What happened to these folks?

i think not just here ,at any forum now more quit.because interes to social site gone.nothing new.just bla,bla,bla.

I look in now and again and post occasionally but too busy with other interests to be on here as much as I used to, plus have very little interest in the job these days.

I look in now and again and post occasionally but too busy with other interests to be on here as much as I used to, plus have very little interest in the job these days.

Thought I’d upset you as well Neil! :wink:


I look in now and again and post occasionally but too busy with other interests to be on here as much as I used to, plus have very little interest in the job these days.

Thought I’d upset you as well Neil! :wink:

No, not in the slightest.

That’s 2 that have looked in, just waiting of the female variety next.


All the people named have logged in within the last 48 hours- so they are all still around

Rob K:

Coffeeholic,Rob K,Lucy,Harry,and whole lot more names don’t seem to post that did a while back when I used to pop in .

Still lurking here from time to time but usually only a fleeting visit as there’s never anything of interest to post or comment on, just the same old drivel and trolling from the same members that are also behind my fake Facebook account. The site was taken over by them about 12-18 months ago and since then you can’t post anything without one of them turning the threads into a petty bitchfest and dragging them completely off-topic. Rikki, as usual, did absolutely nothing about it because it didn’t suit his own personal agenda and the grand sum of his ‘moderating’ on the matter was “[zb] off if you don’t like it here” so that’s what myself and several other previously prolific posters did, hence why the site has died a death.

Good to see you still have a high opinion of yourself, but remember, the higher you are the further you fall :smiley:

You have to excuse Rob… you see he hates this site and the people who run it, and is convinced he can do it better- however despite having the resources do so he has never actually tried to do it.- I long ago stopped listening to him, as his credibilty on my scale is something close to fungus, If he is so convinced we have got it so wrong and he is so right… why isnt he doing it ?
Some one once said to me… put up or shut up… I did put up, I paid for myself to fly to America to meet the owners of Truck.Net and persuaded them to build this site and for over 10 years I have been in charge of it
And while it wont fit in with the “knockers” view of doom- sorry guys the facts are this site every year without fail has grown, 100,000 page views this month MORE than this time last year
So … to people like Rob I ask … if I am getting so wrong how do you explain that, and why are you not doing yourself if you can do it so much better?- or dont you have the bottle to take the chance I did ?
Some people winge. some people do
Oh and a little point- TruckNet in my working week is actually very little time - it is run very well by the members- those of the moderating and Admin team- I am sure they will tell you themselves that I have very little day to day input anymore and more just oversee and the buck stops with me

I’m no angel and I don’t profess to be. But some folk have issues with themselves and vent their frustrations on places like this.
Somewhere along the line, he took offence to me and went off on one. Others picked up on this and saw him for what he is. A bully.
I don’t want people to feel they have to leave what is a hobby, because they don’t agree with me. I try to have a laugh, sometimes it works,sometimes it doesn’t. But I have over 25 years experience and that gives me an opinion on lots of things. As I screwed up, I was “punished.” The way I was dealt with has nothing to do with anyone else. So yeah, skulk away cos’ no-one gives a f…

I don’t like what some people here write, I like a lot more than dislike, that’s why I use this site. It is a forum, nothing else.
Rant over.

I seem to have stirred up a bit of a hornets nest :open_mouth: not my intention folks so no need for a pixxing contest as far as im concerned.

Anyway good to know the old names are still in the background :smiley: :smiley:

After sometime away i may be back on the tarmac again soon I have an interview tomorrow so heres hoping :smiley:



Rob K:

Coffeeholic,Rob K,Lucy,Harry,and whole lot more names don’t seem to post that did a while back when I used to pop in .

Still lurking here from time to time but usually only a fleeting visit as there’s never anything of interest to post or comment on, just the same old drivel and trolling from the same members that are also behind my fake Facebook account. The site was taken over by them about 12-18 months ago and since then you can’t post anything without one of them turning the threads into a petty bitchfest and dragging them completely off-topic. Rikki, as usual, did absolutely nothing about it because it didn’t suit his own personal agenda and the grand sum of his ‘moderating’ on the matter was “[zb] off if you don’t like it here” so that’s what myself and several other previously prolific posters did, hence why the site has died a death.

Good to see you still have a high opinion of yourself, but remember, the higher you are the further you fall :smiley:

No high horse here chap, merely stating the facts . Take a look at the forum content from a good few years ago and compare with how it is now - if you can’t see the difference then you need your eyes testing. Once upon a time there were intelligent discussions to get involved in posted by articulate members of the site and whilst members’ may not have agreed with you, you could usually expect to receive a reasonably intelligent post in reply telling you why they didn’t agree. Now compare that to the average thread on here today… All you get is a 2 line reply with a snipey comment of some description which adds absolutely nothing to the discussion. All the intelligent and articulate members have long since departed and the site is now populated by the stereotypical uneducated trucker that struggles to string a sentence together and is incapable of any form of intelligent debate or discussion (and probably don’t even know what the words even mean).


Somewhere along the line, he took offence to me and went off on one. Others picked up on this and saw him for what he is. A bully.

RobK is a bully?

And this is from the Adrian Walker who set up the fake “Robert Knapp” and “Harry Monk”, Facebook pages, who copied a photo of Limeyphils wife taken on a humanitarian trip to Romania from TruckNet, pasted it as his Facebook cover photo and repeatedly made references to her as a Romanian prostitute who he “Robert Knapp” had purchased as his wife, who has posted personal details about my own children and their home address on his fake “Harry Monk” Facebook page and who thinks that saying “Lots of us shared those log-in details” is somehow a plausible explanation?

The Adrian Walker who constantly describes LucyR as fat and ugly on his fake “Robert Knapp” Facebook page and relates how he and all his friends regularly have ■■■ with her?

The Adrian Walker who was sacked from his van driver job after his employer received not one, not two but three phone calls from members of the public who had taken his employer’s phone number from his van following violent road rage attacks, including one on an elderly woman?

And RobK is a bully. Righto then. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

As it happens you have a point there Harold, Rob is not a bully, he takes the fake facebook thing in the manner it is intended, as a ■■■■ take, he never went whining to the admin of facebook and got his fake profile removed, they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, maybe he agrees with that :question: On the other hand, what’s with the real name thing :question: I don’t think that is allowed in the site rules, so you may want to edit that post, not only for the rules aspect of it, it also happens to make you look a bit of a turd :open_mouth: HTH :wink:

I also agree with the real RobK, the content on the UK forum at times is enough to make me want to jump out of the window, every now and then I find something worth a response, I do miss the old ways, when as rob says, you could have a good debate, but I still find entertainment on the site, on the old timers forum especially and to a lesser extent the owner operators and euro forums, the forum I moderate, the expats, is also ticking along nicely, there have been some prolific posters withdraw from that, namely bobthedog, but new faces have taken his place and it gets more hits now than it ever has before.

Look at the members with the most posts, some like coffee, bobthedog and Rob don’t post much anymore, others like wheelnut and myself still do, but if we stopped posting tomorrow, what would happen? Nothing, the site would continue to flourish, so all the ranting and raving in the world ain’t going to change a thing. I’ve said it before and continue to think it, if you want to see specific things on here, then hit the keyboard and make it happen, if not STFU, nobody’s listening to you :wink:

As it happens you have a point there Harold, Rob is not a bully, he takes the fake facebook thing in the manner it is intended, as a ■■■■ take, he never went whining to the admin of facebook and got his fake profile removed,

When somebody posts personal details about my children and publishes their home address on Facebook, then as far as I’m concerned that person is a ■■■■■ and I will always have that page removed, even if fellow ■■■■■■ consider that to be “whining”, newmwercman.

Let your fellow-[zb] Facebook friend know that he has until Midday tomorrow to take his latest page down, otherwise I’ll have it done for him.

Whoa there sparky, what’s with the fellow ■■■■■ :question:

Are you suggesting that I’m a ■■■■■ :question:

I have SFA to do with any of the fake facebook stuff, I comment occaisionally, but that’s ■■■■ taking about remoulds, Russia and Ikea cabinets, similar to stuff I put on this forum, but with real swear words :open_mouth:

If you trawl back and look at the posts about women or children, you won’t find my name anywhere near any of them, I don’t agree with that at all, I didn’t agree with you naming Big Vern, so why would I condone your kid’s address being posted :question: That is going way too far :open_mouth:

Now, back off, I’m prepared to discuss this, either here or by PM, but leave out the ■■■■■ references, or things will take a turn for the worse and I’ll turn on my cap locks…you have been warned :smiling_imp:

Rob K:
Take a look at the forum content from a good few years ago and compare with how it is now - if you can’t see the difference then you need your eyes testing. Once upon a time there were intelligent discussions to get involved in posted by articulate members of the site and whilst members’ may not have agreed with you, you could usually expect to receive a reasonably intelligent post in reply telling you why they didn’t agree. Now compare that to the average thread on here today… All you get is a 2 line reply with a snipey comment of some description which adds absolutely nothing to the discussion.

Completely, totally agree.

Hey thats two of us newmercman The Keyboard King Mr Monk private messaged me a while back too calling me a ■■■■■.

I wonder if he understands what a terrible thing it is to call a bloke.

I dont really know whos who anymore…hth :smiley:

I think people are taking the internet way too seriously :unamused:

Evidently, there are laybys on the A303 where the residents think I’m a ■■■■■ :open_mouth: I’m aware of this, yet tonight, I shall sleep soundly because I do not care :open_mouth:

I come on these forums for one reason, my own entertainment, I care not one iota if people like what I post, they have the same choice I have when I see something I don’t like, I don’t read it, or I comment and put my nonsense out there for all to see, they can read it, or not, it doesn’t matter to me, I shall continue to do as I do until I don’t want to do it anymore, then I won’t, it’s all quite simple really :wink:

■■■■ me now i have seen and read it all , ■■■■■ ? WTF is the matter with people ? Are you not even a little ashamed of that statement ? … No i thought not .

Several people on this thread are on my friend list on Facebook and i’ve never seen any reference to any ones kids and nor would i wish to. The only reason i’m on here and Facebook is my interest in transport and transport history . No other reason .

I’m now at the point that i have no idea who’s real and who aint.

I thought i’d read it all the other week when some so called big name arse accused some one of ■■■■■■ photo’s .

FFS i give up , grown men ? i dont think so… HTH.