What a bloody mess!

LD, Buzzer, Bewick all still here!
I thought the new site was rubbish and hard to follow also as recently as last Friday, however a play around with the buttons and a few moments to read all tabs and info it is becoming easier to navigate. Just a little time needed that’s all.

humm dont work for me still sends half the message…

That’s strange because I’ve just DMd the whole of this to myself, pasting one paragraph at a time using Shift + Return twice to leave a gap between the paragraphs and it worked fine.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tristique elit vel ante laoreet scelerisque. Integer euismod vitae nunc sit amet cursus. Donec vulputate, enim sit amet egestas pharetra, elit odio sodales nibh, ac suscipit urna tellus in eros. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean sit amet facilisis nunc, et eleifend ligula. Sed ac lacus nunc. Integer viverra est vel nunc varius, ut pharetra orci ornare. Curabitur lorem orci, sollicitudin sagittis augue sed, feugiat dapibus magna. Nulla et leo vel nibh elementum dictum ac quis ante.

Sed commodo id eros ac molestie. Morbi lectus massa, molestie ac neque sed, consequat porttitor metus. Sed viverra volutpat rutrum. Etiam et est lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur eget ligula auctor, mollis eros non, sagittis diam. Duis ac sodales eros, et vehicula urna. In felis turpis, commodo vitae viverra vitae, ultrices et enim. Aenean auctor volutpat metus sit amet varius. Ut quis aliquam risus, a tristique urna. Maecenas vitae libero ut dui tempus porttitor. Mauris porta, nulla quis ullamcorper mollis, nisi nulla accumsan dui, ut blandit mi purus et elit. Mauris dapibus, justo sit amet tempus tempor, urna erat tempor lacus, eget iaculis turpis urna sit amet erat. Phasellus a velit condimentum, vestibulum lacus non, sodales purus.

Curabitur volutpat erat bibendum urna imperdiet lacinia. Fusce interdum, dolor id vehicula mollis, tellus tellus dignissim elit, quis viverra ex enim a libero. Aliquam ut diam eu ex efficitur lacinia eu non risus. Suspendisse mattis et mi vitae placerat. Proin a enim quis metus ornare feugiat. Quisque lacinia libero magna, quis gravida ex sodales sit amet. Integer luctus neque ut urna volutpat, sit amet tincidunt magna porttitor. Nunc sit amet convallis lacus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque eleifend pulvinar condimentum. Cras vitae diam viverra augue venenatis porta id a dolor. Cras et dolor nec ex sagittis consequat ac ac magna.

Quisque varius lectus at nunc vehicula laoreet. Ut volutpat magna dapibus, facilisis mauris interdum, mattis orci. Pellentesque dignissim viverra tincidunt. Pellentesque lacus mauris, hendrerit eget luctus quis, porttitor a justo. Nullam sodales, justo non lobortis laoreet, nibh mi fringilla lectus, aliquam gravida neque nulla eu velit. Cras congue augue porttitor placerat interdum. Cras ullamcorper nisl a est varius bibendum.

Mauris eget consectetur odio. Suspendisse ut ligula mauris. Nam egestas, dui vel dignissim dignissim, arcu ex convallis erat, sit amet gravida mi enim sed enim. Praesent ullamcorper rhoncus augue nec ullamcorper. Aenean suscipit mi eu nulla venenatis ullamcorper. Integer condimentum lectus a quam volutpat, eu bibendum lectus imperdiet. Donec in justo ac massa bibendum ultricies. Etiam felis risus, feugiat eu fermentum non, consectetur non risus. Morbi aliquam iaculis diam nec suscipit. Phasellus posuere convallis erat, sed convallis ipsum elementum et. Nullam semper in diam eu ultrices. Aenean consequat tellus efficitur, dignissim nibh aliquam, sodales justo. Donec sed tristique ante, vitae eleifend mi. Vivamus et sollicitudin tortor, in commodo eros.

you sure it isn’t sending the first paragraph then adding spaces as you post the next one

Absolutely certain, it’s working exactly as it should.

dunno then the system you describe works on faceache so its not the machine… its strange because i keep getting American spellings of words like color instead of colour but others dont

That is strange, I don’t know what’s going on there I’m afraid.

The three posts in a row limit is an absurd idea, and is one of the main reasons I’ve more or less stopped posting. Adding material to my favourite threads ends as soon as I start, because after 3 posts I might have to wait six months for someone else to post. And I’m buggered if I’m going to keep begging for dummy posts to add a spacer in. Another reason it’s really stupid, is that nearly every one of the dozens of threads I’ve started have been cranked up with lots of pictures and well-researched material to cultivate people’s interests. Clearly, I’m not now going to be starting new threads to stimulate the debates we used to enjoy. This educative aspect of TN culture is in danger of being lost for good.

EDIT to add: the insane idea that a 4th post means that we are talking to ourselves says everything about the intelligence of the programmers of TN2. If I posit three ideas with visual aids in succession, you may need time to reflect or just ignore. A fourth piece of evidence with pictorial support may just stimulate you to respond.
I suspect an element of control here. The system appears to need to control our input and the responses to our input. This smacks immediately of American software. That lot are control freaks unbounded. I don’t trust them.


Here’s your chance for another 2 then Robert. :joy:

I agree entirely, a stupid system, but I have met it before on my French one, the one whose format is roughly the same as this new one. I discovered it over there because there is a very long thread about a certain subject close to home for me and there is a dedicated half dozen or so posters who have asked me to keep them up to date on developements. It is not always necessary for them to reply but they do need my continuing input. Fortunately one of them usually notices that I have made 3 in a row and inserts a quick comment to keep the flow going, but it is stupid to have to rely on such subterfuge.

Related to that is the edit system here. I have always followed the advice of a well known writer to keep typing and not worry too much about grammer and spelling in order to not break the flow of creation. Then, when it is finished, to go back and make all the corrections. Even then it is possible to miss something after you have pressed the ‘Reply’ button. For some reason, on this site only, edits do not appear for some time and, I think, only after the writer has left the topic to come back later.

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i think its done to stop somebody spamming the forum. the other idea is that you reply to several people in one post that way there is less traffic.

Past Present and In Between. What an ■■■■■■ PITA can’t post anymore pics/comments until I get a reply after 3 postings. I could wait days dear or dear real motivation to continue eh.

One solution would be to have a Me One main profile and a Me Two tag profile so you could tag yourself in? A chore perhaps, but better than not posting your content, which you’re obviously self-motivated to do

Are you also a gold card carrying fridge engineer? :grinning: :grinning:

Is there no rule to prevent that? I would have thought so, but have not tested it.

But what is the 3 post rule for? Surely one way round it was to simply keep editing the same post, perhaps that is why the edit delay feature is there. But a very bad feature in my view. OK for bad grammar, spelling and punctuation to go unchecked for a while but earlier I made a post and afterwards on reflection decided that part of a comment I made was a little unfair and did not wish it to be there anymore. So I edited with some care but was sad to see that the first version remained. I had to leave the thread and come back again before I could be sure that it could no longer be read, but in that time, the damage, if damage there was, would have been done.

I can’t see a blanket ban in the rules, just this

So, I assume that having two or more IDs is OK, so long as they are not used to evade a ban.

It would probably allow resetting of a thread, but might still be difficult for spam-bots to negotiate?
They can’t even recognise traffic lights! (allegedly)

its not the recognising of traffic lights its the frequency of the clicks apparently.

I’m not certain, but historically TN has never prevented people from registering with multiple identities.

Part of the reason for that being we can all have internet access from multiple points (there’s free wifi just about everywhere) so there’s no way for the forum to identify an existing member who is joining under another identity from a different IP address than the one they typically use.

Has your account been hacked by CF or Winseer? Or are you just hitting the shandy early because it’s a Bank Holiday? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

There was a well known personality on here at one time, I guess before you joined.
He and some others did resurface under different guises.

I expect there are a few others who have more than one account, and are evading the rules, but I really don’t much care myself.

It was just a wee joke that fell flat!

I dunno, I’m warming to the idea there’s a split-personality at war with itself, Carry-lais or Frangle-Fast? :rofl: It would explain CF’s “disappearances”

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