Whole threads gone walkabout

Wtf , having a good discussion with Hutpik about hunting then low and behold the thread’s gone by sunrise :unamused: What’s the limp wristed excuse this time ? Can hardly await the reply :laughing:

Maybe because I couldn’t keep my breakfast down?

Wtf , having a good discussion with Hutpik about hunting

The clues in the Name TRUCKNet - not “lets discuss our ■■■■■■ fantasies about women” , or discuss hunting and post up pictures of such- there are other more suitable forums for those sorts of conversations, or even the private messge system :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: The topic had gone so far off subject it wasnt worth saving.

Ain’t that what bully’s bar is for

If this logic was applied across trucknet every thread Carryfast posted in would be taken down.

Sorry to have offended those with a weak constitution :laughing: not .

If this logic was applied across trucknet every thread Carryfast posted in would be taken down.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

If this logic was applied across trucknet every thread Carryfast posted in would be taken down.

Now that’s an idea! Fortunately Carryfast hasn’t yet posted pictures of dead animals with their insides showing !

Denis you live on Exmoor , am sure you didn’t find the pics offensive , are you saying that someone else did ?

flat to the mat:
Denis you live on Exmoor , am sure you didn’t find the pics offensive , are you saying that someone else did ?

Quite a few people reported the posts , as not what they were expecting on a forum about truck driving- and not just the posts about hunting
:wink: - this is not facebook our focus is about truck driving and trucks, you could have used our off topic forum for the chat about hunting- but didnt -
If you had, we as mods would probably have only edited the topic title to warn folks about graphic images inside the post so those who use the forums as intended could choose if they viewed the images.
the hunting images, in bullys bar with a warning about graphic images would probably stay- the ■■■■■■ fantasies about a certain individual were never going to stay on here- either in the main forum or the bar, just isnt going to happen - thems the rules, Like it or lump it they aint going to change

Denis F:

If this logic was applied across trucknet every thread Carryfast posted in would be taken down.

Now that’s an idea! Fortunately Carryfast hasn’t yet posted pictures of dead animals with their insides showing !

Give it time. It will be all thatcher the Germans or British rails fault

When a thread goes off topic, why does it have to be deleted?? Couldn’t it be moved to bully’s bar or a more associated section ■■


Denis F:

If this logic was applied across trucknet every thread Carryfast posted in would be taken down.

Now that’s an idea! Fortunately Carryfast hasn’t yet posted pictures of dead animals with their insides showing !

Give it time. It will be all thatcher the Germans or British rails fault

And of course the “age police” :laughing:

When a thread goes off topic, why does it have to be deleted?? Couldn’t it be moved to bully’s bar or a more associated section ■■

They do :grimacing:
When they go too far off topic and into more adult themes - then the whole conversation needs moving to other websites that cater for that sort of thing… we dont.

The hunting thing I would have been happy with it in Bully’s Bar with a warning in the title of graphic images- however it was posted on a thread in the main truck related forum which originally had nothing to do with hunting, and had ran onto 6 pages - including members here ■■■■■■ fantatasies - Neither I or any other moderator has the time or inclination to split individual posts and create new topics just because people cant use this themed forum for what its for… so it went and will stay gone.

If FTTM and Hutpick want to continue their hunting discussion in Bullys bar they are welcome to do… if they want to post those images they should make it clear in the title that graphic images are in the thread so people can avoid it… If you want to discuss adult/■■■■■■ issues and exactly what you would “do” with any individual there 1000’s + websites out there to do it on, this is not one of them… all such posts/topics will be deleted

You need a reality check if you consider pics of a dead bear and a couple of moose to be “graphic images” . Any chance you’ve been sucked into the P.C. Brigades B/S where everything can be found offensive to those that want it to be ?

flat to the mat:
You need a reality check if you consider pics of a dead bear and a couple of moose to be “graphic images” . Any chance you’ve been sucked into the P.C. Brigades B/S where everything can be found offensive to those that want it to be ?

Seeing as how the posts made containing the dead animals probably is close to the record for the most reported posts made on TruckNet I guess that most people using these forums dont expect or want to see such images on a forum about truck driving, ( it may surprise you that folks using a truck driving forum may be a bit suprised to see pictures of disenbowelled animals- and dislike it )If this was a hunting forum you may have a point- but it is not
I have said that your quite welcome to continue the discussion in the appropriate forum as long as you let folks as a courtesy know that some graphic images are included- the content was no way appropriate for the main forum- dont try to make an issue where there is non

You are welcome to use Bullys Bar to continue the conversation, but as a courtesy warn people who came looking for images of trucks that some images may distrurb- I personaly dont find them offensive- if used it the right place - and images of gutted animals on the main forum about truck driving is most definatly not the right place

ive no issue with hunting,(for food}but why the need to take photos.does it make you macho and hard, to weald ultimate power over a defenceless animal. have some respect for your quarry...rather than posting pictures of its remains…like some sort of trophy.

ive no issue with hunting,(for food}but why the need to take photos.does it make you macho and hard, to weald ultimate power over a defenceless animal. have some respect for your quarry...rather than posting pictures of its remains…like some sort of trophy.

I would stick to knitting yoghurt if you think a bear is a defenseless animal :unamused: or pop along to the nearest river and berate the anglers for taking pics of their catch .

i`ll kill for the pot…but i have no pleasure in doing so.

flat to the mat:
I would stick to knitting yoghurt if you think a bear is a defenseless animal :unamused: or pop along to the nearest river and berate the anglers for taking pics of their catch .

You don’t half make me laugh. You’re like a kid who just won’t do as he’s told and wants to argue back all the time. Go shove ya pictures we aint interested in them. I’m not sure whats hard to comprehend about that.
Who’d of thought it, a trucking forum doesn’t want pictures of gutted bears? Its getting worse here, its like a dictatorship , they won’t let ya do what ya want !!! :laughing:
You’re a royal pain in the arse to be honest. If we done everything you wanted this would be a great forum for harrasing people and posting pics of dead animals.