Steel toe capped safety boots.
I just wear socks whilst driving, I keep my boots on the top step for when I get out. I always drive without shoes on
Light weight slip on boots or trainers so i can slip them off easy for moving around cab Safety boots in side locker just in case.
monday to friday.
friday to monday.
Carpet slippers,clogs left on the top step,and when I have to then there’s steel capped boots in the side locker.
I just cannot abide getting in the cab with diesel or something that a driver has left lying in the car park and spreading it in the cab.
generally I wear trainers and my boots live in the side locker, but if I have more than one drop in a day I will keep my boots on until I have done them all.
I used to leave my boots on the top step until one of them fell off into a puddle when I opened my door.
trainers or if its summer often flip flops
have me dr martens with me normally but hardly ever wear them even when loading
i normally wear clacks but i remember a time when i was given a pair of eddie stobart slippers that looked like little furry trucks in my defence they were a present anyway i thought why not , i was in france somewhere or other and stopped for doing something naughty (cant even remember what it was) but the gendarme wasnt happy stomping up to the cab , grabbed the door and opened it , took one look at my footwear and burst out laughing , when he could talk he let me off with a warning , gave another chuckle and left
Flip flops or bare feet in summer - drives em mad when i tip in the UK, they keep shouting about elf n safety or something or other - so i just speak Spanish at em so they usually tip me quick to get rid of me!!
In winter Euro Routier leather clogs.
mad monk:
i normally wear clacks but i remember a time when i was given a pair of eddie stobart slippers that looked like little furry trucks in my defence they were a present anyway i thought why not , i was in france somewhere or other and stopped for doing something naughty (cant even remember what it was) but the gendarme wasnt happy stomping up to the cab , grabbed the door and opened it , took one look at my footwear and burst out laughing , when he could talk he let me off with a warning , gave another chuckle and left
Absolute quality mate
Steel capped trainers - best of both worlds
Boots, but not steel toe cap. Used to wear carpet slippers for driving when I had a nice clean job nowadays in and out of mills and farms, everything gets covered in mud or thick dust no matter how you try to keep it clean and with nights out it’s just not nice
im with gardun,steel toe capped trainers,only had one check them,with his hand,thought he would get a better idea,if i kicked his arse instead.declined the offer.
slip on steel toe boots when im doin local, sandals for the longer distance
Steel toe boots pretty comfy and have lots of scars on the from supermarket work so they saved my feet a few times.
socks or sandals for me…
trainer type steelies for me, £40 out of my own pocket too, better than the borstal boppers given by work though.
socks or sandals for me…theres nothing worse than driving with sweaty feet
Sandals for me.
Well said Gogs