What do you make of this one then?

Les Shoes:

Don’t think I would have been that calm if I was the motorcyclist. How did the driver not see him?

Not pointing any fingers either way but the bike seems to approach the junction fairly quickly and it looks like the truck’s nearside mirror hides him the whole way round the corner.

Bang on, this is a typical lesson that inexperienced drivers often learn. It is like pedestrians being obscured by mirrors. This is where experience comes in and that driver will never do this again but he will get the blame as he has used that side of the road and he should not if it is obstructed. The motorbike did the right thing, he saw the wagon turning and stopped and allowed room but he could not know that the wagon driver is totally oblivious to him due the nearside mirror hiding him and the bike. I might add that on PSV training we were given a lot of training in this area as well as looking under cars for kids feet about to run under your bus etc. Driver experience and lorry driver will probably now be replaced by an agency chap. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Dont think there was a baby in the pram, the hot totty lost that earlier on.

ok… :blush:

Driver experience and lorry driver will probably now be replaced by an agency chap. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Usually in these types of threads you get the usual “must have been agency driver” comments. But since we see the driver in full company uniform of employed full timer,the usual suspects of “must have been an agency driver” posters have been strangely quieter than usual…! :laughing:

I could not resist snowman :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

If I was that truck driver, I’d have been concentrating on looking in the mirror at the lady with the pram, making sure I didn’t cut the kerb and hit her. The bike approached the junction very fast and was on top of the lorry before he would have even had a chance to look forward and see it… The bike was too close in front to be seen by the time the truck made the turn and the driver would have been looking forward.

The truck is still to blame, but I think it’s a little harsh to completely castrate him.

Now here is a perfect example of why LGV drivers get such a bad name. The speed the bike approached the junction was completely irrelevant.
The truck driver should have made sure the road he was turning into was clear as he needed to use the wrong side of the road. If another vehicle was approaching he should have stopped on the road he was on before making the turn.
Once it was clear and it would not interfere with other traffic then and only then should he make the turn.
Do drivers not know how to drive trucks or what?


If I was that truck driver, I’d have been concentrating on looking in the mirror at the lady with the pram, making sure I didn’t cut the kerb and hit her. The bike approached the junction very fast and was on top of the lorry before he would have even had a chance to look forward and see it… The bike was too close in front to be seen by the time the truck made the turn and the driver would have been looking forward.

The truck is still to blame, but I think it’s a little harsh to completely castrate him.

Now here is a perfect example of why LGV drivers get such a bad name. The speed the bike approached the junction was completely irrelevant.
The truck driver should have made sure the road he was turning into was clear as he needed to use the wrong side of the road. If another vehicle was approaching he should have stopped on the road he was on before making the turn.
Once it was clear and it would not interfere with other traffic then and only then should he make the turn.
Do drivers not know how to drive trucks or what?
I assume that’s a rhetorical question, as you have answered it your self in every one of your posts on here :wink:
Regards. John.

I could not resist snowman :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing:

Disgraceful from the “Trucker”, he also needs a new pair of specs. The biker was a ■■■■ site more calm than I would’ve been. Do bikes not come with horns though?

What a lovely old lady though.

Driver = FTW (Full time w@ nker) :stuck_out_tongue:

What a lovely old lady though.

+1 Definate GILF
Funny how a hug puts everything into perspective, nothing like a sweet old dear to diffuse a potentialy aggresive situation.

Joking aside theres some offspring out there who have a star of a grandmother.

The way that woman/girl leaves that buggy unattended and runs towards the man… Wtf? My daughters far more important than any other thing in this universe what a nutter

Upon actually watching the video past 5 seconds there isn’t a baby in the pushchair. And yes bikes have horns required for there mots, but his shouting is probably louder lol

old 67:


If I was that truck driver, I’d have been concentrating on looking in the mirror at the lady with the pram, making sure I didn’t cut the kerb and hit her. The bike approached the junction very fast and was on top of the lorry before he would have even had a chance to look forward and see it… The bike was too close in front to be seen by the time the truck made the turn and the driver would have been looking forward.

The truck is still to blame, but I think it’s a little harsh to completely castrate him.

Now here is a perfect example of why LGV drivers get such a bad name. The speed the bike approached the junction was completely irrelevant.
The truck driver should have made sure the road he was turning into was clear as he needed to use the wrong side of the road. If another vehicle was approaching he should have stopped on the road he was on before making the turn.
Once it was clear and it would not interfere with other traffic then and only then should he make the turn.
Do drivers not know how to drive trucks or what?

I assume that’s a rhetorical question, as you have answered it your self in every one of your posts on here :wink:
Regards. John.
Yes it was John but can you explain what you are getting at please? Have I said something wrong in all my posts?
Do you not see the poor standards of some truck drivers? Be nice to hear your views. Some people on here are very quick to criticise others when in reality they should be looking at their own standards.


old 67:


If I was that truck driver, I’d have been concentrating on looking in the mirror at the lady with the pram, making sure I didn’t cut the kerb and hit her. The bike approached the junction very fast and was on top of the lorry before he would have even had a chance to look forward and see it… The bike was too close in front to be seen by the time the truck made the turn and the driver would have been looking forward.

The truck is still to blame, but I think it’s a little harsh to completely castrate him.

Now here is a perfect example of why LGV drivers get such a bad name. The speed the bike approached the junction was completely irrelevant.
The truck driver should have made sure the road he was turning into was clear as he needed to use the wrong side of the road. If another vehicle was approaching he should have stopped on the road he was on before making the turn.
Once it was clear and it would not interfere with other traffic then and only then should he make the turn.
Do drivers not know how to drive trucks or what?

I assume that’s a rhetorical question, as you have answered it your self in every one of your posts on here :wink:
Regards. John.

Yes it was John but can you explain what you are getting at please? Have I said something wrong in all my posts?
Do you not see the poor standards of some truck drivers? Be nice to hear your views. Some people on here are very quick to criticise others when in reality they should be looking at their own standards.
No I don’t think you’ve said anything particularly wrong in you posts. It’s just that almost without exception you point out that there are some poor drivers out there, especially lorry drivers. I’m pretty sure most people believe what you say about how some drivers drive is correct.
It just seems to me that whatever thread I read, quite a lot of the time I just know I’m going to get you seizing the opportunity to ram your message home again!
My post was meant to be slightly tongue in cheek, hence the wink.
Regards. John.

I could not resist snowman :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

agency was trooper with a limp and a hofe ticket in his back pocket for a blowout three miles outside of zeebrugge and his limp is from the balcony a stray round which felled him, and a copper pink chalked him on the lawn. :grimacing:

Ok thanks for your reply John. I agree the majority of my posts( but not all ) are about bad driving. I despise bad driving especially when it comes from so called professional drivers. It is also really irritating to hear all the biased views on here and strangely enough most will not put up a decent argument. Attitudes stink with some these days. Sorry for the rant but people are being injured and killed everyday because of bad driving.

The thing that really ■■■■■■ me off with this video is the fact the driver doesn’t seem to give a toss, no apology or anything.

Job and Knock company boy?

The thing that really ■■■■■■ me off with this video is the fact the driver doesn’t seem to give a toss, no apology or anything.

Job and Knock company boy?

Yes, he seems awfully keen to get the bike out of the way and get on with his job. Pillock.

Wonder if company deducted the time he wasted dealing with the biker. Another hour off along with his break :unamused:

  1. Biker was very very lucky. whether his reactions could have been better or not could be debatable depending on the speed he was doing. But he had enough time to jump of his bike just in the nick of time otherwise he would have been road kill.

  2. Driver of the truck should have stopped immediately instead of trying to reverse. Unless he had his radio on and didnt hear the collision… why does he try to reverse??

  3. The old lady is sweet but hate to say she’s abit negligent as well… leaving the push chair on the corner of the street. Sure, theres no child in it when she comes closer to the Cam later in the video…makes you wonder if she would leave the pushchair with a child in another situation thats similar… hmmmmm :neutral_face:

There are plenty of warning signs on trucks to advise that Trucks or vans…even cars turning left could not see things… Drivers need to be responsible enough to check, double check and triple check. especially when turning left.

whose fault is it… it would point more to the driver…

Think Bike! :wink:

I blame Absolute Radio. They’re always playing bloody Selco adverts, if someone hadn’t responded to their audio marketing then that lorry wouldn’t ve needed to be turning down that street.
Or the lorry driver should look down the street before he turns.
The Neighbourhood Witch had to stick her nose in.

Nathan, you know sometimes. (MOST) You really are a complete and utter fool. The woman is a decent woman that offered the biker some compassion. That was a scary moment for him. So keep yer’ stupid comments to yourself eh? :unamused: