Whats the furthest you have done in one hit!

Many years ago, I did David Browns in Huddersfield, down to Southampton Docks, then to Dorchester for another drop, then home to Huddersfield!! Makes me cringe to think about it.

i once did foggia to bristol in 27 hours non stop via the train but sleptn for a day when i got back.Also i used to 2 munichs a week on a regular basis(every week!!) those were the days.

with my dad a few years back we went from liverpool to manchester to southampton bak to manchester an down to southampton in jus over a day

stupid i know !

St Austell to Leeds with a 5 hour stop near Crewe, does that count?

BTW that was on a pushbike with camping gear, 476.4 miles in 50ish hours :open_mouth:

Did Reggio Calabria to Dover, would have kept going if i didn’t have to clear custom’s, a different ball game now.
Bang on legal. :blush:

Left Runcorn, tipped St athan (Cardiff), across to Brize Norton (Oxford) up to Leuchars (St Andrews), then Lossiemouth (Elgin) - both the last two tipped during the night - down to Beith and then back to Salford to do 3 hours paperwork. Around 32 hours. Needless to say in a van.

Not boasting Lucy, 3 drivers weren’t turning in Monday (all legitimate reasons) and customers don’t usually remember all the times you get it right - just the times you didn’t deliver.

a coruna in spain to brussels in a car though. 22hrs and only stopping for fuel.

Being paid trip money used to account for a lot! Don’t spose its allowed anymore, Tipped Madrid, reloaded Murcia & back for The British Shoe Corporation. They wanted it & they were prepared to pay for it!
If you didn!t do it someone else would!

I used to run groupage to Spain, either Barcelona or Madrid. It was always a pain to get reloaded so you invariably sat there a day or two.
As long as you were out of either city by 1400 hrs on Thursday, you could just catch the ferry out of Cherbourg at 0630 Friday, but you only had time to stop for fuel in Irun, get your smokes and that was all. I used to pucker up awful bad on the peages heading back up through.

It was a weekly occurrance which I am not especially proud of.

Over here is different. Vancouver to Winnipeg is one I have done on a few occasions. Edmonton to home is a common one, a bit under 1000 miles.

Swansea services to bridgend to haverford west then to banbury and back to birkenhead in 10hrs driving

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Rugby to Toulouse

Double manned

In a camper van

To watch England in the 98’ World cup finals :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Burton to crick via hams hall. Done this regularly. My eyes were out on stalks by the time i got parked up :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

One week:
Sunday afternoon - Glasgow - Uig. Regular daily rest, splitted for ferry at the morning
Monday - multidrop on the islands. Regular daily rest
Tuesday - Lochmaddy - Glasgow. Short daily rest
Wenesday - Glasgow - North Uist. Regular daily rest
Thursday - Multidrop on the Outher Hebrides (where I recieved important call about some family matters in Poland). Regular daily rest
Friday: South Uist - Glasgow (on the lorry and ferry) then Glasgow - Crewe (on the car), 8 hrs of sleep
Saturday: Crewe - Dover, 2 hours of sleep on the ferry, Bologne - Berlin with few small stops, 2 hours of sleep, Berlin - Wrocław., arrived there in Sunday morning.

That was emergency, that was terrible, I hope never need to do anything similar in my live.

I just sat on the sofa to remove my shoes off and felt asleep. Lucky me, that I wasn’t driving at this moment.

That was a nightmare, as I was driving all that way alone and had no radio in my car.

Lucky me, that was Christmas Eve and it was no traffic. From Berlin to Wrocław I was counting other vehicles and there was less then 50 driving both directions…

Please do not try this at home.

For Lucy: What the point of posting my adventure here? Just to show, that I know, what is to be tired. And that I am fully aware how danger is it. And to allow others to learn on the other’s people experience.

done grenoble to the shuttle in 9hours 51 and got off the train and parked in ashford in 9 hours 59

Long time ago, 1997.

Fife > Watford > Tilbury > Glasgow > Fife > London (3 hrs kip) > Grangemouth > Fife.

I double manned with George Host ;~)

When I was on the fridges in the early 90s every trip was one hit back, Castrovillari to Calais with only a diesel stop & eating Mars bars for me dinner is one that sticks in my mind.

But the odd one hit is easy, the hard bit is doing them week in & week out, I did 45 of these in a year, West Thurrock to Pescara, tip, then over to Pomezia to reload, shipped out 5am Monday, in my local in Belvedere 9pm Friday come rain or shine, the longest stint in one go was Basel/St Louis to Piacenza via Pescara & Pomezia, I also did 2 munich round trips & had 2 weeks holiday on the Algarve that year & I don’t regret it one bit.

There’s a few other boys on here that were regular one hitters too, I used to see em in Italy & lo & behold there they were in Dover when I got back, tut tut :laughing:

That was the thing, wasn’t it, NMM? We had no real choice available to us if we ever wanted home time because you could sit it out and behave or you could hammer on and get back. Trouble was with waiting it out was starvation as you wouldn’t earn enough.

That night in the pub when you could hardly see the door was always a worthwhile exercise because you got chance to really zonk out the following day.

I think my worst was Verona to Harrogate. It was via the Blanc because I couldn’t get it cleared for Switzerland. The only stop was for diesel in Luxembourg and then the Dunkerque-Dover Norfolkline where I took a pillow upstairs and slept on the couch instead of eating.

I also did Vienna to Bridgewater non stop except for the diesel in Jabbeke and the train.

Lucy, these were for that tank company you have a tendency to defend. Believe me, they expected far more from me than they did you because I was a subbie.

I couldn’t ever condone it, Lucy. I remember all too well getting out of the truck and having my legs buckle under me after some of the marathon drives. My neck used to get so stiff that I carried a can of freeze spray so I could force it to move without hurting myself worse. That feeling where your eyes have gone into a different time zone to your mind is terrifying. But I tell you what, I would pit my reflexes after a long drive back then against most peoples after a drive to the supermarket. Those who have been there will understand. We were total giants when it came to stamina, endurance and overall ability.

I do understand it, and I understand the need for doing it.

Off the top of my head, 20km’s north of Munich, (cant remmber name of place) to Diss in Norfolk non-stop, apart from the boat obviously! And Felixstowe to Perth to Felixstowe in a day. Now very happy to be running 100% legal :smiley:

Coming back from Milan one Friday night into Saturday morning after playing the usual drive-load-drive-load-drive game for the last few days when what should I see■■?..6ft tall brown rabbits and squirrels jumping across the autoroute north of Lyon at about 4 in the morning!!!..must have been something to do with the excessive amount of hours I was doing! :laughing: :laughing:

Gave me the shock of my life, pulled over into the next Aire for “a few minutes over the wheel”…woke up 4 hours later,engine still running and arms lke lumps of lead.!! :smiley: :unamused:

Madness really but we had to do it cos if you didnt then somebody else would and you wouldnt have a job!!