What happened to these folks?

I still post sometimes, I understand im never going to be very popular as I dont wash my truck often enough, I too cant cope with the planks on the proffesional drivers forum as most times I look at it I cringe with the nonsence posted.

This business with Harry Monk is a dreadfull carry on & I cant understand why his waffle & derogitory comments on here & his.mithering over facebook is being allowed on Trucknet wheres the moderators? You cant call people ■■■■■■ whilst hiding on a site like this its deplorable.

Fly sheet

I cant wait to see what happens with this " ■■■■■ " statement from Monk tomorrow , my guess is nothing will happen .

Monk you want banning for that , you’ve openly accused two people of being ■■■■■■ on a public forum … shocking .

Just for future reference Monk i have no idea if the Knapp i have on my friends list is real or not and nor do i care , his real name could be shirley tripe for all i know , and further more i’ve no idea who limeyphil is or his wife nor have i seen any mention of either one of them . Are you making this ■■■■■ up as you go along ? If any of it has been done then its been done to a very small audience where as you made your accusations on a public forum for far more people to see .

Hand up those who can smell ■■■■■ …

Is Shirley Tripe a facebook friend bowser? I may add her, I have Knappster on fb too & got the talking to off Harry Monk on there about who my fb friends should & shouldnt be after he had found out who I am & gone through my friends list.

Anyway in fairness this is a lorry drivers site & Monks needs sorting for dragging it down to this level, over to you who can do it.

I think it’s quite flattering that someone comes up with enough value on these forums to give someone the ammo to think up a Facebook page about them.
Rob K mentioned the Facebook page and I think anyone with half a brain realises its a total ■■■■ take and there’s sod all truth in it but it is funny.
I think it’s a shame Rob doesn’t post much on here as much as he always had something interesting to say and his views were always well reasoned and argued and you could see where he was coming from even if you didn’t agree.
There’s others on here who don’t post much but had lots of intresting stuff to say.
I also think a lot of the posts on the main forum have gone down hill and if some of the posters are for real I don’t think I’d trust them with a paper round but unless every post is pre modded what can you do.

fly sheet:
Is Shirley Tripe a facebook friend bowser? I may add her, I have Knappster on fb too & got the talking to off Harry Monk on there about who my fb friends should & shouldnt be after he had found out who I am & gone through my friends list.

Anyway in fairness this is a lorry drivers site & Monks needs sorting for dragging it down to this level, over to you who can do it.

I’ve no idea who shirley tripe is i made her up :sunglasses: maybe RobK can make her a page of her own :wink:

I :wink: know you have him on your Facebook you’re on mine FFS keep up …

It is quite confusing I don’t know who I or anyone else is anymore

Monk you want banning for that , you’ve openly accused two people of being ■■■■■■ on a public forum … shocking .

Not only forum members, but also a moderator :open_mouth:

If that isn’t grounds for pre mod, then I don’t know what is :laughing:

However, I’m wearing my big boy pants today, so I will not be asking for sanctions to be imposed, just thought I’d throw that out there :wink:

Now, back to topic please, and on that note, Harry Monk, please take a long hard look at the title of this thread, then read your post where you attack Big Vern and bring a load of stuff that has no relevance to the thread into it, then you wonder why the likes of RobK no longer bother with the site :open_mouth:

Now, I’m going to assume that you’re not a complete idiot, but just in case, I’ll spell it out for you (& anyone else who fails to grasp the idea)

Keep your posts on topic, do not comment unless you have a constructive comment to make, you may also add a little joke here and there, but again, it should be relevant, you can take this ■■■■ a little if you like, but keep within the boundaries of the site rules, if you have an issue with somebody and that issue is something to do with this site, and this site alone, take it up withe the moderators or the admin team

Nobody is above the law on this site, the moderators included, we just try to keep the peace, but we all get moderated ourselves every now and again, we’re only human after all. I know I speak for my fellow moderators when I say this, we do this because we enjoy this site, our role is to intervene every now and again to help the smooth running of the site, none of us, including Rikki are full time, we all have proper jobs too and there’s enough to sort out with all the usual stuff that goes on without members bringing stuff from outside the little trucknet world into it. What happens on facebook stays on facebook :bulb:

It is quite confusing I don’t know who I or anyone else is anymore

I just ring my mum up and she tells me … its all very confusing :sunglasses:

. What happens on facebook stays on facebook :bulb:

A good idea indeed :wink: as is removing anyone from my fb newsfeed who posts stuff about TruckNet there :wink:

You can also thank Harry Monk, his actions/personal attacks have caused another word to be added to the word censor :wink:

I reckon a few people have got too personally involved in this. Its a forum about trucks FFS, grow up!


It is quite confusing I don’t know who I or anyone else is anymore

I just ring my mum up and she tells me … its all very confusing :sunglasses:

So how do you know she is your mum. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:



It is quite confusing I don’t know who I or anyone else is anymore

I just ring my mum up and she tells me … its all very confusing :sunglasses:

So how do you know she is your mum. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The milkman told me :wink:

Harry Monk:

Somewhere along the line, he took offence to me and went off on one. Others picked up on this and saw him for what he is. A bully.

RobK is a bully?

And this is from the Adrian Walker who set up the fake “Robert Knapp” and “Harry Monk”, Facebook pages, who copied a photo of Limeyphils wife taken on a humanitarian trip to Romania from TruckNet, pasted it as his Facebook cover photo and repeatedly made references to her as a Romanian prostitute who he “Robert Knapp” had purchased as his wife, who has posted personal details about my own children and their home address on his fake “Harry Monk” Facebook page and who thinks that saying “Lots of us shared those log-in details” is somehow a plausible explanation?

The Adrian Walker who constantly describes LucyR as fat and ugly on his fake “Robert Knapp” Facebook page and relates how he and all his friends regularly have ■■■ with her?

The Adrian Walker who was sacked from his van driver job after his employer received not one, not two but three phone calls from members of the public who had taken his employer’s phone number from his van following violent road rage attacks, including one on an elderly woman?

And RobK is a bully. Righto then. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

WTF? I told you twice you dumb ■■■■. I started none of the above. I know where you live,as does anyone who sees your O licence application. Firstly. I never posted any private info ANYWHERE apart from 2 digits…So what? .FACT. I never posted that photo of the woman you claim to be someone’s wife FACT. I never said anything about your kids. FACT. Never said anything about Lucy anywhere. FACT. Road rage against old ladies? WTF are you on about? . You said things about my Son dying. I let that go,as you apologised…Kind of! I was deeply saddened that you stooped so low as to attack me re my Son’s death. How low can somebody ger?

fly sheet:
Hey thats two of us newmercman The Keyboard King Mr Monk private messaged me a while back too calling me a [zb].

I wonder if he understands what a terrible thing it is to call a bloke.

I dont really know whos who anymore…hth :smiley:

This is the same Harry Monk who PM’s me when I wish him genuine luck with his business? :open_mouth:

fly sheet:
Hey thats two of us newmercman The Keyboard King Mr Monk private messaged me a while back too calling me a [zb].

I wonder if he understands what a terrible thing it is to call a bloke.

I dont really know whos who anymore…hth :smiley:

Where do I sign ! :laughing:

Looks like Hairey **** taxis will be pumping around the streets quicker then first thought!

I cant wait to see what happens with this " [zb] " statement from Monk tomorrow , my guess is nothing will happen .

Monk you want banning for that , you’ve openly accused two people of being [zb] on a public forum … shocking .

Just for future reference Monk i have no idea if the Knapp i have on my friends list is real or not and nor do i care , his real name could be shirley tripe for all i know , and further more i’ve no idea who limeyphil is or his wife nor have i seen any mention of either one of them . Are you making this [zb] up as you go along ? If any of it has been done then its been done to a very small audience where as you made your accusations on a public forum for far more people to see .

Hand up those who can smell [zb] …

Hands are up all over the country Mr Bowser :exclamation:

What happens on other websites (including facebook) is none of our business, If anyone has issues with facebook they should take it up with them… as for the rest this thread has had the original question answered and to all those that want to continue sniping and namecalling take it to e-mail or private message.
This thread is locked an any attempt to continue this arguement will be deleted without warning