What do you make of this one then?

Just came up in my YT feed what do you guys think of this?

what do you think was the down fall?

You have an old bit of kit that can’t be updated. Copy the link you want use and use the ‘old’ YouTube site.

:blush: apologies - shame I don’t practice what I preach! I have the old equipment!!

Don’t think I would have been that calm if I was the motorcyclist. How did the driver not see him?

You have an old bit of kit that can’t be updated. Copy the link you want use and use the ‘old’ YouTube site.

I don’t quite know what you mean… if you want the link here it is: youtube.com/watch?v=C1aSvoIpVss

:oops: apologies - shame I don’t practice what I preach! I have the old equipment!!

Its all cool man :smiley:

I blame Absolute Radio. They’re always playing bloody Selco adverts, if someone hadn’t responded to their audio marketing then that lorry wouldn’t ve needed to be turning down that street.
Or the lorry driver should look down the street before he turns.
The Neighbourhood Witch had to stick her nose in.

Don’t think I would have been that calm if I was the motorcyclist. How did the driver not see him?

Not pointing any fingers either way but the bike seems to approach the junction fairly quickly and it looks like the truck’s nearside mirror hides him the whole way round the corner.


You have an old bit of kit that can’t be updated. Copy the link you want use and use the ‘old’ YouTube site.

I don’t quite know what you mean… if you want the link here it is: youtube.com/watch?v=C1aSvoIpVss

:oops: apologies - shame I don’t practice what I preach! I have the old equipment!!

Its all cool man :smiley:

:smiley: Thanks.
Can’t believe he hit the bike and carried on, then reverses without getting out and having a look :open_mouth:
At least the motorcyclist found a friend, bless her!

If I was that truck driver, I’d have been concentrating on looking in the mirror at the lady with the pram, making sure I didn’t cut the kerb and hit her. The bike approached the junction very fast and was on top of the lorry before he would have even had a chance to look forward and see it… The bike was too close in front to be seen by the time the truck made the turn and the driver would have been looking forward.

The truck is still to blame, but I think it’s a little harsh to completely castrate him.

Bike was stopped as he saw the wagon coming wide.
Driver of wagon was on wrong side of the road.

Only one finger to point here dude.

Not sure how you can’t see that. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Lorry driver is a cabbage

Besides all the whole who’s to blame thing, am I missing something or did the lorry driver even ask if the guy was ok, hurt, shocked, whatever ?

Bike was stopped as he saw the wagon coming wide.
Driver of wagon was on wrong side of the road.

Only one finger to point here dude.

Not sure how you can’t see that. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Blinkered, just like all the other “drivers” on here who defend the crap in this industry!!

Nothing to see on this (my) post, move along people please…
Edited out…
Ignore me, I posted something in haste, I need to think more about this :wink:

If I was that truck driver, I’d have been concentrating on looking in the mirror at the lady with the pram, making sure I didn’t cut the kerb and hit her. The bike approached the junction very fast and was on top of the lorry before he would have even had a chance to look forward and see it… The bike was too close in front to be seen by the time the truck made the turn and the driver would have been looking forward.

The truck is still to blame, but I think it’s a little harsh to completely castrate him.

Should have looked down the road he’s turning into, he’d have seen the bike and assumed he’d continue. If you can’t concentrate on more than one thing you shouldn’t be on the road.

What do you make of this one then?

Driver = Thick as pig ■■■■

A real credit to the “Company Boys” :wink:

I find it hard to believe there have been some suggestions that the bike approached too fast … come off it. The motorcyclist is completely innocent. A car would have done the same and then hit reverse quick style.

Basically that is the wrong vehicle for driving around streets like those. That operator should be thinking more of the turning capabilities and access problems than getting a bigger truck to put more drops on. This would make life easier for the driver as well. These urban deliveries need low cabs, like bin wagons, shorter chassis etc then he wouldn’t have turned as he did.

The biddy with the pushchair just legged it to the biker…and left the child :unamused: ok, she went back, but it only takes a second!

No need for smaller trucks just better drivers.
Dont even have to be one of this forums self appointed elite to see what went wrong here. Hazard perception basics, when turning into a smaller side road if one cannot use a wider swing be prpared to stop to allow oncoming traffic to either come past or stop if they are in the mood.

Driver to busy watching the tasty bit of clunge with the shopping pram to see the biker, if vision is obscured by nearside mirror all the more reason to slow right down and even dare I say stop, a foreign concept to some drivers these days. Making progress isnt always just about cracking on…

Dont think there was a baby in the pram, the hot totty lost that earlier on.

If you think that she is a tasty bit of clunge or hot totty make an appointment with spec savers. :smiley:

I find it hard to believe there have been some suggestions that the bike approached too fast … come off it.

GoPro’s and dash cams are notoriously bad at altering the video viewers perception of speed, it is something to do with the wide angle and slight fisheye effect apparently.

In other words to us watching the youtube videos the driver/rider always appear like they are going a lot faster than they actually are.

I have a dashcam and my street is a 20mph limit which i always stay below (lots of kids, pets and parked cars), yet when I watch the cam footage it looks like I’m flying down my street :open_mouth: