Who's a Class 1 bellend!

Well done buddy!

Pleased for you…

Christ. I have a week away, and everybody has had delusions of grandeur. Beezle thinks he is an Ice Road Trucker or something.

Nowak thinks he has suddenly become a top comedian.

Robroy thinks he is a newbie. None of you tools are an autograph signing Stobart legend like me.

When you lot have ascended the metaphorical mountain of greatness[THAT IS COMMONLY KNOWN ON HERE AS eagerbeaver], then come back to me.

Tin hat on.

Dear Bellend. I was amusing, and had a Class 1 licence before you were even tossing yourself off over Mark Dixon and Matt Ekins (and that Sav’nah even bloody well trained you) God help us all.

Sorry, read the title and thought you were going to say Robroy. My mistake.

Finally I have made it on to the forum to congratulate you! I am half asleep and can see just about. So treasure this moment well done bellend!

Sorry, read the title and thought you were going to say Robroy. My mistake.

Cheers for that mate. As I said I don’t normally come on this forum but a mate of mine said somebody was having a pop, so curiousity got the better of me. :blush:

However now I have seen that it is only you I needn’t have bothered, as not many give a lot of credibility to a lot of the drivel that you put on here anyway.
So try harder next time bud :wink:
Bye now x :smiley:

Well done I bet your drive was really smooth on your test-You just wanted to keep us all on the edge of our seats! :angry: :open_mouth: Really pleased for you.I guess as I’ m only a VAN driver aka CAT C- I do not deserve a reply on THIS forum
BUT noticed beaver is back from hols

Well done I bet your drive was really smooth on your test-You just wanted to keep us all on the edge of our seats! :angry: :open_mouth: Really pleased for you.I guess as I’ m only a VAN driver aka CAT C- I do not deserve a reply on THIS forum
BUT noticed beaver is back from hols

No mate, I had a dog of a drive I kid you not… :laughing:
But that doesn’t matter, as now i’m a bender! :grimacing:

Don’t fear mate, the Beaver, Paul & myself will talk to VAN drivers, just remember to bow your heads while we’re doing it! :smiley:

ash 001:
Finally I have made it on to the forum to congratulate you! I am half asleep and can see just about. So treasure this moment well done bellend!

And finally the pup shows up… :smiley:
How’s it going driving that VAN with your benders licence in your pocket you bellend? :grimacing:

Glad you got back last night with 1 minute to spare! :laughing:

A trucker drove down a dead end
Which started a bit of a trend
His limp got worse
His Lidl bag burst
Confirming a Class 1 Bellend


Barely functional this morning with no motivation to look for a new job but then think about how the last week has been, I must job hunt now!

A trucker drove down a dead end
Which started a bit of a trend
His limp got worse
His Lidl bag burst
Confirming a Class 1 Bellend

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A trucker drove down a dead end
Which started a bit of a trend
His limp got worse
His Lidl bag burst
Confirming a Class 1 Bellend


His name was Evil :smiley:

For Mr Beezle’s poorly sick back

Excellent choice, if only I could reach…
What you saying to me? :open_mouth:

I’m back on it Monday and turned down the offer of a night trunk this evening, as I thought it was the sensible/■■■■■ thing to do…

Try harder! :grimacing:

Now go do the job, and stop answering every single thread that appears online.

Humour is one thing, overkill is another.

Well done sir, Deeply envious I just hope I can replicate your pass in the not to distant future.

Well done fella, only just popped into this forum and saw your news :sunglasses:


Sorry, read the title and thought you were going to say Robroy. My mistake.

Cheers for that mate. As I said I don’t normally come on this forum but a mate of mine said somebody was having a pop, so curiousity got the better of me. :blush:

However now I have seen that it is only you I needn’t have bothered, as not many give a lot of credibility to a lot of the drivel that you put on here anyway.
So try harder next time bud :wink:
Bye now x :smiley:

I did put “my mistake” but after reading your limp reponse I can see why I thought the subject was about you.

Well done sir, Deeply envious I just hope I can replicate your pass in the not to distant future.

Well done fella, only just popped into this forum and saw your news :sunglasses:

Cheers guys! :smiley:
I’ll be in a truck passing you soon Drift! :grimacing: