Which do you prefer latest actros or latest scanina

As title realy which would you prefer to use for your shift the new actros or the new scannia and why.

Out of the two i prefer the actros reasonably simple to use the aux controls (compaired to the scannia) Once you have found how to turn the light on or raise/lower the susspension there is one button thatyou have to touch once job done. want to raise/lower the seat again 1 lever want to go up a incline solo thats midly damp just point and go mid lift up or down

the scannia i had last night had 50,000 buttons on it there were 7 for the susspension 9 for the internal lights and brightness there of wouldnt go up the slope in the yard with the midlift down. took me nearly an hour to get out of the yard only good thing about it was the ride quality

It would have to be the Scanny as I’d prefer to drive the vehicle below rather than an

I’ve always be a Ford person so I’d like to try one of there new lorries , see them more & more , look like a Volvo to be honest , Is there a tie up there somewhere
Like one in that metallic lime green they did focus rs mk2 in , stunning

I would rather drive a bus chassis up the M74 in the middle of winter with no clothes on then an Actros…

Here’s another one,.which has an equally obvious answer.

Which would you rather run down to St Tropez in?
A brand new Ferrari.
A 70s David Brown tractor.
Answers on a postcard. :smiley:

(I’d also prefer a Scania to a Scanina tbh…especially with those 50000 buttons :smiley: )

I’d drive a Seddon Atkinson if it meant I could ■■■■ off home half an hour earlier. :stuck_out_tongue:

Harry Monk:
I’d drive a Seddon Atkinson if it meant I could [zb] off home half an hour earlier. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d drive a TK Bedford tomorrow if it meant I could retire the day after. :smiley:

Scania over the craptros any day , But rather a TGX MAN

blue estate:
Scania over the craptros any day , But rather a TGX MAN

I had a quick go last year in one of those new Renaults, the one with the big Magnum replacement cab.

A lovely truck all round, (albeit a complete sh hole inside thanks to the undeserving driver of it :unamused:)
The sort that even I would maybe even go back doing Euro runs on…
Ok a bit hasty there, maybe I’ve gone a bit far on that,.I like my easy life 4 days too much…even on a ■■■■ Craptros.

Enlighten us newbies…why no love for the Actros? Is it just that they are slow? I drove a rigid one last week. I thought it was a bit slow, and I couldn’t reach the cup holder.

I guess I’ve just answered my own question :laughing:

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Enlighten us newbies…why no love for the Actros? Is it just that they are slow? I drove a rigid one last week. I thought it was a bit slow, and I couldn’t reach the cup holder.

I guess I’ve just answered my own question :laughing:

How a firm that makes prestige and excellent cars,.can make appalling abominations that they pass off as trucks, beats me.
The revenge of The Fatherland on the rest of Eurooe.


Enlighten us newbies…why no love for the Actros? Is it just that they are slow? I drove a rigid one last week. I thought it was a bit slow, and I couldn’t reach the cup holder.

I guess I’ve just answered my own question :laughing:

How a firm that makes prestige and excellent cars,.can make appalling abominations that they pass off as trucks, beats me.
The revenge of The Fatherland on the rest of Eurooe.

Even if you had a cup in said holder , without a lid on your beverage would be all over the dash and floor :unamused:

Once you get over the first day or two in a new gen Scanny, they really are quite intuitive and driveable, the switches might seem odd at first but you’ll soon come to realise they are all grouped together logically.
My only issues with them is the mirrors are the wrong way up, wide angle should be underneath, and the standard exhaust brake is poor, otherwise probably among the best of the bunch to drive.

Can’t abide newer Mercs, last decent Benz i drove was an 06 plate 2543 Axor mid lift with manual box, a simple robust underrated working wagon which pulled like a train from tickover revs, the newer they get the more they seem like a computer game to me, i want well grouped robust switches not menus, i’d pack the job in if issued with one.

If you have driven the new gen Scanina and don’t think it’s the best truck on the road, closely followed by the other Swede, then your opinion is quite frankly not worth listening to.

My usual steed is currently a Daf CF. I drove the 72 plate big MAN last week which for sitting on the motorway was nice and an improvement on the old one but far too many warnings on the dash when hooking up to a trailer, I think there was possibly more air in the drivers room than in that things tanks.

Once you get over the first day or two in a new gen Scanny, they really are quite intuitive and driveable, the switches might seem odd at first but you’ll soon come to realise they are all grouped together logically.
My only issues with them is the mirrors are the wrong way up, wide angle should be underneath, and the standard exhaust brake is poor, otherwise probably among the best of the bunch to drive.

Can’t abide newer Mercs, last decent Benz i drove was an 06 plate 2543 Axor mid lift with manual box, a simple robust underrated working wagon which pulled like a train from tickover revs, the newer they get the more they seem like a computer game to me, i want well grouped robust switches not menus, i’d pack the job in if issued with one.

I’ve only shunted one of those latest model things around the yard one day.
It had the mirror cams,.and all the electronic touch screen dog ■■■■ on the dash, …once around the yard was enough.
I have an utter and absolute zero tolerance with unnecessary electronic tech.
For example I was once threatened by an attendant with calling the Police, (at the wife’s embarrasment,) for trying to get out of a car park at Newcastle airport late at night,.with an impatient queue of traffic behind me,.after losing my cool.with the electronic ■■■■ pay at exit machine and thumping the ■■■■ thing (and also bleeding my knuckles :blush: :smiley: ) and telling the guy to go and ■■■■ himself. :blush:

The first time I got on the road and tried to do something that SHOULD be simple like turning on the wipers or something,.I’d be turning the ■■■■ thing round and coming back…I know what I am like.

Enlighten us newbies…why no love for the Actros? Is it just that they are slow? I drove a rigid one last week. I thought it was a bit slow, and I couldn’t reach the cup holder.

I guess I’ve just answered my own question :laughing:

Designed by a bloke on a toilet during his break comes to mind,ride rubbish,New one’s keep knackering up,touch pads on steering wheel knackered,mirror cams play up,put bunk down seat doesn’t adjust properly,fridges keep knackering up,too heavy on steering to get in anywhere without a struggle,lacks power,gearbox can’t make its mind up when you need it to(roundabouts)…
Agree with post about Axor,decent no frills units which Merc should have stuck to,also agree with the TGX,how can MAN get it right and Merc be so far off…
Driven all three over past couple of years and I prefer the MAN but definitely a Scania over a Merc…

I would rather drive a bus chassis up the M74 in the middle of winter with no clothes on then an Actros…


I would rather drive a bus chassis up the M74 in the middle of winter with no clothes on then an Actros…

You used to see them regularly on the motorway once over, even in the ■■■■■■■ rain and all the resulting spray…not naked btw :laughing:
I always thought ‘Who tf would do that job, it would have to be well paid’'.

The new Actros is not so bad. (Driving wise)

Other than the terrible cameras for mirrors.

Where i work we have a lhd 580 giga space merc, drove it for a bit early this year and it wasn’t too bad, but it is a very well spec’d unit, i just prefer my manual daf tho, so went back to that. Drove a S500 for a few years, out the 2 i would pick the scania