Vosa summons to court

Sadly while still available legal aid has been cut back dramatically.

The Sarge:
My God, hk-dead-loss is a PITA, isn’t he? Happy new year to all the (relatively) normal people on here. Off out with the wife to start the new year as I mean to go on - ■■■■■■ :slight_smile:

“Happy new year to all the (relatively) normal people on here”

You would desperately want to be included, wouldn’t you?

“Off out with the wife to start the new year as I mean to go on - ■■■■■■■

Why would you want to go out with your wife, she can clearly wait, you have more important things to do, such as getting yourself into silly arguments with strangers on the internet.
As for getting ■■■■■■■ you clearly don’t need to do that, we all can clearly see you you are ■■■■■■ already otherwise you wouldn’t be spouting rubbish on this board.

Olog Hai:
I can’t be arsed pulling another of your posts to pieces, easy as it would be. Hang on… actually, yes I can.

if it was so hardly worth reading why did you read it in the first place, and why did you think it was worth replying to, and now, why it makes keep coming back replying more.

Are you for real? How the [zb] am I supposed to know whether it’s worth reading or not without reading it?!

You contradict yourself in every post you make and you don’t even realize it.

OK, wise one. Examples, please.

2. I always pay attention (well, whenever I check this board at least) of what Conor posts, and never noticed him being as you describe a “self-rightenous” and “abusive”, you are in fact contradicting yourself again

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: As above, are you for real or what?

you are denying Conor to post what he thinks is the right thing to say

Um, no. Well, I think no, because I don’t fully understand what you’re trying to say.

Selective judgments and goodguy badges comes to mind when reading your posts.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A case of a dead brain, what else can we do to help this man here?

This thread is getting ridiculous and very childish in my opinion.

Come on mods, lock it and encourage people to grow up!

Always amusing when threads escalate and although I was expecting some interesting info on VOSA legal action (which there is) it was quite a pleasent surprise to see a good clash of witts taking place.

Anyway not wishing to take sides but could I ask conor and anon84679660 if they are the same person, mainly as they dont appear to talk to each other (not even to thank the other when a compliment is paid), over react in a similar way and share a dislike of the same posters.

This thread is getting ridiculous and very childish in my opinion.

Come on mods, lock it and encourage people to grow up!

Have no fear, Mary Whitehouse is here.

Indeed. I’m not the only one that noticed that Conor never came back to defend himself then

Are you suggesting that dead-loss and conman are the same person?? :open_mouth: :unamused: :wink:

Well well, what an interesting read … Half a page of interest and four and a half of childish crap!!!

Well I’m enjoying it.


+1. id call it stating an honest opinion,though your not allowed to be as honest as you would like sometimes… :slight_smile:

This. Just like in most workplaces, some will get away with saying more than others.

looks like I must be one of the others then… :slight_smile:



+1. id call it stating an honest opinion,though your not allowed to be as honest as you would like sometimes… :slight_smile:

This. Just like in most workplaces, some will get away with saying more than others.

looks like I must be one of the others then… :slight_smile:

And me.


I am amused that the poster saying that switchlogic should do one seems to know an awful lot about him. He clearly watches his videos, yet he claims to dislike him.

Sounds like you have a stalker Luke, I’m particularly intrigued by the sunglasses comment having recently read that the part of the body people look at the most when watching ■■■■ is the eyes.

That post was a bit freaky wasn’t it. He does seem weirdly obsessed locks doors

I reckon if someone dosent like you,but watches your videos with so much interest to see if your cooking with olive oil,or chip fat,plus the sunglasses stuff,then it has to be similar to poking at a sore tooth.i wonder if he has a blowup doll in a hi viz and shades in the cupboard called luke got those evenings of gentlemans pleasure ■■..id be sleeping with a ratchet strap across both doors,a belt round my chin,and my back against the corner of the cab just in case he comes and bums you one night after gassing you 1st… :open_mouth:

This thread is getting ridiculous and very childish in my opinion.

Well well, what an interesting read … Half a page of interest and four and a half of childish crap!!!

I couldn’t agree more, much of this thread belongs in the kiddies playground.

I love trucknet. It’s the only forum where handbags and shoes start flying almost spontaneously by page 3 regardless of topic. :smiley: it’s actually good sport watching :laughing: .

It’s given me a chuckle…

What I don’t understand is how VOSA would know if someone had pulled there card when they got Into the yard?

What I don’t understand is how VOSA would know if someone had pulled there card when they got Into the yard?

It’s not difficult, they look at the VU download and it will show your days driving, then the time you eject the card, then followed by some driving done with no card in the truck.

But they would have to prove it was you driving the truck.

Couple of things come to mind, one being the truck going from running at normal road speeds to stopped and the card out. Or maybe they were observing the yard in the run up to action which is something they do do.