Where does Racism start and Finish on this forum

Personally, I’m prejudiced against illiterates.

Wot do ya meen bi that arry :question: :unamused: :wink:

Going off at a bit of a tangent…

Is it fair that CRB checks in the UK are not done the same for everyone :question:

A foreign national cannot be checked out in the same way that a long standing UK resident can.

In their native country they make have a dubious past but that will not be picked up by the UK CRB check :open_mouth:

To my mind this gives the foreign national an advantage over a long standing UK resident

The same could be said for those going for LGV jobs.
The foreigner might be a habitual speeder in their country of origin but as they only get fined and no record is made on the licence it gives them a greater advantage over a UK resident who has amassed points on their licence - is that fair :question: :question: :question:

Going off at a bit of a tangent…

Is it fair that CRB checks in the UK are not done the same for everyone :question:

A foreign national cannot be checked out in the same way that a long standing UK resident can.

In their native country they make have a dubious past but that will not be picked up by the UK CRB check :open_mouth:

To my mind this gives the foreign national an advantage over a long standing UK resident

The same could be said for those going for LGV jobs.
The foreigner might be a habitual speeder in their country of origin but as they only get fined and no record is made on the licence it gives them a greater advantage over a UK resident who has amassed points on their licence - is that fair :question: :question: :question:

Works in both Countries Rog.

I can drive through Dutch or French speed cameras and generally get away with it.

When people come to this country to make a contribution to it’s ecconomy and to better themselves is great.
When people come to this country to sponge off the state and ram religion down our throats that is not so great. That is why i can’t stand muslims.

When people come to this country to make a contribution to it’s ecconomy and to better themselves is great.
When people come to this country to sponge off the state and ram religion down our throats that is not so great. That is why i can’t stand muslims.

Well Well.

Another sensible post.

Everybody say AUM :stuck_out_tongue:

coder, while some of your previous points about mass immigration are not unfounded, i have noticed as im sure many others will have too, that you and a very small number of other members here take every opportunity and go out of your way to slate foreign drivers working from the UK.

you obviously have a serious chip on your shoulder, i dont know what you think youre gonna do about it yourself, but youd be better off to try and get on with your own business and stop worrying about it.

and yes, you do come across as racist.

Once again you are shooting from the LIP I am sure if you read all the information in the threads and you ask Orys who it was that sent him a PM when he first joined this site to offer help and support if he needed a contact in west yorkshire . I sent him that message in good faith due to people not giving him a break so called racists you would call them.

Go back through the posts and find the one where I slam a BRIT worker for physically assaulting a Romanian driver who cut him up on a roundabout.

I am sure a certain TN member will not mind me reminding him that he accused me of being a Salvation army member …

So you see where you and I differ I do have opinions on various issues and I am not afraid to say where I sit on them.

The world is not black and white and there are areas that cross when it comes to most things but rest assured if you are black white blue or yellow the fact that people like you have tunnel vision will not stop me having an opinion.,

On the issue of a chip on my shoulder and racism I will share a bit of info with you into my background…I do quite regularly give my time services and money to good causes…its called charity :laughing: …I spent nearly three weeks driving a truck full of aid accross eastern europe to people who were displaced by a natural disaster and guess what they were eastern europeans :unamused: :unamused:

So in a nutshell before you make any silly comments based on guess work dont.

coder, while some of your previous points about mass immigration are not unfounded, i have noticed as im sure many others will have too, that you and a very small number of other members here take every opportunity and go out of your way to slate foreign drivers working from the UK.

you obviously have a serious chip on your shoulder, i dont know what you think youre gonna do about it yourself, but youd be better off to try and get on with your own business and stop worrying about it.

and yes, you do come across as racist.

coder, while some of your previous points about mass immigration are not unfounded, i have noticed as im sure many others will have too, that you and a very small number of other members here take every opportunity and go out of your way to slate foreign drivers working from the UK.

you obviously have a serious chip on your shoulder, i dont know what you think youre gonna do about it yourself, but youd be better off to try and get on with your own business and stop worrying about it.

and yes, you do come across as racist.

Once again you are shooting from the LIP I am sure if you read all the information in the threads and you ask Orys who it was that sent him a PM when he first joined this site to offer help and support if he needed a contact in west yorkshire . I sent him that message in good faith due to people not giving him a break so called racists you would call them.

Go back through the posts and find the one where I slam a BRIT worker for physically assaulting a Romanian driver who cut him up on a roundabout.

I am sure a certain TN member will not mind me reminding him that he accused me of being a Salvation army member …

So you see where you and I differ I do have opinions on various issues and I am not afraid to say where I sit on them.

The world is not black and white and there are areas that cross when it comes to most things but rest assured if you are black white blue or yellow the fact that people like you have tunnel vision will not stop me having an opinion.,

On the issue of a chip on my shoulder and racism I will share a bit of info with you into my background…I do quite regularly give my time services and money to good causes…its called charity :laughing: …I spent nearly three weeks driving a truck full of aid accross eastern europe to people who were displaced by a natural disaster and guess what they were eastern europeans :unamused: :unamused:

So in a nutshell before you make any silly comments based on guess work dont.




:stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:

I do mi best just trying to get the hits up for Ricky :laughing: :laughing:

Im the most hated member since ROB K :wink:

No mate I think you will find thats me…

The mods on this site seem to have a black and white view on many things including racism :wink:, they dont see a Grey area in the middle of most subjects and they will NOT enter discussion as towhy they have banned or removed something quite sad and childish in my views.

I have a very strong hatred of gays but the fully acceptable of all that they think is righteousness will ban you fro havig a view and disliking somethig just because theylike it.

We are ALL racist its just that only some of us have large enough testicles to admit it

I think the only mystery about you, Alex, is why you continue to use a site you profess to hate so much… :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:





:stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley:

I do mi best just trying to get the hits up for Ricky :laughing: :laughing:

Im the most hated member since ROB K :wink:

No mate I think you will find thats me…

The mods on this site seem to have a black and white view on many things including racism :wink:, they dont see a Grey area in the middle of most subjects and they will NOT enter discussion as towhy they have banned or removed something quite sad and childish in my views.

I have a very strong hatred of gays but the fully acceptable of all that they think is righteousness will ban you fro havig a view and disliking somethig just because theylike it.

We are ALL racist its just that only some of us have large enough testicles to admit it

I think the only mystery about you, Alex, is why you continue to use a site you profess to hate so much… :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Cos im banned from others imwaiting for you to ban me too. :wink:

I stay on here to chat to other truckers and see their views not yours.

Harry Monk:

I have a very strong hatred of gays but the fully acceptable of all that they think is righteousness will ban you fro havig a view and disliking somethig just because theylike it.

Personally, I’m prejudiced against illiterates.

gime a break sphincter boy i just had an o p on both hANDS I WOULD of THOGUHT YOU WOULD KNOW THAT YOU SEEM TO KNOW EVERY OTHER ■■■■■ G THIG

We are ALL racist its just that only some of us have large enough testicles to admit it

Hmmmm, not entirely sure that testicle size has anything to do with it although I’m sure Freud would have been fascinated by your thesis.

I stay on here to chat to other truckers and see their views not yours.

Guess you’ll just have to live with it then, sweetheart. :wink:


I stay on here to chat to other truckers and see their views not yours.

Guess you’ll just have to live with it then, sweetheart. :wink:

OY :exclamation: - why does he get to be called ‘sweetheart’ and I don’t :question: :question: :unamused: :laughing:

my 19 year old cousin had to go and have an interview in order to apply for her 1st passport so she could go on holiday.she is terribly white and blonde.
she was turned down in her first interview…the reason:she could not tell the (asian appearance) interviewer her mothers YEAR of birth.she knew her birthday but not the year of birth.
now i thought about this for a while and came to the conclusion that if i had not renewed my 4 year old passport late last year after sending 4 seperate photo’s(they make it as hard as possible to renew early as they wish you to go for the interview later on) i too would have failed as i too,do not know MY mothers year of birth.i know roughly how old she is but not the exact year of birth,so obviuosly i too am a security risk.
and everyone wonders why we think we are ruled by merchant bankers?

maybe someone should ask the journalist who walked into that ■■■■ hole in france what she thinks of those poor immigrants just trying to get a better life in the uk.after all after doing the deed they just fled,where to?why the UK of course.now nobody knows where they are.
what a ■■■■■■■ joke that is.
and am i being racial by saying this?


I stay on here to chat to other truckers and see their views not yours.

Guess you’ll just have to live with it then, sweetheart. :wink:

No you will darling :wink:.

maybe someone should ask the journalist who walked into that [zb] hole in france what she thinks of those poor immigrants just trying to get a better life in the uk.after all after doing the deed they just fled,where to?why the UK of course.now nobody knows where they are.
what a [zb] joke that is.
and am i being racial by saying this?

Maybe someone should ask this stupid girl wtf she thought she was doing trying ti infiltrate a gang just to get a cheap story. I was in France when this story broke and read it in the local paper. This is organised crime carried out by organised gangs. This silly Canadian girl risks her life and gets raped. what did she think would happen?

she probably thought she was in a civilised EU country where the law is enforced for all citizens.seems she went into an area where some other kind of country has established itself.
there are 1000 citizens of this little enclave at any one time,paying nothing in,taking everything they can.and untouched by the authorities.(still-even after this).after all a little french push and these scumbags arrive in a bedsit near you,and start signing on.

she probably thought she was in a civilised EU country where the law is enforced for all citizens.seems she went into an area where some other kind of country has established itself.
there are 1000 citizens of this little enclave at any one time,paying nothing in,taking everything they can.and untouched by the authorities.(still-even after this).after all a little french push and these scumbags arrive in a bedsit near you,and start signing on.

She went into an area where she had been told not to go by the local police. These people are desperate and have different values to us. They have travelled for months or years to reach Calais. They will not care for some silly girl trying to take photos and get a story.

The Dunes is a dangerous place at night, many drivers dare not even stop for fuel. The police are armed and yet these hopeful immigrants do not care. Im not saying that it is right, but for her to try to visit the camp was just plain stupid.

Women are of far less value to them then in our Western world.



I stay on here to chat to other truckers and see their views not yours.

Guess you’ll just have to live with it then, sweetheart. :wink:

No you will darling :wink:.

I can’t remember now, is it you who owes me a drink or me who owes you one? It’s been a while… :stuck_out_tongue:

ive no problem with all the foreign birds comming :wink: :laughing: :laughing: .

sometimes you can be accused of being racist, when youre just spacist, some thick ■■■■■■■ cant grasp the difference.