What holdall do you use

The only bag I have is the mother-in-law!

Trust me,nobody would be silly enough to steal her… :smiling_imp:

Something really scary about a woman with more tattoos than you…

Must be a designer bag then Stevie. :laughing: :laughing:

That aint bad, nice easy question, simple enough for drivers to read & understand :laughing: , no flaming on the post & get 2 pages of replies :grimacing:

a good old carrier bag! When it starts getting worse for wear you just sling it and get a new one.

That aint bad, nice easy question, simple enough for drivers to read & understand :laughing: , no flaming on the post & get 2 pages of replies :grimacing:

I agree, yours was a good post had a good few laughs over it. Well done. :wink:

This is not rocket science…

bag a £3

bag b £10

bag c £15+

guess I’ll take bag a. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

i use a genuine bugout pack

I have just been given a rather nice Man Bag :smiley: I have wanted one for ages. I just do not have the balls to use a French Vanity box just yet. :wink: