What happened to these folks?

Coffeeholic,Rob K,Lucy,Harry,and whole lot more names don’t seem to post that did a while back when I used to pop in .

while i cant speak for them, it maybe what i’ve noticed over the last year or so. there seem to be a few people on this forum who seem to like to picking a “fight” they try and antagonize/wind people up which they must gets kicks out of, no matter what some posts they seem to find an angle to pick a fight usually someones lack of grammar/spellding/ oh no not this question again/why are you asking such a silly question yawn etc etc and you just think why do i bother posting. i dont post much nowadays, i check in time to time to read posts but very rarely comment. this forum has changed somewhat from when i first joined , seems to of go down faster than the titanic.

no reflection on the peope who run the board and on a whole people post interesting/positve posts just the small minority who drag it down - but hey ho each to there own,but such is life. :neutral_face:

and before certain people reply i’d like to apologise to the tnet spelling & grammar police

I would agree with CC, a lot of threads become ■■■■■■■ contests and there are those who look for the slightest of cracks, to prove themselves for some obscure reason :confused:

It has become the ‘norm’ now, sad really as there were some intelligent and informative individuals on here, unfortunately, this forum and many others have been dragged down to the lowest common denominator :frowning: Much like being in a supermarket on a busy day.

Probably due to the fact, that the odd hero on here think that they own the place and they try and dictate who posts what. :unamused:

Its a shame it used to be a great site. I must say that I have been reading a few posts and the feel is definitely not the same. I can remember being able to get some sound advice from some very knowledgeable folks. Is the board run by different folks because It used to be managed quite well before.

Oh and if its a grammar contest I better get off now :laughing: :laughing:

the forum has become infested with keyboard warriors of late , so called professional drivers , some still wet behind the ears who know it all and delight in trolling and spoiling good discussions just because they can . in the days of cb radio they would have been the ones playing music all day to block transmissions , such is the mentality of these plonkers .

Probably due to the fact, that the odd hero on here think that they own the place and they try and dictate who posts what. :unamused:

I give it 24 hours before the “keyboard warriors”

the topic.

So how come the board admin don’t sort it out ?

So how come the board admin don’t sort it out ?

probably a difficult thing to do, guess they cant patrol the board 24/7 as they all have real world jobs, example: if they put a warrior on pre mod they can just create another user account, never ending battle. best thing to do it just ignore them and dont rise to it. easier said than done as its natural to retaliate.

Cruise Control:

So how come the board admin don’t sort it out ?

probably a difficult thing to do, guess they cant patrol the board 24/7 as they all have real world jobs, example: if they put a warrior on pre mod they can just create another user account, never ending battle. best thing to do it just ignore them and dont rise to it. easier said than done as its natural to retaliate.

No probs just curious that’s all cruise :laughing: I maybe making a return to trucking, got an interview tomorrow morning with the last haulage company I worked for so might be around asking daft questions later on :unamused: In the meantime I will work on my spelling just in case :wink:

Coffeeholic is still around a bit. Rob_k quit some time back - it all got a bit repetitious. Dunno about Lucy. If you don’t mean Mr. Monk (still a regular), dunno. The thing is, people and always coming and going out of the game. You look at some of the original contributors and don’t recognise their names whereas you get to know what some of the current regulars are like to a t. There was even a thread recently where someone appeared to have literally come back from the dead - it was just that an old thread he was on was resurrected.

It’s not just this forum, I used to be a regular poster on a hobby forum but exactly what Cruise control has pointed out happened on that forum aswell, it got that bad I just did’nt think it was worth the bother any more :frowning:

Also Facebook happened

A lot cant be bothered with the same questions all the time some of them daft to say the least instead of reading a little they just ask on here they younger generation of keyboard warriors

Some that are more interested in spelling & grammar ( although they should look at there 1st me I need to go learn how to spell but that another story )

Posters all to willing to shoot another poster down some who just want to hear the nice things said but take all the criticism as some can be constructive some not & you dont always want to here what other people opinion is

Some people have had a sense of humour by pass

The list goes on

Some have just got a more interesting life now

In the main it is still run by the same people with the same or similar mods but as has been said they do work in the real world as well but some of this has been discussed before in the “Feedback forum”

So maybe a change of mods could be the answer to some with new ideas etc

Coffeeholic,Rob K,Lucy,Harry,and whole lot more names don’t seem to post that did a while back when I used to pop in .

Still lurking here from time to time but usually only a fleeting visit as there’s never anything of interest to post or comment on, just the same old drivel and trolling from the same members that are also behind my fake Facebook account. The site was taken over by them about 12-18 months ago and since then you can’t post anything without one of them turning the threads into a petty bitchfest and dragging them completely off-topic. Rikki, as usual, did absolutely nothing about it because it didn’t suit his own personal agenda and the grand sum of his ‘moderating’ on the matter was “■■■■ off if you don’t like it here” so that’s what myself and several other previously prolific posters did, hence why the site has died a death.

Rob K:

Coffeeholic,Rob K,Lucy,Harry,and whole lot more names don’t seem to post that did a while back when I used to pop in .

Still lurking here from time to time but usually only a fleeting visit as there’s never anything of interest to post or comment on, just the same old drivel and trolling from the same members that are also behind my fake Facebook account. The site was taken over by them about 12-18 months ago and since then you can’t post anything without one of them turning the threads into a petty bitchfest and dragging them completely off-topic. Rikki, as usual, did absolutely nothing about it because it didn’t suit his own personal agenda and the grand sum of his ‘moderating’ on the matter was “[zb] off if you don’t like it here” so that’s what myself and several other previously prolific posters did, hence why the site has died a death.

You could also start some good discussion topics as you have in the past bit controversial at times yep but a decent debate to be had

Got to agree with most of the above. I was never a prolific poster, but read the board most days. There’s not so much to interest me these days and it’s not the same as it used to be.

Sometimes it’s nice to have these egotistical old moaners absent.These were the one’s who shouted loudest, but can’t bear to be shouted back at. . Not all of them…Just 1 or 2. Cheer up and stop being so negative. Life is too short :wink:


Rob K:

Coffeeholic,Rob K,Lucy,Harry,and whole lot more names don’t seem to post that did a while back when I used to pop in .

Still lurking here from time to time but usually only a fleeting visit as there’s never anything of interest to post or comment on, just the same old drivel and trolling from the same members that are also behind my fake Facebook account. The site was taken over by them about 12-18 months ago and since then you can’t post anything without one of them turning the threads into a petty bitchfest and dragging them completely off-topic. Rikki, as usual, did absolutely nothing about it because it didn’t suit his own personal agenda and the grand sum of his ‘moderating’ on the matter was “[zb] off if you don’t like it here” so that’s what myself and several other previously prolific posters did, hence why the site has died a death.

You could also start some good discussion topics as you have in the past bit controversial at times yep but a decent debate to be had

I could, but why bother when you always receive the same ■■■■ -stirring 2 line replies as evidenced in this very thread? I rest my case.

■■■■-stirring! You still have a high opinion of yourself don’t you? Still horrible.
You couldn’t get your way,so skulked off for 12 months. Now you poke your nose in every now and again when something starts you off,you come back ■■■■- stirring more than anyone. Who are you trying to get onside Mr K? Cos’ I think your constant whinging and reporting got you the wrong result. It’s a forum. Where does it state we have to play with your ball?

Boss@drivers still here.don t worry :smiley: :smiley: