
igloo mike:
I was stopped by VOSA about 8 weeks ago and I asked about the Waberers vehicles spending the weekend there on break. He did agree that technically that it was illegal to have a 45hr break in the cab but they didn’t have the resources the police the issue.

I thought DVSA was self-funding. Fine them and use the fine money to employ more staff to fine them. And on their way to/from work they can fine the trucks parked up under the motorway bridges too.



I’ve just stopped on Keele Northbound.

It looks like Waberers have set up a new operating centre there!

But what problem.If foreigh truck stop for weekend at lay by that local people and more hate foreigh who they park up not correct.If Waberers stop at services,pay some 60 quid for truck but people anyway blame,hate???What you want■■?

You must live in cloud cuckoo land if you think they pay for parking at the services.

How they will not pay if most company have account and pay debit card or cash money.




I’ve just stopped on Keele Northbound.

It looks like Waberers have set up a new operating centre there!

But what problem.If foreigh truck stop for weekend at lay by that local people and more hate foreigh who they park up not correct.If Waberers stop at services,pay some 60 quid for truck but people anyway blame,hate???What you want■■?

You must live in cloud cuckoo land if you think they pay for parking at the services.

How they will not pay if most company have account and pay debit card or cash money.

Easy. Drive in, park, don’t pay, then leave when ready. Since they’ve made clamping illegal, and removed the parking attendants, replacing them with cameras, it’s all fines by post. Not easy to enforce when the truck is registered in Hungary

Going back to the 70s to the 80s There were Eastern Block Countries transport Companies running to the Middle East and Elsewhere, such as:
Poland State Transport: Romanian State Transport: Bulgarian State Transport and
Hungarian State Transport:
The company that everyone seems obsessed with in this forum is Waberer of Hungary. who bought a loss making Hungarian Company and turned it into one of Europes Largest Trucking Companies.
Waberers biggest foreign markets are Germany, followed by France and the United Kingdom. It has offices in Poland, Germany, Romania and Slovakia, launched its French arm and its UK office in Felixstowe.
The company is also looking at opening in Italy and the Netherlands.
Warberers Biggest rivals in Europe are France’s Norbert Dentressangle and Transalliance, which have 7,400 and 4,000 vehicles respectively, according to their websites.
I would be the first to congratulate the Man and his company on the success they have made and are now the 3rd largest company in Europe with 3300 trucks.
Reading the posts on this Company seem to be a repeat of bad press British Companies and Drivers seem to give to very successful companies the favourite to run in the past was Stobart.
Why do UK Companies and Driver have run down successful Transport Companies ■■?

Information on Warberers:
dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuter … z4lqtHq3TH

Waberers Yard.png

Why do UK Companies and Driver have run down successful Transport Companies ■■?

Because that success…

Is made by the labour of underpaid drivers who are away from and their families for weeks, if not months by a company that couldn’t care less about their health, well being and security.

The undercutting rate tactics that cheaper fuel, labour and vehicle purchase costs allow.

The inabilty of various countries Police and governing bodies to catch and punish criminal behaviour.

Because that success…

Is made by the labour of underpaid drivers who are away from and their families for weeks, if not months by a company that couldn’t care less about their health, well being and security.

The undercutting rate tactics that cheaper fuel, labour and vehicle purchase costs allow.

The inabilty of various countries Police and governing bodies to catch and punish criminal behaviour.

More like just taking advantage of what is effectively a green light to a form of cabotage.Which they’ve conveniently been given by western European governments,especially ours,who are intent on destroying their own road transport industry,to meet US foreign policy aims regarding Eastern Europe.IE economic handouts for Eastern Europe at our expense to ‘get back’ at the ‘Russians’.When the Russians are actually laughing because they’ve managed to offload the liability of a load of whingeing parasites who can’t develop their own economies by their own efforts and dump them on us. :unamused:


Why do UK Companies and Driver have run down successful Transport Companies ■■?

Because that success…

Is made by the labour of underpaid drivers who are away from and their families for weeks, if not months by a company that couldn’t care less about their health, well being and security.

The undercutting rate tactics that cheaper fuel, labour and vehicle purchase costs allow.

The Hungarian Drivers seem happy to have a good job. Going by the cost of living between the UK and Hungary they are probably better off than UK drivers.

Consumer Prices in United Kingdom are:
60.67% higher than in Hungary
Consumer Prices Including Rent in United Kingdom are:
79.07% higher than in Hungary
Rent Prices in United Kingdom are:
145.27% higher than in Hungary
Restaurant Prices in United Kingdom are:
132.40% higher than in Hungary
Groceries Prices in United Kingdom are:
62.53% higher than in Hungary
Local Purchasing Power in United Kingdom is:
123.01% higher than in Hungary

UK M/E drivers back in the 70s - 80s were away from there families for weeks some were away for 8 weeks plus.

As for undercutting the rates all UK hauliers are guilty of that always have been and still do.

It’s interesting Jay, that the cameras never seem to pick up anything suspicious when a truck has its curtains slashed yet again.


Why do UK Companies and Driver have run down successful Transport Companies ■■?

Because that success…

Is made by the labour of underpaid drivers who are away from and their families for weeks, if not months by a company that couldn’t care less about their health, well being and security.

The undercutting rate tactics that cheaper fuel, labour and vehicle purchase costs allow.

The inabilty of various countries Police and governing bodies to catch and punish criminal behaviour.

It hardly puts UK haulers on a level playing field, does it?
Not sure if it will improve after Brexit.

Is made by the labour of underpaid drivers who are away from and their families for weeks, if not months by a company that couldn’t care less about their health, well being and security.

The undercutting rate tactics that cheaper fuel, labour and vehicle purchase costs allow.

This is quite frankly BS. Nobody forces the easterners to drive in western Europe for months on end. Nobody has a gun to their heads. I’ve done it for six years and if circumstances demand, I would do it again. IT’s not the worst way to make a living and when I get paid three times the average wage of my home country for a bloody simple job, I don’t worry about not having a townhouse in Essex.

1500 litres of fuel doesn’t really get you too far and the vehicle purchase costs are just about the same all over Europe. Mind you if an eastern company buys second hand, they usually go to western Europe to do it.

When the Russians are actually laughing because they’ve managed to offload the liability of a load of whingeing parasites who can’t develop their own economies by their own efforts and dump them on us. :unamused:

Lol, what? :laughing:


When the Russians are actually laughing because they’ve managed to offload the liability of a load of whingeing parasites who can’t develop their own economies by their own efforts and dump them on us. :unamused:

Lol, what? [emoji38]

Think C.F. is referring to post
“Iron Curtain”.

Sent from my SM-J500FN using Tapatalk

yourhavingalarf wrote:

Because that success…

Is made by the labour of underpaid drivers who are away from and their families for weeks, if not months by a company that couldn’t care less about their health, well being and security Are you the patron saint of ■■■■■■■■, whats it matter to you how they live , or get paid, i hear the bbc are hireing

1500 litres of fuel doesn’t really get you too far and the vehicle purchase costs are just about the same all over Europe. Mind you if an eastern company buys second hand, they usually go to western Europe to do it.

It seems clear that the cost base is lower for East Euro operations than West Euro ones.If not the cost of purchasing vehicles and fuel,certainly in terms of the wage bill and cost of operating centres among other overheads.Bearing in mind that a large operation will also involve a larger proportion of non driving staff to pay wages.If that isn’t the case then why does so much West Euro traffic end up being taken by large East Euro operations.

Which is a similar situation as ‘would’ take place if Mexican operators were allowed to haul US-Canadian traffic in addition to so called ‘limited’ cabotage operations internally in those countries under NAFTA,as East Euro operations can do here.IE one rule for America and another for us when it suits US foreign policy. :imp:

Big Truck:


When the Russians are actually laughing because they’ve managed to offload the liability of a load of whingeing parasites who can’t develop their own economies by their own efforts and dump them on us. :unamused:

Lol, what? [emoji38]

Think C.F. is referring to post
“Iron Curtain”.

Ironically it was also common to hear ze Germans saying the same as me about German ‘re unification’ in 1990. :smiling_imp: :laughing:


1500 litres of fuel doesn’t really get you too far and the vehicle purchase costs are just about the same all over Europe. Mind you if an eastern company buys second hand, they usually go to western Europe to do it.

It seems clear that the cost base is lower for East Euro operations than West Euro ones.If not the cost of purchasing vehicles and fuel,certainly in terms of the wage bill and cost of operating centres among other overheads.Bearing in mind that a large operation will also involve a larger proportion of non driving staff to pay wages.If that isn’t the case then why does so much West Euro traffic end up being taken by large East Euro operations.

Which is a similar situation as ‘would’ take place if Mexican operators were allowed to haul US-Canadian traffic in addition to so called ‘limited’ cabotage operations internally in those countries under NAFTA,as East Euro operations can do here.IE one rule for America and another for us when it suits US foreign policy. :imp:

Anyway most foreigh truck and trailer condition much better than Uk S@k Haulage who do as well international delivery.

As for undercutting the rates all UK hauliers are guilty of that always have been and still do.

As I’ve said on here before, I don’t. Explains why we aren’t a bigger company than we are. I have my rates, people pay it or they don’t, I’m not interested in nicking work of other firms by charging less. If another firm is charging 1.95 a mile, I’m not chipping my rate of 2.00ppm to 1.90. If the other firms charges 2.05, then I can win the work at 2.00. But I’m not dropping the rate and I’m not undercutting.

East EU hauliers have a competitive advantage over the West EU because of their lower cost base. We are beginning to see countries starting to react, ie, the minimum wages laws in France and Germany, the weekend sleeping in the cab ban; we all know that is aimed at reducing the impact of East EU hauliers on West EU haulier operations. Haulage companies provide significant revenue for governments, they don’t want to lose it all.





I’ve just stopped on Keele Northbound.

It looks like Waberers have set up a new operating centre there!

But what problem.If foreigh truck stop for weekend at lay by that local people and more hate foreigh who they park up not correct.If Waberers stop at services,pay some 60 quid for truck but people anyway blame,hate???What you want■■?

You must live in cloud cuckoo land if you think they pay for parking at the services.

How they will not pay if most company have account and pay debit card or cash money.

Easy. Drive in, park, don’t pay, then leave when ready. Since they’ve made clamping illegal, and removed the parking attendants, replacing them with cameras, it’s all fines by post. Not easy to enforce when the truck is registered in Hungary

So are the companies owning the services just letting 20+ trucks use spaces every night, or sometimes all weekend and not been charged. At £20-£30 a time why are they letting that go, especially if genuine payers cannot then park up? Especially if they are all the same company! I always assumed Waberers had an account or something as you often see a dozen or more parked up at each services, and majority of the time, it is a welcome break.

Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk

To be fair unless you lot have shares in Moto or some other rip off outfit, who gives a ■■■■ if they are losing out on a few extortionate parking charges, good on Waberers I say.
MSAs make too much from drivers as it is, while providing over priced ■■■■ poor facilities.
I know some of you park at these ■■■■ holes first choice (so maybe have probs getting parked) whether that is down to co.regs or just lack of imagination who knows, but I never park overnight there, and never will.

The “Budapest stunt demolition team” are on Snap so they can park up on services etc.

It also looks like they’ve bought All4trucks in Calais or at the very least put a lot of money their way as it’s mostly them that are parking in there right now.

Also,if you look at their trucks,a lot of them are subbbies working in Waberers colours and a few of them are not Hungos as they have problems recruiting so go east for their drivers,I.e. Ukrainians.
I was talking to one of them in Calais last week and he was telling me in better English than me.