I quit smoking on 01/03/2009 15:00
I have been a non smoker for 11 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 4 hours and 20 minutes (357 days).
I have saved £3,678.96 by not smoking 14,287 cigarettes.
I have saved 1 Month, 2 Weeks, 4 Days, 14 hours and 35 minutes of my life.
I love being a non smoker.
I feel great
I look healthier , colour in skin
I breath properly now
Good god the list goes on all these positives !!
I can’t think of a single negative thing i feel since becoming a non smoker.
People who say they enjoy smoking are talking crap and they know they are… been there done it.
Not one person wishes to carry on smoking, its the fear of not having that nicotine that makes them think of all these excuses.
What did smoking solve, I would say I am stressed and have a cig, but did my problem go away, nope, I would say I needed some time to think about things, did it actually do anything nope…
All smoking gave me, was breathlessness, lethargy, colds, coughs, and so many other bad things, and after 1 year (almost) of quitting my mind is still thinking about it. WHY?
My mind even a few minutes ago was trying to tell me i need 1, all i can say to it is go [zb] yourself, i am not smoking until i lose all my senses, simple, my mind will and should accept that,
You know the funny thing in another 100 years, people are going to look back and say How the hell were people so stupid to ever smoke,
You know the previous generation did not have the information about how bad smoking is as we have, so for me to continue smoking will be just incredibly dumb and you know the bs I used to think at 20 about how I don’t want to live till I am 70 or 80 well, is it better to live till than or live till 50 and suffer for 5 years, no I don’t want that suffering, I don’t want to think of oxygen tubes sticking out of my throat, I don’t want to see pity on people’s faces, I don’t want to be dependent on anyone, therefore I will never smoke and that’s a promise not to you or anyone, it’s to myself… If you don’t love yourself enough to stop smoking then maybe you love someone else enough to do it
No one can make you quit you have to do it for yourself.
All those thinking about stopping, you have made the right move already ……just thinking about it
All those that have done it…well done and accept this big pat on the back from me !!!