Do you wear safety boots, shoes or trainers
Socks or slippers whilst driving or in the cab, safety boots for when I get out!
Its trainers for me, i have my work boots in the passenger footwell when H&S calls
Steel toe cap safety shoes in lorry and slipper type shoes im car.
Shoes mostly although sometimes I kick them off and just drive in me socks. And before anyone starts with tales of fines for inappropriate footwear I can honestly say in countless controls, in various countries, over a 20 year period, I have never had what I was or wasn’t wearing on my feet checked or questioned by any enforcement officer. That includes controls where at the time of being stopped I was wearing flip-flops or clacks with no form of heel strap.
Steel toe cap dealer boots. Just can’t drive in anything less. Tried the clacks/socks approach, just doesn’t feel safe. Possibly light shoes on show/convoy days. Something in the back of my mind doesn’t sit comfortably with the idea that i might have 30ton behind me and it could all go wrong and i’ve nothing substantial on my feet. Any one else feel that way?
Trainers on my feet, can’t drive in big clumpy boots, I have my steel toe caps in the locker behind me for when I need them.
Trainers, boots sit nicely on the step so i can put them on on site
i drive slippers and leave my boots on the top step
If i am going any distance and all i am doing is 9 or 10 hours driving that day then it would be socks with my trainers for when i stop for breaks, if i am tipping or loading then i wear my rigger boots, used to hate them, but needed them for when i was working as a rigger and would never wear anything else
Rigger boots
Rigger boots for me same pair
Steel toe caps, but not my ideal choice.
If I did different work which was less in and out of the cab on buildings sites I’d probably wear trainers.
Riggers ; nothing else keeps the cow ■■■■ out!
that one had to go …Denis F
Steel toe capped boots just now because its kinda multi drop.
If it were mostly trunking would be trainers or bare feet depends on how clean the truck was, espec barefeet in the summer when its warm.
Boots everytime,i just can’t be bothered keep changing
Going through France I saw a NL driver at a stop with feet that were mouldy! Honest, clumps of mould, green and he was wearing leather type clogs. Made me wonder what caused it. Put me (even more) off clogs!
gnasty gnome:
Riggers ; nothing else keeps the cow [zb] out!
wellies keep the crap out
but I don’t drive in them, I change them for DM dealer boots (with steel toecaps as they’re cheaper)
I drive in trainers adn then slip into rigger boots when loading /unloading on site
Steel toe capped boots