What's your pet hate about driving trucks?

People pulling in late for junctions
Idiots coming up on your side when you pulled out wide to make a turn
Iveco gearboxes (Stiffness incarnate)
My nightheater
Small cabs (Double bunks in that? :open_mouth: )
Stupid and pointless speed and weight limits.
Householders in big expensive houses on main roads who don’t like “dirty, smelly, dangerous trucks” going past at all… (Earlham road Norwich, in this case)
My limiter (Which seems to have an entirely non-euclidian idea of 90kph)
Slap-over gearboxes, especially when made by Iveco
Iveco trucks in general (I’m an Iveco driver, you can tell…)
The lack of social life in truckstops these days… sorry, I meant MSA’s

But mainly:

The complete lack of recognition from the general public about how resposible, skilled, poorly paid and vital this job is to Britain as a whole.

My pet hate is driving a rigid :unamused: which is as hard as driving a big [ZB] van :laughing: :laughing: roll on my class 1 when I can become a " proper " driver :smiley: :smiley:


Did I hear someone say roundabouts ? Ah yes I did ! Well, Speedy introduced a new rule to the Highway Code a few weeks ago. It’s called, “if the vehicle coming round the roundabout isn’t indicating you MUST assume it’s going straight across therefore meaning there is no need for you to stop your truck, lose all momentum and go down through 10 gears”. And you know what? It works a treat!

Only today I was along the A1 south and just about to hit the Stamford roundabout. The traffic was piling round as usual, both lanes, the majority going straight on up the northbound side. No-one was indicating right so I pulled out. Then I heard someone’s horn and saw an Astra slam on at the side of me. Already in a fairly poor mood after earlier events today I’d had enough. I stopped the wagon where it was, jumped down and asked him what the problem was. “You’ve just pulled out in front of me!”… “No I haven’t. You were going straight on”… “No I wasn’t, I’m turning right”… “Where’s your indicator then ?”… “I dont’ have to indicate if I choose not to”… “Well what were you beeping at then?”… “YOU! Coz you pulled out in front of me!”… “You weren’t indicating so therefore you should be going straight on. No indicator, no argument. I’ll show you how to operate them if you’ve forgotten?”. That pretty much resulted in a “get out of the x way” and a double thumbs up from the artic driver sat waiting behind me.



Pay Day :cry:

I hate the way plastic cones come to life and move when you’re not watching them.

Traffic lights -
especially when there are 15 of those on a 1 mile stretch and they are not switched in sync… I really hate to just reach 30 and have to hit the brakes because the next light turns red… even better if they do that at night…

Why can’t they adopt the continental scheme? Turn the lights in phase - so you have green most of the way if you stick to the speed limit. And at night, use the American system and switch the darn things to blinking amber…

Can anyone relate to the following whinge?

What amazes me is seeing so called professional drivers dropping an empty trailer; winding the legs down to the bottom! This really infuriates me as it tends to leave the fifth wheel in a level and upright position causing damage to the headboard of the next trailer the unit is coupling up to.

At TNT Express we carry very little weight so there is really no need to wind down the landing legs to the very bottom even when dropping a loaded trailer, yet I see guys every day of the week dropping empties in this manner.


Leave a couple of inches and let the trailer slide slowly down the “helpers.”


Everyone’s happy.

I tried explaining this to my boss who looked at me with a blank look on his face!

Anyone surprised? :blush: :question:

Aye, trailer heights is a right pain :imp:

You can tell when a trailer’s been dropped by an ERF, it sits up and begs :laughing: winding down with a full load is no fun at all especially when it’s :open_mouth: ing it down

I was trained to wind it to the floor, then wind it back 2 full turns which usually gives about 1/2 inch clearance.

Don’t know whether this applies to all makes but I’ve got a CF with mid lift, the handbook recommends to have all wheels on the floor when dropping a trailer as it rides slightly higher in four wheels.

Don’t like to whinge but :wink: :laughing: you leave your safe gap, a car fills it, you slow down to get your gap again adinfinitum :imp:

Hmmm pet hates

  1. driving with front fogs/driving lights on when its not foggy
  2. dodgy headlights
  3. middle lane swoopers
  4. high beam on coming at you and you flash and the ignorant [ZB’s] leave them on.

could go on all night but they are the main one for me.


TNT Trucker:

Leave a couple of inches and let the trailer slide slowly down the “helpers.”


Everyone’s happy.

There are 2 S reg CF’s in the place I work that dont have “helpers” on, the rear mudgaurds are in a right state.


There are 2 S reg CF’s in the place I work that dont have “helpers” on, the rear mudgaurds are in a right state.

With respect Wayne, all our tractors are the same spec with the same coupling height give or take an inch. All fitted with helpers.

No disrespect meant in my reply, sorry if you thought there was :blush:


Pulling into a filling station to find a black cab or transit parked at the pump stated HGV only to find the driver doing a spot of shopping. :angry: :angry:

Frilly curtains/Peekaboo curtains.Naff and poncy.

Audi drivers
Generally the ■■■■ poor driving standards on our roads

Had to be Toby didn’t it. Good bit of archeology there Tobybobs

My pet hates…

Things being shoved up his bottom :exclamation:

Pulling over to let fellow professional drivers join the motorway or dual carriage way and then them not having the intelligence or manners to let you back in especially when there is a stream of vehicles joining behind the so called professional driver making it harder to manouvre your truck to get back into the inside lane. Some car drivers you would expect it but professional drivers…come on…then we wonder why motorists think trucks are a ■■■■ nuisance!

No unity. No representation worth talking about. General apathy.

Drivers taking a break on the fuel pumps boils my ■■■■. :imp: