Who goes where w/c Mon 29/03/04

So where is everyone of to this week then?

tilda foods in barking then to mondi packing in luton easy day ,n, forty winks may be more in thurrock :sunglasses:

Sunday Pm (thru choice) shuttles between Reading & thatcham, Monday Pm to Coop Swanley

Allied Mills (Neills) of Belfast. Started there last week on the bags and did a decent enough job for them to ask me back for another week. :slight_smile:

They only really have two motors - a decrepit merc and an aging but willing scania.

Just covering holidays though (and the easter rush). Not expecting to be there full time. (Plus, I’m moving to Scotland in 4 weeks!)

Week off to use up remaining leave before end of financial year. Pop in Friday to check that I am still local next week and that truck is still in one piece after relief driver has had it.

monday dinner swansea then camarthen

used to do camarthen first but route changed due to a bit of hassle with the local meths drinking fraternity.

three off them i [zb] myself


Mon: Boats to Cardiff then pick up from Bournmouth airport with wide load to Soton docks

Tue-Thurs Basildon and back for tractors

Fri : Ship out for Bologna :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Collect trailer from Slough Sunday and ship Dover/Calais for a Monday delivery in Manching, near Ingolstadt. Reload from the same place in Manching and deliver to Crawley on Wednesday. Reload from the same place in Crawley fro a delivery in Italy next week. Take trailer back to Slough and park it up until Sunday.

Tip a 20 at Goodyears 07:00, restitute the freightliner, then we’ll see!


been away skiving all week phoned up friday afternoon for monday…got text saying 0600 start brum yard…no i say so they text back 0530 coventry yard …still i tell them no all my gear is out of the truck and will have to be put back in and i am on holiday until the standard start of 0830…we have jobs running local so why send me miles away when i dont have the truck sorted…another bollocking for not obeying my masters :laughing:

04.00 start off to aldershot. i think its an rmc mixer place. i have been before but i cant remember if its rmc or hansons. its on the industrial area at the back of the barracks.

Leave Gateshead tonight to head to Rheine Germany for monday 6am tip then head back home, annoying thing is I’ve just returned from Herne, Germany after taking the Clutch from the Pride of Dover over there in a 7.5 tonner on Thursday. This trip ■■? 2 x Prop Shafts weighing 2 ton from the Pride of Dover, which could have went altogether on a 17 tonner on Thursday :confused: :confused: :confused: Ahh well, I suppose they pay the bill and dont bother about saving money :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I’me going nowhere. Last Sunday I had a repeat of severe stomach pain. I had Gall stones. I got myself into the A&E at Kirkcaldy, just. They morphined me up to the eyeballs and shipped me over to Dunfermline. On Tuesday they took my gall bladder out. On Wednesday I came home. I’ve got 3 weeks off on the sick to recover.

Dapper Scavenger:
(Plus, I’m moving to Scotland in 4 weeks!)

Where is it you’re moving to Dapper :question:

deliivering beer,south yorks,lincs,& notts.taking alcopops for the no brainers.night clubs buy it for 30p a bottle,sell it for £3. mines a pint of cask.

Glens Falls to Sudbury MA, reload Fitchburg MA for Holden MA (just 20 miles south) return empty to Fort Ann NY.

Well the good news is I’m not working next week, cos I’m off sick, and the bad news is I’m not going on holiday the week after that ,cos I’m sick.
Can’t win 'em all

Off Monday,then ring up Monday night to find out what I’m doing Tuesday,then take it from there.

Tuesday morning will be spent looking for signs of damage to my motor,after our resident demolition derby driver has had it.


All around the midlands, due to be trained on bulk collections (liquid) this week!!

Whole week off, woo-hoo! :smiley:

I’ve got 4 drops 1 in thetford,1in Norwich & 2 in Ipswich. So if anyone round that area see’s a FH12 with a green Mike ( monsters inc) & a brown moose in the front screen that will be me.