What is it with this forum?


Rob K:
Anyway you’ve just admitted to being an old member on here under a new moniker - why? Something to hide? :wink:

If you read the post correctly! (as you often state) I said I have been reading this forum for quite a long time.

I have only recently joined so I could post.


In order to know that I had been banned (for what was a brief period) you would’ve needed access to the feedback forum as that was the only place it was mentioned. Only full members can access the feedback forum so you are not the “recently joined” member here that you claim to be :sunglasses: . So I ask again, why the new moniker? Something to hide? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll try not to upset anyone but what is it with this forum■■? :unamused: I’ve not been on here long but it seems that everybody is either slagging someone off or taking the mickey.

There is definitely a clique on here and for new members such as myself it doesn’t really make you feel welcome :imp:

I’ve read loads but posted little because I can’t see the point in voicing an opinion. ie. when the ‘clique’ respond most other posters seem to agree…the only ones who disagree have between 2 & 30 posts and no more…does that say something■■?

Some posters are very childish and really need to grow up - you know who you are…or do you■■? :unamused:

I’ll expect some grief but I’ll get over it :laughing:



44 Tonne Ton:


:unamused: :unamused:

Please read again what I have posted!! I have been READING this forum for quite a LONG TIME!!

I have NEVER joined until recently as I have been active on another forum and couldn’t see the point of it.

I also have nothing to hide nor nothing to prove.


44 Tonne Ton:


:unamused: :unamused:

Please read again what I have posted!! I have been READING this forum for quite a LONG TIME!!

I have NEVER joined until recently as I have been active on another forum and couldn’t see the point of it.

I also have nothing to hide nor nothing to prove.

That is exactly my point sir. You cannot have known that I had been banned without being a signed up member as the feedback forum cannot be read UNLESS you are a member. Sign out and try accessing the feedback forum and you will see for yourself. Therefore you are not a new member here as you would have had to have been a member back in 2005 era to know that I’d been banned. :bulb:

I’ll try not to upset anyone but what is it with this forum■■? :unamused: I’ve not been on here long but it seems that everybody is either slagging someone off or taking the mickey.

Oh right. Hang on…

Also, I have been reading this forum for quite a long time and assure you Rob there is defo a clique.

When did you realise this notion, before or after you joined? :smiley: :smiley:

What is the big issue if a post is moved into a different place? All you need to do is search your own user name or push new posts to find any post. Very few are locked, even less deleted, but the mods do tidy up occasionally.

Tonight there are 25338 registered users, many have never posted, some of you have posted the magic 2 to 30 that was spoken about, yet it seems to be those new posters that come in and start pushing their weight, not the regulars.

If anyone asks a serious question in a reasonably polite way, they get a speedy and generally correct answer, or at least an equally correct or alternative view.

Nothing has changed, a new driver starts at a company, everyone will help him if asked, but if someone comes in who knows it all, they will get short shrift from the regular drivers. Apprentices get their knackers greased. It is the same on here, but after the greasing, someone will help you clean up, look after you and very soon you become one of the greasers

Wheel Nut:
What is the big issue if a post is moved into a different place? All you need to do is search your own user name or push new posts to find any post. Very few are locked, even less deleted, but the mods do tidy up occasionally.

Tonight there are 25338 registered users, many have never posted, some of you have posted the magic 2 to 30 that was spoken about, yet it seems to be those new posters that come in and start pushing their weight, not the regulars.

If anyone asks a serious question in a reasonably polite way, they get a speedy and generally correct answer, or at least an equally correct or alternative view.

Nothing has changed, a new driver starts at a company, everyone will help him if asked, but if someone comes in who knows it all, they will get short shrift from the regular drivers. Apprentices get their knackers greased. It is the same on here, but after the greasing, someone will help you clean up, look after you and very soon you become one of the greasers

I’m afraid I will have to disagree with you Wheel Nut as I wouldn’t want to be accused of being part of a clique. :open_mouth:

Rob K:


Post already been moved!!! why■■? I would have thought it was valid in the main section :unamused: :unamused:

Not impressed to be honest and it was a recommendation from several others :unamused: will persevere but won’t hold my breath.

Could a mod explain why the original post was removed please.

I moved it, because apart from it being more appropriate for this forum I knew from your opening post it would ■■■■ you off. I couldn’t get to the move button quick enough to be honest. :slight_smile:

You’re not helping matters here Neil… :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

I wasn’t trying to help, I was trying to pour petrol on the fire. :wink:

Rob K:
Note to other members : all Neil’s posts must be taking with a large pinch of salt (except posts in the tacho law forum which are always 100% legit :wink: ).

Not all of them, maybe 85 - 90% at best in that forum are legit, some are complete ■■■■■■■■. And of that 10 - 15% about 5% of them were for ROG to post elsewhere as his own factual answers.

Well then Neil…it appears you a have already made an assumption of me :unamused:

What assumption. I knew it would ■■■■ you off to have your post moved to the correct forum and sure enough you complained about it and started to demand to know why. Nothing assumed at all, simply the facts dear, simply the facts. :unamused: :wink:

i used to have a clique… i used to press it when the dog was naughty

or was that a cliquer …

cliquer ?

ah sorry wrong topic , i meant clicker

clicker ?

ah doesn’t matter i’m bored now

but isn’t this how forums work ? you find something you like & tell a friend & they in turn tell their friends .

i’ve got one or two friends but they dont all get on but thats life , & considering we all supposedly do the same job the forum here represents the different people we are .
i’m not part of a clique here but it wouldn’t stop me posting although maybe globby, gogsy & shuttlespanker should have a board to themselves …

…prefferably padded for their own safety :neutral_face:

does anyone here agree with any thing i’ve just said ? if so does that mean i’m in a click ? err… clique or just a follower ?

44 Tonne Ton:

The reason we don’t just bugger off is just in case we find something interesting, for example; I now will buy a 24v oven instead of a microwave based on the reviews here.

This is by far the most bitchy forum I have ever been on, and the people on it are certainly strange to say the least. however I will continue to visit just in case I need something.

Doubt I will ever start a thread again though, as to be honest, I just find it frustrating with the constant moaning and picking!

It would seem that 90% of all the bitchy moaning belittling posts are made by the same 10% of the people on here!!

If it wasn’t for us busy buggers there would be nothing to see here!

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1%25_rule_ … et_culture

That link was pretty interesting. I guess I fall into the 9% because I can never think of a worthwhile topic to start a thread on.

Not like some people… eh?


Rob K:
I’m afraid I will have to disagree with you Wheel Nut as I wouldn’t want to be accused of being part of a clique. :open_mouth:

I am not sure I’m part of a clique either, I will pick the bones out of every bodies soup :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi all. I dont know what you mean :confused: I have always found everyone on here kind and helpful and a mountain of information and no one take the ■■■■ :laughing: i have many faults but being wrong is not 1 of them :smiley: :smiley:

Rob K:
That is exactly my point sir. You cannot have known that I had been banned without being a signed up member as the feedback forum cannot be read UNLESS you are a member. Sign out and try accessing the feedback forum and you will see for yourself. Therefore you are not a new member here as you would have had to have been a member back in 2005 era to know that I’d been banned. :bulb:

there’s another user with 600+ posts posting from the same IP address :wink:

Hi all. I dont know what you mean :confused: I have always found everyone on here kind and helpful and a mountain of information and no one take the ■■■■ :laughing: i have many faults but being wrong is not 1 of them :smiley: :smiley:

I thought I was wrong once - but I was mistaken :sunglasses:

Rob K:
That is exactly my point sir. You cannot have known that I had been banned without being a signed up member as the feedback forum cannot be read UNLESS you are a member. Sign out and try accessing the feedback forum and you will see for yourself. Therefore you are not a new member here as you would have had to have been a member back in 2005 era to know that I’d been banned. :bulb:

I first read this site about 2003 I think at the time there were some changes being made but I never joined as I was a member on TW and at the time couldn’t see the point.

I since have accessed the site every 2 - 3 months just reading the most recent posts. It was someone who recently suggested that I join this website and post etc etc.

Please don’t analyse my posts too much as I really am honest in what I have already posted. I have no ulterior motive I’m just a driver who like to keep up with gossip.

I don’t know if you, or anyone else for that matter is on TW but you can check my history and posts on there.


I’ll try not to upset anyone but what is it with this forum■■? :unamused: I’ve not been on here long but it seems that everybody is either slagging someone off or taking the mickey.

Oh right. Hang on…

Also, I have been reading this forum for quite a long time and assure you Rob there is defo a clique.

When did you realise this notion, before or after you joined? :smiley: :smiley:

I knew there was a clique but was encouraged to join by a workmate. Have had words with him :smiling_imp:


Rob K:
That is exactly my point sir. You cannot have known that I had been banned without being a signed up member as the feedback forum cannot be read UNLESS you are a member. Sign out and try accessing the feedback forum and you will see for yourself. Therefore you are not a new member here as you would have had to have been a member back in 2005 era to know that I’d been banned. :bulb:

I first read this site about 2003 I think at the time there were some changes being made but I never joined as I was a member on TW and at the time couldn’t see the point.

I since have accessed the site every 2 - 3 months just reading the most recent posts. It was someone who recently suggested that I join this website and post etc etc.

Please don’t analyse my posts too much as I really am honest in what I have already posted. I have no ulterior motive I’m just a driver who like to keep up with gossip.

I don’t know if you, or anyone else for that matter is on TW but you can check my history and posts on there.

Without wishing to come across as being blunt (which I’ve still yet to master, btw :laughing: ), I really don’t give a toss about it all. :laughing: You were the one who brought up the bit about me being banned for a short period 28 years ago (which I’ve no idea why you’ve done this or what point you were trying to make) and I simply corrected you by saying you couldn’t have known this without already having a username here at that time. You say you didn’t, I say you did. I don’t care. It’s not important. Move on.

I’ll try not to upset anyone but what is it with this forum■■? :unamused: I’ve not been on here long but it seems that everybody is either slagging someone off or taking the mickey.

There is definitely a clique on here and for new members such as myself it doesn’t really make you feel welcome :imp:

I’ve read loads but posted little because I can’t see the point in voicing an opinion. ie. when the ‘clique’ respond most other posters seem to agree…the only ones who disagree have between 2 & 30 posts and no more…does that say something■■?

Some posters are very childish and really need to grow up - you know who you are…or do you■■? :unamused:

I’ll expect some grief but I’ll get over it :laughing:

I wasn’t here in 2003 and I am not sure if Rob K was either, there are certainly a lot of members come and gone in the last 8 or 9 years. But Mal was here at that time before he went awol with his own place

:blush: I

Rick B:
Accept me as I am

Too late with the edit, it was seen.

First rule of trolling, make sure you are using the correct user name or you just end up looking daft. Bet you thought ‘Oh ■■■■■■■■!’ when you read the post you had just made and realised you had used Rick B instead of dri-diddly-iver. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and the other golden rule of trolling/multi-user names, FFS change your IP. That’s what I do with my two current user names on TW. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: