What is it with this forum?

I’ll try not to upset anyone but what is it with this forum■■? :unamused: I’ve not been on here long but it seems that everybody is either slagging someone off or taking the mickey.

There is definitely a clique on here and for new members such as myself it doesn’t really make you feel welcome :imp:

I’ve read loads but posted little because I can’t see the point in voicing an opinion. ie. when the ‘clique’ respond most other posters seem to agree…the only ones who disagree have between 2 & 30 posts and no more…does that say something■■?

Some posters are very childish and really need to grow up - you know who you are…or do you■■? :unamused:

I’ll expect some grief but I’ll get over it :laughing:

I’ll try not to upset anyone but what is it with this forum■■? :unamused: I’ve not been on here long but it seems that everybody is either slagging someone off or taking the mickey.

There is definitely a clique on here and for new members such as myself it doesn’t really make you feel welcome :imp:

I’ve read loads but posted little because I can’t see the point in voicing an opinion. ie. when the ‘clique’ respond most other posters seem to agree…the only ones who disagree have between 2 & 30 posts and no more…does that say something■■?

Some posters are very childish and really need to grow up - you know who you are…or do you■■? :unamused:

I’ll expect some grief but I’ll get over it :laughing:

Well said!

I am here: maps.google.com/maps?ll=55.001451,-1.675261

Come on what do you expect?? About 89% of the members are illiterate ffs :wink:

Come on what do you expect?? About 89% of the members are illiterate ffs :wink:

And the other 27% can’t add up!

I agree.

No, hang on I disagree.

Oh I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing, I just know it’s s little internet forum, not real life and folk shouldn’t take it so seriously.

I really don’t understand people who don’t like or can’t get on with a site yet keep coming back. When I find a forum I use has changed so I no longer like it I just [zb] off, same as I would do with say a pub in the real world

Opinions are, of course, like ■■■-holes; everyone’s got one but some are bigger than others! :wink:

Unfortunately, some forum users think that theirs is the only one that counts, hence the bust-ups.

Must admit it was that, plus the regular bouts of agency-bashing, which made me cut down my visits.

Edit; and the attitude of some that “if you don’t like it ■■■■ off!” :wink:

but wagon drivers fall into two camps…stubborn argumentive bum wipes, or follow on yes men. just like on a forum!!

welcome by the way, ive been on here about a year and rarely bother posting…often for reasons you have stated…unless someone really has been peeing me off!

Post already been moved!!! why■■? I would have thought it was valid in the main section :unamused: :unamused:

Not impressed to be honest and it was a recommendation from several others :unamused: will persevere but won’t hold my breath.

Could a mod explain why the original post was removed please.

What is it with people who moan about forums? If you don’t like it don’t let the door hit yer erse on the way out! :stuck_out_tongue:

There is absolutely sod all wrong with this forum. I wouldn’t say there is a clique either?

Yeah, we take the ■■■■ about things (■■■■■■ and Stobarts mainly) but it’s all banter. Yeah there are a few pricks but thats just normal.

The reason your post was moved is most likely because it’s feedback - Hence why it’s better suited in the feedback forum!

Don’t be scared to get chatting, there is no such thing as ‘one of us’, we’re all in the same truck (See what I did there)

I can only asume by clique you mean the users that spend most of their life on here and respond to the majority of posts?

The reason we don’t just bugger off is just in case we find something interesting, for example; I now will buy a 24v oven instead of a microwave based on the reviews here.

This is by far the most bitchy forum I have ever been on, and the people on it are certainly strange to say the least. however I will continue to visit just in case I need something.

Doubt I will ever start a thread again though, as to be honest, I just find it frustrating with the constant moaning and picking!

It would seem that 90% of all the bitchy moaning belittling posts are made by the same 10% of the people on here!!

Post already been moved!!! why■■? I would have thought it was valid in the main section :unamused: :unamused:

Not impressed to be honest and it was a recommendation from several others :unamused: will persevere but won’t hold my breath.

Could a mod explain why the original post was removed please.

It wasn’t me who moved your post, but I would have moved it if I’d seen it first.

According to the records that I can see, you posted in the Pro-Drivers’ forum, but your post wasn’t connected with driving and so it’s best in here. Your post is a ‘feedback’ type comment/discussion, so I reckon it’s rightly in the feedback forum where it can best be discussed.

The reason we don’t just bugger off is just in case we find something interesting, for example; I now will buy a 24v oven instead of a microwave based on the reviews here.

This is by far the most bitchy forum I have ever been on, and the people on it are certainly strange to say the least. however I will continue to visit just in case I need something.

Doubt I will ever start a thread again though, as to be honest, I just find it frustrating with the constant moaning and picking!

It would seem that 90% of all the bitchy moaning belittling posts are made by the same 10% of the people on here!!

If it wasn’t for us busy buggers there would be nothing to see here!

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1%25_rule_ … et_culture

I’ll try not to upset anyone but what is it with this forum■■? :unamused: I’ve not been on here long but it seems that everybody is either slagging someone off or taking the mickey.

Much of it is just ■■■■ taking and unless you’ve been reading these forums as long as some of us have been active members here then chances are you aren’t going to know the history behind it. As for slaggings off, well if you say something completely stupid then imho you deserve it, although some members tend to mince their words better than others… :blush:

There is definitely a clique on here and for new members such as myself it doesn’t really make you feel welcome :imp:

There is no clique, you are just imagining it.

I’ve read loads but posted little because I can’t see the point in voicing an opinion. ie. when the ‘clique’ respond most other posters seem to agree…the only ones who disagree have between 2 & 30 posts and no more…does that say something■■?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If you don’t agree with it then there’s nothing stopping you from replying with your own opinion. Chances are if the perceived “clique” you speak of all happen to agree then there’s usually some merit in it.

Just looking at your post history it’s no wonder you’re feeling under fire. Firstly you start off by saying you’ve come here from TW which is never a good idea for a whole number of reasons I can’t be arsed going into :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: , then you post some anti-immigrant spiel from the internet which has done the rounds of the forums for the past decade, then you make some anti-Stobart post, then you make a post pro-Stobart, then another anti-Stobart post :confused: :confused: and now this thread! :laughing: Come on, you really expected to get a smooth ride after posting that lot? :laughing: :smiley: :smiley:

I’ll expect some grief but I’ll get over it :laughing:

Not at all. Like Neil says :

“I just know it’s s little internet forum, not real life and folk shouldn’t take it so seriously.”

Just join in and don’t takes things too seriously and you’ll soon get the hang of it. :slight_smile:

I think the bodysnatchers have got Rob!!!

Post already been moved!!! why■■? I would have thought it was valid in the main section :unamused: :unamused:

Not impressed to be honest and it was a recommendation from several others :unamused: will persevere but won’t hold my breath.

Could a mod explain why the original post was removed please.

I moved it, because apart from it being more appropriate for this forum I knew from your opening post it would ■■■■ you off. I couldn’t get to the move button quick enough to be honest. :slight_smile:


Post already been moved!!! why■■? I would have thought it was valid in the main section :unamused: :unamused:

Not impressed to be honest and it was a recommendation from several others :unamused: will persevere but won’t hold my breath.

Could a mod explain why the original post was removed please.

I moved it, because apart from it being more appropriate for this forum I knew from your opening post it would ■■■■ you off. I couldn’t get to the move button quick enough to be honest. :slight_smile:

You’re not helping matters here Neil… :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

Note to other members : all Neil’s posts must be taking with a large pinch of salt (except posts in the tacho law forum which are always 100% legit :wink: ).

Well then Neil…it appears you a have already made an assumption of me :unamused: Never mind I’ll have to learn the criteria a little more :wink:

Rob K Not sure where I have made an ANTI Stobart post■■? could you point it out please!

Also, I have been reading this forum for quite a long time and assure you Rob there is defo a clique. I remember you getting banned which is also a long time ago :wink:

As powell1832 states - continue reading because there may be something useful to read. :sunglasses:

Drive carefully everyone and be safe.

Well then Neil…it appears you a have already made an assumption of me :unamused: Never mind I’ll have to learn the criteria a little more :wink:

Rob K Not sure where I have made an ANTI Stobart post■■? could you point it out please!

Also, I have been reading this forum for quite a long time and assure you Rob there is defo a clique. I remember you getting banned which is also a long time ago :wink:

As powell1832 states - continue reading because there may be something useful to read. :sunglasses:

Drive carefully everyone and be safe.

Sorry I beg your pardon, it showed up in the search as being made by you but it was in fact someone else who’d made it and you’d quoted it.

Anyway you’ve just admitted to being an old member on here under a new moniker - why? Something to hide? :wink:

Rob K:
Anyway you’ve just admitted to being an old member on here under a new moniker - why? Something to hide? :wink:

If you read the post correctly! (as you often state) I said I have been reading this forum for quite a long time.

I have only recently joined so I could post.