Where does Racism start and Finish on this forum

I know the title is a bit risky but just recently ive found myself acused of racism for having certain views and while people have been happy to acuse me of racism in writing I have been more alarmed by the number of people emailing and PM ing me supporting my views.

So I guess the question is what do you see as acceptable and where do you see the line being crossed in relation to racism on a truckers forum?

:stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:


:stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:

I do mi best just trying to get the hits up for Ricky :laughing: :laughing:

Im the most hated member since ROB K :wink:

Although I would have to be blind, deaf and stupid not to have noticed any racism,…

I personally cannot abide racism, ageism, homophobia, or discrimination on the grounds of experience.

At the end of the day we all ■■■■ through the same hole, and are all working to give ourselves a better life.

The only good thing about speed cameras is that they dont discriminate.!!!

There is a big difference between racism and nationalism. Many of us are nationalistic without being racist, but these days there is a fine line between the two.

I think (e.g.) that far too many foreigners are coming into the country; I have nothing against them because of their nationality, race or religion, only that I don’t think we have room for them and that the system cannot support them.

But I also find some people’s view of foreign nationals to be blinkered and nepotistic. Because I believe our current immigration policy is too weak does not mean that I am racist.

There is a big difference between racism and nationalism. Many of us are nationalistic without being racist, but these days there is a fine line between the two.

I think (e.g.) that far too many foreigners are coming into the country; I have nothing against them because of their nationality, race or religion, only that I don’t think we have room for them and that the system cannot support them.

But I also find some people’s view of foreign nationals to be blinkered and nepotistic. Because I believe our current immigration policy is too weak does not mean that I am racist.

Gardun without sounding patronising I think your reply kind of cements what I think without actually saying it.

Nationalism and racism are two very different things these days although political ground is easily won or lost depending on the interpretation and the background knowledge of the subject also.

when i was younger i was racist, i will admit, but now i am just as much against it as i was for it when i was younger and uneducated. i have worked with all races creeds colours nationalities whatever you want to call them and everyone is the same underneath. once you look past the colour of the skin there is a person the same as you and me.

but also like gardun i am very british in my views, if you want to live here you should be made to speak the language the same as we do. you should pay your taxes and if you havent paid your taxes you should get nothing, except maybe a flight back home, wherever home is if you refuse to work. asylum seekers should not be allowed in, be like the aussies and just deport them. there are not enough jobs or money to go round all the british people at the moment let alone all the foreign nationals getting thier 10p worth as well.

in this day and age you need to be careful what you say as the slightest thing can wind you up in a lot of trouble. we should just all get along, as long as you have a british passport or are working for you money, not just sponging, we should help them and welocome them. a lot of people need to grow up and move with the times and accept that people of different cultures and colours live on our fair isle. get over it

rant over

Gardun without sounding patronising I think your reply kind of cements what I think without actually saying it.

Nationalism and racism are two very different things these days although political ground is easily won or lost depending on the interpretation and the background knowledge of the subject also.[/quote]

As I said, there is a fine line between the two. My personal view does not represent the nation’s view let alone this forum.

Persoanally, I judge you by who you are, irrespective of race, colour or creed. I know it sound a little cliched, but that is how I view the world.

Racism does not judge the person only their background. I would hate to be judged purely on what the members of this forum knew about my background.

Personally I’d say it starts with Abkhazians and ends with Zimbabweans

Everyone discriminates in some way, including those who preach more than anyone, those being the government and the media. The biggest problem is complete lack of tolerance for some peoples views, if you don’t think in a completely neutral politically correct manor then you invariably get slammed for it, and people are far too quick to start shouting racist.

Ultimately though I have my opinions and i’m sure lots of them would be considered racist and prejudiced. If I think they’re likely to unjustifiably offend someone I won’t make them known, but they’re my opinions and no matter what the political correctness council would like to force me to believe it’s my choice.

as said above i think most people or proud to be british but that is not the same as racism . I will accept any national any colour or creed as long as they come to this country to live by our laws and to work and not to scrounge of the state. When said people come into OUR country and start shouting about there rights and all this nonsense then just send them home . Surely if you come to the uk you want to be british ■■?

So I guess the question is what do you see as acceptable and where do you see the line being crossed in relation to racism on a truckers forum?

To say that Government policy on immigration has been poorly thought out is OK, to say that you automatically hate someone because they come from somewhere other than the UK isn’t OK.

the simple answer to the question is that racism should never start, not here or anywhere. now to be patriotic to this country is not being racist you can be any colour or Creed. unfortunately some people are down right unpatriotic and that is what is wrong with this country on the hole.

now this is my opinion be it right or wrong :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

coder, while some of your previous points about mass immigration are not unfounded, i have noticed as im sure many others will have too, that you and a very small number of other members here take every opportunity and go out of your way to slate foreign drivers working from the UK.

you obviously have a serious chip on your shoulder, i dont know what you think youre gonna do about it yourself, but youd be better off to try and get on with your own business and stop worrying about it.

and yes, you do come across as racist.

It never failed to amaze me how I would get weekended abroad often with none English speaking drivers. We used to communicate somehow and understand each other well considering. This always reinforces the saying that you are lorry drivers first and members of your country of origin second…well thats how it used to be :slight_smile:

I don;'t think it has that much to do with colour or the number of heads a person has etc but is more to do with ‘fitting in’ and not trying to change the ways of the host country.
The British were the worst for doing this in the old ‘colonial days’ - we went to someone elses country and tried to impose our beliefs and values on the host population.
The saying that comes to mind is ‘When in Rome do as the Romans do’ and if you don’t want to - don’t go there :exclamation:

Religion - another can of worms :exclamation: :exclamation:
We all have our own views on this and provided that we do not try to impose our beliefs on someone else then it does not become a problem.
The problems can come about when religious beliefs give one person a right that is not afforded to another.
One case comes to mind - a school bans the wearing of jewellery but they let someone wear it because of their beliefs but do not afford that right to the rest - in my view, that is a recipe for annimosity towards the wearer and is then associated with that particular group of people.

When my wife first came to this country the first thing she did was go to college to improve her language skills, she has since worked full time for 5 years and paid her taxes.

I tell you what ■■■■■■ me off, and that’s when foreign nationals float into this country and assume that we owe them a living, house money etc etc. It took me nearly 2 years and £20k to get my wife over here legally so you can probably appreciate when some oik jumps in the back of a lorry comes over here and claims asylum, and they get it given to them on a plate it really ■■■■■ me off especially when they then have the cheek to complain about it.

As for migrant workers, well when you have been sacked because you wont work 18 hours a night, and the response from the boss is well the Poles do it so your sacked, then i think i have every right to be ■■■■■■ off.

Just like when i get a phone call from my wife at work, telling me she is being bullied by 3 Poles who have told her they want her out of her job because they have a friend who wants it. I then speak to her boss who does nothing, so it leaves me no choice but to have a quiet word outside the back of the restaurant with each of them in turn.

So think what you like of my views but when i became a second class citizen in my own ■■■■■■■ country then watch out because i bite back and i will not allow any little scrote try and bully my wife out of a job and i will not allow bosses who think they can just get some cheap labour in and sack me because i wont break the law, because i will and did report the last company who did this to me, and they have just received a pretty hefty fine for tacho offences as well as health and safety breaches.

When i reported them to vosa, i made sure i gave my name and address and asked to make sure my exboss knew it was me who reported him, because i wont do something behind someones back.



:stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:

I do mi best just trying to get the hits up for Ricky :laughing: :laughing:

Im the most hated member since ROB K :wink:

No mate I think you will find thats me…

The mods on this site seem to have a black and white view on many things including racism :wink:, they dont see a Grey area in the middle of most subjects and they will NOT enter discussion as towhy they have banned or removed something quite sad and childish in my views.

I have a very strong hatred of gays but the fully acceptable of all that they think is righteousness will ban you fro havig a view and disliking somethig just because theylike it.

We are ALL racist its just that only some of us have large enough testicles to admit it

We are ALL racist its just that only some of us have large enough testicles to admit it

I also have personal views on many things which would. if put on here, be regarded as ‘not politically correct’ these days.

I do think that laws have been introduced that have the specific purpose to quash the frank and open opinions of the majority in favour of the minority.

I know the title is a bit risky but just recently ive found myself acused of racism for having certain views and while people have been happy to acuse me of racism in writing I have been more alarmed by the number of people emailing and PM ing me supporting my views.

I don’t know about you folks but when I ask someone for their private opinion is differs greatly from their public one and this includes politicians :exclamation:
I’ve found that most think exactly the way I do on certain subjects in private but dare not speak those views publically because of the laws.

Should we be stifled by laws which prevent us from saying what we really feel :question: :question: :question:

In my opinion on a web forum such as this there is nothing wrong with expressing racist opinions. Free speech is important and should be defended. But personal abuse should never be allowed.

I have a very strong hatred of gays but the fully acceptable of all that they think is righteousness will ban you fro havig a view and disliking somethig just because theylike it.

Personally, I’m prejudiced against illiterates.

We are ALL racist its just that only some of us have large enough testicles to admit it

Hmmmm, not entirely sure that testicle size has anything to do with it although I’m sure Freud would have been fascinated by your thesis.