
I’ve just stopped on Keele Northbound.

It looks like Waberers have set up a new operating centre there!

The other week I counted 19 of em on there :open_mouth: obviously had to take my shoes and socks off when I got past 10 :confused:

yep, most other services as well, plus a few vosa check points and for extra security they have a green cords around the wheels :laughing:

I’ve just stopped on Keele Northbound.

It looks like Waberers have set up a new operating centre there!

But what problem.If foreigh truck stop for weekend at lay by that local people and more hate foreigh who they park up not correct.If Waberers stop at services,pay some 60 quid for truck but people anyway blame,hate???What you want■■?

Anyone know if they’re taking on? Do they take newbies?

Anyone know if they’re taking on? Do they take newbies?

Only experienced smasheruperers need apply I’m afraid.

Anyone know if they’re taking on? Do they take newbies?

need your own flip flops and purple shell suit :smiley:


I’ve just stopped on Keele Northbound.

It looks like Waberers have set up a new operating centre there!

But what problem.If foreigh truck stop for weekend at lay by that local people and more hate foreigh who they park up not correct.If Waberers stop at services,pay some 60 quid for truck but people anyway blame,hate???What you want■■?

Bald Bloke where are you - we need your translation skills!


I’ve just stopped on Keele Northbound.

It looks like Waberers have set up a new operating centre there!

But what problem.If foreigh truck stop for weekend at lay by that local people and more hate foreigh who they park up not correct.If Waberers stop at services,pay some 60 quid for truck but people anyway blame,hate???What you want■■?

The point is Andrejs, that we have seen the British continental transport industry destroyed by the likes of Waberers, and in the near future we are likely to see the domestic transport industry go the same way. Additionally, eastern European drivers are treated little better than modern-day slaves, many being forced to spend 11+ months a year in their trucks, when they would far rather be spending some quality time with their families.

Harry Monk:


I’ve just stopped on Keele Northbound.

It looks like Waberers have set up a new operating centre there!

But what problem.If foreigh truck stop for weekend at lay by that local people and more hate foreigh who they park up not correct.If Waberers stop at services,pay some 60 quid for truck but people anyway blame,hate???What you want■■?

The point is Andrejs, that we have seen the British continental transport industry destroyed by the likes of Waberers, and in the near future we are likely to see the domestic transport industry go the same way. Additionally, eastern European drivers are treated little better than modern-day slaves, many being forced to spend 11+ months a year in their trucks, when they would far rather be spending some quality time with their families.

I know British man who now do continental job and they live in truck for 1-2 month.About destroyed .This happened not because come EE company.But all changes in Uk become from DHL buy EXEL and after grab hundred contract.After Norbert Dentresengle buy TDK and as well grab and grab.But big company can all the time any country running business much more cheap and faster.

I take it Warberers etc are exempt from the cabotage rules or is it just too much hassle for DVSA to prosecute regularly??

They have been a few Republic Hauliers (more so tipper men) been done over past years by DVSA for breaking cabotage rules in NI.

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Big Truck:
I take it Warberers etc are exempt from the cabotage rules or is it just too much hassle for DVSA to prosecute regularly??

They have been a few Republic Hauliers (more so tipper men) been done over past years by DVSA for breaking cabotage rules in NI.

Sent from my SM-J500FN using Tapatalk

It would appear that cabbotage rules only apply if you use Holyhead or the ports in South Wales everywhere else seems to be exempt except for the odd token gesture around Killingholme

Part of the problem is that the Cabotage rules are quite complicated and allow for a lot of fudging which I can imagine makes it difficult to enforce.

For example, if Waberers finished their international inbound unload on a Friday, they then have 7 days in which they can perform up to 3 cabotage loads (multi drop loads count as one cabotage load) so they can keep the truck working domestically until the following Friday. Then they can run to pick up an outgoing international load.
So, presuming they park the truck up at weekends, that’s 2 weekends parked here…plus then however long it takes to find an outgoing international load…so easy to see why they can have loads of trucks parked up all over the country.

To enforce cabotage, they have to be actually caught in the act of performing domestic work outside of the 7 day allowed period or over the 3 job limit.


At Keele services.

That in itself would get me looking for a shelf stacking job in Bratislava, Budapest, Tatabanya or where ever else they’ve come from.


I’ve just stopped on Keele Northbound.

It looks like Waberers have set up a new operating centre there!

But what problem.If foreigh truck stop for weekend at lay by that local people and more hate foreigh who they park up not correct.If Waberers stop at services,pay some 60 quid for truck but people anyway blame,hate???What you want■■?

You must live in cloud cuckoo land if you think they pay for parking at the services.



I’ve just stopped on Keele Northbound.

It looks like Waberers have set up a new operating centre there!

But what problem.If foreigh truck stop for weekend at lay by that local people and more hate foreigh who they park up not correct.If Waberers stop at services,pay some 60 quid for truck but people anyway blame,hate???What you want■■?

You must live in cloud cuckoo land if you think they pay for parking at the services.

Kakukk felhő-föld

…appears to be the name of this new Vehicle Operating Center - so perhaps you’re onto something here… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ashford Kent is another one, rows upon rows of them…

Ashford Kent is another one, rows upon rows of them…

To be fair, they have a yard there

I was stopped by VOSA about 8 weeks ago and I asked about the Waberers vehicles spending the weekend there on break. He did agree that technically that it was illegal to have a 45hr break in the cab but they didn’t have the resources the police the issue.

What you want■■?

Cabotage rules that are fit for purpose like those that apply in North America.Which mean that Mexican trucks can’t do third country operations between US and Canada for example.Let alone the type of internal traffic allowances provided under the present regs here.