Well boss, you see, the funniest thing happened

Cruise Control:
i drive a lot around leic’s in truck but cant picture that bridge :question: where is it in town anyone :question:

Almost next to the central fire station. They probably heard the crash.

The radio news said the crash happened in thick fog. Must have been really thick to miss seeing a bridge as low as this one.
I suspect the driver was looking for the museum the kids were due to visit and became distracted in the poor visability.


Here’s a link that works. I bet those poor kids never sit on the top deck of a bus again as long as they live.


The report in the post above this cannot get the road name correct !!


The report in the post above this cannot get the road name correct !!

:blush: :blush: :blush: i’m half asleep, where is it in relation to erm…the casino near the new shopping centre :question:

52 children involved in a bus crash, 14 of the children, little primary school kids, injured and taken to hospital…so go on, tell me please, WTF is so funny■■?

52 children involved in a bus crash, 14 of the children, little primary school kids, injured and taken to hospital…so go on, tell me please, WTF is so funny■■?

not the best subject wording i agree… :confused: :confused:

Sorry how insensitive of me not to comment about the crash, apologies people :blush: :blush: :blush: .

I’m amazed all those children thank god walked away from that top deck, this thread could of quite easily of been a condolences thread :cry: :cry: . had there been adults on that top deck i think the outcome could quite easily of been tragedy but with them being children there heights probably saved them.

looks like he hit that bridge at some speed though…



considering children have a delayed reaction with pain and start crying after 5 minutes…you’re saying you wait around to see if the child is hurt then laugh when you find out they’re not? :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t believe that Rog

not quite - it might INITIALY be funny but the moment that it becomes clear that the child is hurt then it is NOT FUNNY any more and most will then feel a sense of shame for laughing in the first place.

The story in the link made it clear that chilren were hurt so at no point is it funny

Ha ha…you shot yourself in the foot there Rog…you say initially its funny but then when you know more it might not be funny…well when I heard a bus crashed into a bridge I laughed.

I think you should engage your brain before putting your mouth in to gear Mr Adam Mc !!

EDIT it then!! :imp:

Adam_Mc, was there grass on the pitch?

You have a sick sense of humour adam.For the benifit of all on this site i suggest if you have any more jokes like that ,keep em to yourself.
regards dave.
PS Hope all the kids and others make a full recovery.

this kind of accident has been happening for years, i rember one 20 odd years ago in grantham ,railway bridge on springfield rd, sure it was kids hurt but long time ago so could be wrong.
im not the most techinally minded but couldnt you use some kind of technology like they fit to some trailers, car bumpers,stops driver reversing into something ,so it would warn driver he was going to hit bridge, or even better apply brakes if collision was imminent.
i know he should know height ,but he obviously didnt, or forgot he was in double decker.

I hope that the parents of those kids dont come across this site.The driver has shown himself to be a complete ZB.I hope that he finds employment away from machinery and responsibility.

Cruise Control:


The report in the post above this cannot get the road name correct !!

:blush: :blush: :blush: i’m half asleep, where is it in relation to erm…the casino near the new shopping centre :question:

Just down from the uni.
Thats the only way that i know it.
G along university way(or road, or something) and then take the turn down lancashire way, and its right at the end there.
Ive walked along there, looking for a car park near there for if the one my GF parks in for uni is full.
Got a subway right near it.

jessicas dad:
dont think it’s very funny at all. i can imagine my anger towards the driver if my 2 girls had been on board :imp: :imp: :imp:

couldn’t agree with you more- but if the post is inappropriate(which it is for sure) then YOU as a moderator should be doing something about it- too many idiots allowed to make comments that just get peoples backs up.


jessicas dad:
dont think it’s very funny at all. i can imagine my anger towards the driver if my 2 girls had been on board :imp: :imp: :imp:

couldn’t agree with you more- but if the post is inappropriate(which it is for sure) then YOU as a moderator should be doing something about it- too many idiots allowed to make comments that just get peoples backs up.

That’s a fair point but then there are all the other posts that make it clear what the majority think so I reckon a fair balance has been posted overall - yes ■■



jessicas dad:
dont think it’s very funny at all. i can imagine my anger towards the driver if my 2 girls had been on board :imp: :imp: :imp:

couldn’t agree with you more- but if the post is inappropriate(which it is for sure) then YOU as a moderator should be doing something about it- too many idiots allowed to make comments that just get peoples backs up.

That’s a fair point but then there are all the other posts that make it clear what the majority think so I reckon a fair balance has been posted overall - yes ■■

I think the balance has been fully addressed Rog and well done to all those who did- my point is only that it was very innappropriate and 1 of the moderators got involved in the post but didn’t do anything about it.
Maybe i have the wrong idea as to what is ok on a public forum-like someone mentioned I only hope no family members of anyone involved is on this site as a member

Does this mean that Youve been framed is not a funny programme then, when is shows kids falling off trikes etc…

Cos I always laugh at it… :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Adam, why would you even think that a post about primary school children being in a crash like this is funny? Children are innocents in this world, and why you would find it funny that 14 of them are injured is beyond me. Maybe you would think different if your child was involved, but I can tell you this as a father of 4, if this had happened to one of my children I would be out for blood, not laughs.


The report in the post above this cannot get the road name correct !!

Its called tigers way now Rog, Waterloo way was changed to Tigers way when the tigers won the European cup I think.

The driver was described in the Leicester mercury as very young and very distressed when they took him out of the bus. It has been very ,very foggy here all day but i have to say My daughter (6) went off on a double decker bus this morning to see a show at the theatre very near to where this is and I didnt find find it funny when I heard about this , I felt sick until I saw the bus was from Nottingham, I still dont find it funny now, in fact looking at the damage and at how far the driver managed to get it under the bridge Im amazed no one was seriosuly hurt.

I read that trains were still be allowed over the bridge under flag waving workmen , so the bridge must of been fairley un damaged as well

It might be a navigation mistake because even in fog , you would know the bridge was there if you knew the area, or your route.


The report in the post above this cannot get the road name correct !!

Its called tigers way now Rog, Waterloo way was changed to Tigers way when the tigers won the European cup I think.

Ah, don’t be hard on ol’ Rog, he’s just having one of his senior moments. He don’t get out much. Do you Rog? Drink your Cocoa before it goes cold now. :laughing: