Who is stopping smoking

i wouldnt stop for health reasons. i dont believe all the propaganda that is thrown at us from all angles. i had an appointment to see about a vasectomy and was told i should stop smoking :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

if you are GOING to give up, you need to WANT to give up. if you dont want to, you arent going to and no patches or pills can help. i dont want to give up so there is no point in trying. whether i smoke or not will make no difference to heart problems that i will face in the future. at least as a smoker i can reduce the even higher risks of stress related problems to go with them

Why on earth are you posting on a thread for people who DO want to give up then? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Advice from Doctor Bobbit :laughing:

I hope you are paying for a private vasectomy Scanny. I don’t want you claiming off the NHS :laughing: They need the money for my medication

Wheel Nut:
Advice from Doctor Bobbit :laughing:

I hope you are paying for a private vasectomy Scanny. I don’t want you claiming off the NHS :laughing: They need the money for my medication

how much tax money does it cost per child? i have no idea but im guessing a vaectomy is a hell of a lot cheaper :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Lucy, my point is that they need to want to give up for their own reasons, not because someone says they should. if that is the case then best of luck to them

just a quick update.
had my last ■■■(this time round :laughing: ) on sunday night,have now done a full week at work without 1 ciggie.im pretty plesaed with myself as anyone who has ever been addicted to nicotene will tell you,it is a huge deal!!.had a few stressies this week,but coped very well,but i did notice i wasnt getting,or let myself get,wound up as usual.looking forward to the weekend now,i will find it easier at home with the kids.have had some cravings,a few bad ones,but ive been sucking my plastic ciggie which has helped enormously,helps with boredom and cravings.
im asking myself 2 questions at the moment which i cant answer:
1)when will i actually be a “non smoker”?
2)when,if ever will i ever stop getting cravings,or do they just become less frequent and intense?.
good luck to everyone who is trying to quit.

How you getting on buck??

And all the others who are trying to kick it in??

well chaps…
this is 17 days in now,i havent had a ■■■ yet.so i suppose im doing well.still taking champix tablets but suffering from nausea,nightmares,and dizziness sometimes.the plastic ciggie is doing its job well,whenever i get a craving use that as if it were a real one and im okay after 10 mins or so.
ive noticed my cravings are becoming less frequent,however about once a day usually between 3-4pm i get a long lasting bad craving,so i usually stop and brew up and get some fresh air.ive also noticed that when i get up on a morning it is sometimes about an hour before i realise i havent thought about a smoke.i also seem to have become super sensative to smelling smoke and its now starting to smell really bad.brought some black stuff up today too,so i must be clearing out 20 years of tar now. :smiley: .
forgot to mention that for the first two weeks i had a weird taste in my mouth i could not get rid of,brushing my teeth 5 times a day did not help,it was akin to licking a rusty tin(metallicy),okay now though.my tounge has also turned from yellow to pink.
im not saying its been easy so far,i could have quite easily smoked 20 off the belt on a few occasions,i just keep thinking that ive saved an extra £170 so far,and smoked around 600 ciggies less,and while ive got the opportunity to do something about it myself before a greater being than i makes that choice for me.
please stick in if your stopped,and post up on here your victories or losses.
and if you"ve gone back on them dont beat yourself up…try again when your ready.

I’ve also quit, the last day of me being a smoker was the 30th January using Zyban.

So I’m now on day 12 of being a non smoker/ex smoker, and I must admit that I’m not feeling too bad, still get the odd craving but 9 times out of 10 I’m feeling ok, I just try and keep busy doing something else.

I’m really pleased that things are going ok and I can say that I’m not missing being a smoker one bit now. I now smell better and have money in the bank which I didn’t have before.

champix is workin for me been of the smokes since the 20th jan though there have been some times when id have robbed a granny for a smoke on the whole the cravings seem to pass quickly

buck ive not been having nightmares as such but ive been avins some right weird dreams but so far none of the other side effects

too every one else trying to give up best of luck hope it works

champix is workin for me been of the smokes since the 20th jan though there have been some times when id have robbed a granny for a smoke on the whole the cravings seem to pass quickly

buck ive not been having nightmares as such but ive been avins some right weird dreams but so far none of the other side effects

too every one else trying to give up best of luck hope it works

:open_mouth: wen the hell did you start smokin to give up again■■? aye a had all the weird dreams and the shakes from stopping smoking, been nearly 3 months, still get a craving now and again though, only 9 year 9 month to go and i can say and officaly claim to be a no smoker

hows everyone doing with the stopping smoking then?
for the record im still off them,these last few days have been by far the easiest yet,had no big cravings,just little ones which didnt last two minutes.hopefully this is a sign things are becoming easier.the smell of smoke now repulses me,my lungs are starting to clear out slowly,and ive found another trick…when i get the need for that nictone kick in the back of my throat i ■■■■ a polo,whilst puffing on my plastic ■■■,strange but working?.
good luck farmer,and everyone else kicking the cigs.

I quit smoking on 01/03/2009 15:00
I have been a non smoker for 11 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 4 hours and 20 minutes (357 days).
I have saved £3,678.96 by not smoking 14,287 cigarettes.
I have saved 1 Month, 2 Weeks, 4 Days, 14 hours and 35 minutes of my life.

I love being a non smoker.
I feel great
I look healthier , colour in skin
I breath properly now

Good god the list goes on all these positives !!
I can’t think of a single negative thing i feel since becoming a non smoker.

People who say they enjoy smoking are talking crap and they know they are… been there done it.
Not one person wishes to carry on smoking, its the fear of not having that nicotine that makes them think of all these excuses.

What did smoking solve, I would say I am stressed and have a cig, but did my problem go away, nope, I would say I needed some time to think about things, did it actually do anything nope…

All smoking gave me, was breathlessness, lethargy, colds, coughs, and so many other bad things, and after 1 year (almost) of quitting my mind is still thinking about it. WHY?

My mind even a few minutes ago was trying to tell me i need 1, all i can say to it is go [zb] yourself, i am not smoking until i lose all my senses, simple, my mind will and should accept that,

You know the funny thing in another 100 years, people are going to look back and say How the hell were people so stupid to ever smoke,

You know the previous generation did not have the information about how bad smoking is as we have, so for me to continue smoking will be just incredibly dumb and you know the bs I used to think at 20 about how I don’t want to live till I am 70 or 80 well, is it better to live till than or live till 50 and suffer for 5 years, no I don’t want that suffering, I don’t want to think of oxygen tubes sticking out of my throat, I don’t want to see pity on people’s faces, I don’t want to be dependent on anyone, therefore I will never smoke and that’s a promise not to you or anyone, it’s to myself… If you don’t love yourself enough to stop smoking then maybe you love someone else enough to do it

No one can make you quit you have to do it for yourself.

All those thinking about stopping, you have made the right move already ……just thinking about it

All those that have done it…well done and accept this big pat on the back from me !!!

i came out of hospital today keep getting colds and chest infections one after onother there was a chap in the bed next to mine with oxygen mask on wishing that he d never seen a packet of ■■■■ .
i smoked a lot of ■■■■ all my life driving lorrys im 54 yrs old it was nt the best news for me but hopefully after my anti biotics are finished i got some serious changes to make ,lads untill you have to go the docs and they send you in for xrays etc some of you will keep smoking all the very best to the ones that have managed to kick the habit . regards martyn.

I’m doing ok, according to my 4 year old daughter I’m not as grumpy anymore which I’m taking to be a good sign, the cravings aren’t too bad now, things are getting a little easier although I could quite easier have started up last Saturday but I didn’t (just felt really off it and could have lit up at the flick of a switch but I didn’t). I’ve found that if I want to smoke I chew some gum and that seems to take the edge of things

I’m almost at the end of my 4th week, Sunday will be the start of week 5 and I think I’ve gained half a pound or so in weight since giving up

so how did everyone get on

ive been aff the smokes very nearly a full year now

I lasted about 3 months, it’s really hard when all ur friends smoke, I have seriously cut down in the last few months. 20 last about 3 days not just 3/4s of a day

been stopped now a year n two months n still get the odd craving for one now and again but it soon goes

I quit quite a few of years ago, said to my family if the price of ■■■■ goes up in the next budget I aint going to buy anymore ■■■■ & I’ll just smoke the remaining ones in the packet & thats the last (finished them two hours later :frowning: ) . That was it for me & went ‘cold turkey’, people would offer me ■■■■, but I always refused & never smoked again. None of the patches or gum . The money was better used in the housekeeping & healthwise I became a lot better - no more bronchitis, no shortage of breath , my food tasted better the fresh air smellt better, & generaly feeling on top of the world. I could run faster (that was a definate plus - running after cows, sheep, horses etc ) :wink: The only time I ever had a craving for one was a number of years on, on a particularly stressfull day - one of those days when absolutly everything goes wrong, luckily I was miles from any shops & absolutely out in the wilds on foot (looking for a strayed beast). The craving I had for a ■■■ that day was tremendously strong :open_mouth: even after all that time. Thank goodness there were no shops about or I think I would have most definately started up again :unamused: Yes I am definatley glad I gave up the old smokes & never had a craving again since that one bad day :wink: :smiley:

still on 'em but I’ll be stopping some time this year - its time I got my life in order.

10 out of 10 to those who have given up, having been there and done that I know it can be a huge deal. After nearly thirty years as a non smoker I still fancy one from time to time but have long since craved for one.
I now have a nice motorbike which I couldn’t have afforded if I still smoked we have some good holidays as well. IT IS WELL WORTH THE EFFORT KEEP IT UP!

Managed a couple of months…combination of a lot of personal problems and a horrendous day (Ripped a barrier off with the wagon…annoying customer that gave me ear ache etc) ended up had one grrrr :smiling_imp:

If I didn’t I’m certain my head would have exploded (Annoying customer was deeply shocked at the distance the chain dog went that was aimed at him :laughing: )

Good luck to all, me, I’m going to get my head together and try again sooner rather than later…