Which do you prefer latest actros or latest scanina

We’ve got Merc Actros and Daf 106s.
The Daf is more comfortable to drive, but I find it’s a lot more fiddly to do almost everything else.
That computer menu thing, twist then press, much more fiddly than the Actros. 4 directions buttons on the steering wheel, click click, click click.
On the Daf, I want three clicks round, click click click, quick glance, bugger, I’ve only gone 2 round.
Also, dropping n hooking up trailers. The Daf loses all it’s air, the Merc ya just get on with the job.
And the Daf suspension control, for doing the above job, you can’t reach it without opening your door. On the Merc, it’s in easy reach from the drivers seat.
Merc cup holders are crap, and I find the seat squab is a bit too hard.
But until the Daf, for only a few months before my stroke, I’ve only driven Mercs for about 12 years, so I’m used to them.
I’ve no idea what the Scania is like at all.
We won’t be getting one either.

We’ve got Merc Actros and Daf 106s.
The Daf is more comfortable to drive, but I find it’s a lot more fiddly to do almost everything else.
That computer menu thing, twist then press, much more fiddly than the Actros. 4 directions buttons on the steering wheel, click click, click click.
On the Daf, I want three clicks round, click click click, quick glance, bugger, I’ve only gone 2 round.
Also, dropping n hooking up trailers. The Daf loses all it’s air, the Merc ya just get on with the job.
And the Daf suspension control, for doing the above job, you can’t reach it without opening your door. On the Merc, it’s in easy reach from the drivers seat.
Merc cup holders are crap, and I find the seat squab is a bit too hard.
But until the Daf, for only a few months before my stroke, I’ve only driven Mercs for about 12 years, so I’m used to them.
I’ve no idea what the Scania is like at all.
We won’t be getting one either.

I had to do a day on my 106 this week :unamused: I’ve never been so pleased to have my Foden back .

The main issue I have with DAFs is the terrible electronics. I dunno why but there always seem to be some little gremlin ■■■■■■■ with ■■■■.

Like the other day I had a yellow Airbag warning light come on. Only when I sat in the seat lol. Went off after like 20 minutes.

Here’s another one,.which has an equally obvious answer.

Which would you rather run down to St Tropez in?
A brand new Ferrari.
A 70s David Brown tractor.
Answers on a postcard. :smiley:

(I’d also prefer a Scania to a Scanina tbh…especially with those 50000 buttons :smiley: )

70s David Brown tractor? Now you’re talking…think St Tropez might be a touch too far :laughing:

I’ve only driven the small cab new generation Scania and the biggest problem I found with it is the seat doesnt go up high enough. I had to sit on a cushion or my legs were killing, are the large cab ones the same? I’m 6’2.

One other fault I had with it is it did everything to well and it become very bland to drive.

So I surprised myself to vote for a Actros :open_mouth: because the seating position is good for me and I drive a 66 plate 450 and it pulls quite well (better than a daf 460) . Haven’t had a go with mirror cams…thank goodness

The main issue I have with DAFs is the terrible electronics. I dunno why but there always seem to be some little gremlin [zb] with [zb].

Like the other day I had a yellow Airbag warning light come on. Only when I sat in the seat lol. Went off after like 20 minutes.

might be coz your a fat boy ?

elsa Lad:

Here’s another one,.which has an equally obvious answer.

Which would you rather run down to St Tropez in?
A brand new Ferrari.
A 70s David Brown tractor.
Answers on a postcard. :smiley:

(I’d also prefer a Scania to a Scanina tbh…especially with those 50000 buttons :smiley: )

70s David Brown tractor? Now you’re talking…think St Tropez might be a touch too far :laughing:

I’ve only driven the small cab new generation Scania and the biggest problem I found with it is the seat doesnt go up high enough. I had to sit on a cushion or my legs were killing, are the large cab ones the same? I’m 6’2.

One other fault I had with it is it did everything to well and it become very bland to drive.

So I surprised myself to vote for a Actros :open_mouth: because the seating position is good for me and I drive a 66 plate 450 and it pulls quite well (better than a daf 460) . Haven’t had a go with mirror cams…thank goodness

The last generation Scanias had the same problem, the seating position was slightly off centre so it played on a lot of driver’s backs and/or legs, unless you had a left hand drive model like I had (see avatar pic:) which were fine.

As for the seating position in the Actros that you say actually suits you :open_mouth:
I think it’s bloody awful, the only way I can drive it in anything near comfort is with the air let out of the seat jammed down solid…but then you get the dubious full ‘‘benefit’’ of the 70s ERF style suspension on the ■■■■ things.

Then If the seat is full of air,.you’re sat right up in the air (looking a bit stupid tbh,)
Also I like to lounge back whilst driving…no chance with those ■■■■ things as the backrest is jammed on the bunk if you are tall and the seat is right back.

I’ve had them since 2013,.so I’m pretty much used to them now…but in the same way you get used to bad toothache. :unamused: ,.you reluctantly put up with it and just crack on.

■■■■ horrible abortions of trucks I reckon,…and don’t even mention the ridiculously high side lockers. I’m 6’ 1’’ and even I can’t reach right to the back of the cupboard.
If I carried on listing all the bad points of that model ,.I’d be here for ages. :unamused:

Told my lot when mine is up for renewal, I do NOT want another.

we have a fleet of 50 odd 69 plate Actros’s…and a handful of Volvo’s…some are gas trucks. i love my Actros,it’ll probably be my last truck before retirement…but hey,my 1st lorry was an Albion Chieftain artic :laughing: all the newbies on here like robroy :wink: would be fighting over a Merc if 1 was available :laughing:

don’t even mention the ridiculously high side lockers. I’m 6’ 1’’ and even I can’t reach right to the back of the cupboard.

Why not access them from under the bunk? [emoji6]


don’t even mention the ridiculously high side lockers. I’m 6’ 1’’ and even I can’t reach right to the back of the cupboard.

Why not access them from under the bunk? [emoji6]

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Spoken like a man who’s never been a tramper :smiley:

I can’t stand the Claptros. The steering is a little bit heavy compared to the Scania. I only used the Actros for a week and that was it. I handed it back.

the maoster:


don’t even mention the ridiculously high side lockers. I’m 6’ 1’’ and even I can’t reach right to the back of the cupboard.

Why not access them from under the bunk? [emoji6]

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Spoken like a man who’s never been a tramper :smiley:

Aye,.I suppose he meant well, but did he really think that if I could I wouldn’t, nor that it would not occur to me…and then to add insult to injury, finish off with a ‘‘all knowing’’ wink. :laughing: :laughing:

I reckon mate that these daymen must think all of us trampers are thickos just because we ‘‘sleep in our tin boxes’’ whilst acting as ‘‘unpaid securitymen’’ as they all say.

(Only joking stu btw. :wink: :smiley: )

The last scania I drove was a 54,plate highline , but 17 years later I would gladly have my 17 plate actros or that 54 plate scania back over the new gen xf I have now with mirror cam , Progress isn’t always for the better

I would rather drive a bus chassis up the M74 in the middle of winter with no clothes on then an Actros…

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



I’ve always be a Ford person so I’d like to try one of there new lorries , see them more & more , look like a Volvo to be honest , Is there a tie up there somewhere
Like one in that metallic lime green they did focus rs mk2 in , stunning

i’ve had several in here to load , i asked one of them if it was any good ’ turkish volvo’ was the reply funnily enough.i asked a pole the same question last week, answer this time couldn’t get a scanny for love nor money , got a ford in a couple of weeks .

They are built in Turkey by Otosan which is jointly owned by Ford, and as I remember, they have no plans to build any rhd versions of the truck.

Wonder who supplies the engines though?


I sat in my mates 14 plate Scania R450 yesterday, it was so nice to see everything was analogue as the crappy touch screen and failing buttons in the the fleet of actros we use ■■■■■■ me off. And a PROPER handbrake so it’s either on or off, none of this off oh no it back on then press the foot brake of ■■■■ it’s on again crap.
My only gripe was the driving position, I couldn’t raise the seat high enough (to ■■■■ off robroy) and lower the steering wheel enough. It felt like I was sat on the floor with the wheel under my chin.

A proper handbrake is nice to have. Although the system in the new Scanias i find ok. Can still pull the handbrake on manually and will still auto release.
The Merc system is pants.
About the only thing I do like about the scanias mind :laughing: