What holdall do you use


No it had a few problems the other day, this Reebok bag with a Union Jack tag on it started kicking off about being undercut by a dirty Polish bag, madness really, who’d think that kind of prejudice exsisted? :laughing:

I have a foreign bag, threw it over my shoulder the other day and side swiped an handbag…

That’s funny :wink: :laughing:

I had one of those Isreali bags too, put me wallet in it & the ■■■■■ wouldn’t let me get it back out :open_mouth:

It was also a nightmare if I put it down, it just used to plonk itself down where it wasnt wanted & refused to move, it couldnt care less about the trouble it caused in bag world :unamused:

I had one of those Isreali bags too, put me wallet in it & the [zb] wouldn’t let me get it back out :open_mouth:

It was also a nightmare if I put it down, it just used to plonk itself down where it wasnt wanted & refused to move, it couldnt care less about the trouble it caused in bag world :unamused:

Just keep it away from the US ‘fanny bag’ or you’ll know what trouble really is :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley:

Why reg:

I had one of those Isreali bags too, put me wallet in it & the [zb] wouldn’t let me get it back out :open_mouth:

It was also a nightmare if I put it down, it just used to plonk itself down where it wasnt wanted & refused to move, it couldnt care less about the trouble it caused in bag world :unamused:

Just keep it away from the US ‘fanny bag’ or you’ll know what trouble really is :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley:

I heard that they were best mates :laughing:


Why reg:

I had one of those Isreali bags too, put me wallet in it & the [zb] wouldn’t let me get it back out :open_mouth:

It was also a nightmare if I put it down, it just used to plonk itself down where it wasnt wanted & refused to move, it couldnt care less about the trouble it caused in bag world :unamused:

Just keep it away from the US ‘fanny bag’ or you’ll know what trouble really is :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley:

I heard that they were best mates :laughing:

Not with anyone else, you’ll find bags of all sorts ganging up on yer ■■■ :smiley:

I tried the French version a bit back, the baguette, it had very little room and smelt of garlic, although I did like the lettuce trim. I could never go near a port with it though, it would always try to the block the entrance.

I bought myself an irish bag, as I am going on holiday tomorrow, apparently my clothes are already there…

I bought myself an irish bag, as I am going on holiday tomorrow, apparently my clothes are already there…

I must’ve bought a Mark Thatcher suitcase, I arrived back in Canada from 2wks in England yesterday, my case? Nobody knows, not a happy bunny :cry:

Not doing nights out at the moment, so i use a Man bag
:laughing: :laughing:

When i did my last trip over the water i took a Lidl carrier bag into the drivers restuarant on the ferry and filled it with bread rolls,butter jam ect . . .
resultski !! :laughing: :laughing:

Last year I was coming through customs in convoy, there were bags from all ovr the place. The customs guy pulls me over and goes through everything… but finds nothing.

Next thing I know they are ripping into the bags, pulling them to bits and stitching bits of one to the other.

‘What are you doing’ I screamed.

He looks at me with determination on his face…

‘Trying to make a case’

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I’ve got an assortment of bags collected from all the prostitutes I’ve murdered,
I’m putting them up on e-Bay if anyone’s interested. ( contents included )

4 plastics bags
which is really 2 bags
as its cold you must use layers
and as they are bloody thin its a strength thing

2 x Tesco
1 x Aldi
1 x Asda

ps i put the Aldi and Asda bag inside a Tesco one so it looks right

I’ve got an assortment of bags collected from all the prostitutes I’ve murdered,
I’m putting them up on e-Bay if anyone’s interested. ( contents included )

So you have a body bag then…

I use a 30ltr Northern Ireland Patrol Pack (mini bergen) as my man bag. This has been with me since my last tour of NI in 1998 and is still in top condition. It’s had 11 years of daily service and is still as good as the day I got it from the stores.

For my maps I use a Tesco Mail bag. A plastic mail bag that keeps all my maps, pens, tacho’s etc in a good, clean dry condition.


I’ve got an assortment of bags collected from all the prostitutes I’ve murdered,
I’m putting them up on e-Bay if anyone’s interested. ( contents included )

So you have a body bag then…

Don’t tell everyone, they’ll all want one! :laughing:

I carry my valueables in a sack, a scrotum sack.

Layby Larry:
I carry my valueables in a sack, a scrotum sack.

Good thinking. No-one would steal that :laughing:


Layby Larry:
I carry my valueables in a sack, a scrotum sack.

Good thinking. No-one would steal that :laughing:

Perhaps a bag less seaman on shore leave might nick it.

Layby Larry:
I carry my valueables in a sack, a scrotum sack.

Cracking idea Larry.

Especially as in your case I imagine two garden peas are very valuable. :laughing:

The only bag I have is the mother-in-law!

Trust me,nobody would be silly enough to steal her… :smiling_imp:

Something really scary about a woman with more tattoos than you…