been walking around looking like I’m dying for the toilet ever since.
Getting better now, but a torn muscle in the back takes ages to heal.
However I’m glad of the VAN experience, as I doubt I’d have passed yesterday without it…

I’ll let you know how I get on…
Later mate! :smiley:

Well done fella,pass or fail your still a bellend but now you have passed your a better grade of bellend :smiley:

He may be a Bellend,
but he’s our Bellend. [emoji12]

Well done Mr Evil. [emoji106]

Well done mate. Now, Next time you park your van in the services next to the big boys, don’t forget to tell them you have a class one licence, but choose not to use it!

Well done Mr evil nice one not bad for a wheelbarrow attendant :grimacing:

When you park next to a bendy one put a sign in the windscreen "class 1 driver " lol
When you go out in a bendy take your time just because you can rush round in a van it’s not the same take both lanes at an island or turning.
Just think you can hold up more traffic in a bendy,had a car today trying to squeeze past so pulled forward got out and took ages looking serves him right muppet lol.

Congratulations young man, just in time for the ice and snow :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:

chateauneuf du pape!!! Excellent mate, well done :smiley:


Well done fella,pass or fail your still a bellend but now you have passed your a better grade of bellend :smiley:

He may be a Bellend,
but he’s our Bellend. [emoji12]

Well done Mr Evil. [emoji106]

Are we not all bellends together? :open_mouth:
(Doesn’t sound good that… :laughing: )

Cheers guys, and Martin, can I come and work for Viking Industries? :open_mouth:
Although you insurance premiums may rise a bit! :smiley:

Captain Caveman 76:
Well done mate. Now, Next time you park your van in the services next to the big boys, don’t forget to tell them you have a class one licence, but choose not to use it!

Cheers Cavey, I’m sure they can’t wait to have me jumping up and down like an excited puppy trying to lick their window and tell them the good news! :laughing: (I just hope I don’t run into DipperDave, I’m not sure I’d ever recover! :open_mouth:)

Well done Mr evil nice one not bad for a wheelbarrow attendant :grimacing:

When you park next to a bendy one put a sign in the windscreen "class 1 driver " lol
When you go out in a bendy take your time just because you can rush round in a van it’s not the same take both lanes at an island or turning.
Just think you can hold up more traffic in a bendy,had a car today trying to squeeze past so pulled forward got out and took ages looking serves him right muppet lol.

Thanks Daytrucker, I’ll miss that wheelbarrow, do you know anyone who wants to buy one covered in learner stickers? :grimacing:
Already got my plate made pal, and you’re close, as i went for “Class 1 Bellend!” :smiley:
Yes I plan to be a little selfish to start when it comes to taking turns and using more of the road, as dragging a railing and traffic furniture down the road isn’t featuring in my plans… I think my VAN driving experience has helped me not to worry a chuff about holding up the public a little, if it keeps me out of trouble! :smiley:

Congratulations young man, just in time for the ice and snow :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:

Thank you very much Pops! :grimacing: But I gotta get in one first! :frowning:
I’m still waiting on that other thing, which looks like January now, but a Class 1 licence can’t hurt! :smiley:
And less of the young, I’m only 6 years off Saga! :blush:

chateauneuf du pape!!! Excellent mate, well done :smiley:

monge tu, monge tu mate! :smiley:
Don’t want to buy an original wheelbarrow do you pal?
It’s had 4 new wheels and 6 new bodies, so completely original! :laughing:
