Olog Hai:
So going over your time by two minutes, twice, and pulling the card but continuing to drive for what sounds like a few minutes more on private land equals a summons to court, then.Is there nothing more to it than that?
- 2
Olog Hai:
So going over your time by two minutes, twice, and pulling the card but continuing to drive for what sounds like a few minutes more on private land equals a summons to court, then.Is there nothing more to it than that?
Hahaha someone has snapped. Brilliant!you mean the Village People impersonator on here?
You might be right thereNo, I mean you. I long ago stopped taking this place as seriously as you do Chas. So sorry Keith old chap, you’re on to a losing battle trying to take the ■■■■ out of someone who takes the ■■■■ out of himself more than anyone. Like I say, choose your battles more wisely. Oh and I do remember you messaging me on YouTube. I like that your idea of polite questioning is repeatedly insisting you know better than me at how I cook my own food. Fancy that, you’re a know all.
Trucknet wouldn’t be a better place without you. No one would notice you contribute so little.
Have a lovely evening my dear.■■■
- Where did you get that "Blah, blah, blah " quote from, never posted anything like that in here, or you just fabricated it, to suit your need?
Really? I truncated what you had to say rather than adding another huge quote to the thread, and chose the ‘blah, blah, blah’ line as I regarded your input as hardly worth reading.
What you don’t seem to grasp about this whole thing as you jump to Conor’s defence is that I wasn’t passing comment on his opinion. Everyone has an opinion. Rather, I was commenting on the holier-than-thou, self-righteous and often downright abusive tone he adopts when putting it across. If you had realised that in the first place you wouldn’t have spent all afternoon arguing on here!
- “I long ago stopped taking this place as seriously as you do” - by being so obsessed with this thread and replying to every post involving you and not only you, you’ve just proved otherwise, switch-no-logic
I just like goading angry self important little men like yourself. Not so hard to understand sweetness. XxxxX oh and xox
Love and Kisses
Olog Hai:
- Where did you get that "Blah, blah, blah " quote from, never posted anything like that in here, or you just fabricated it, to suit your need?
Really? I truncated what you had to say rather than adding another huge quote to the thread, and chose the ‘blah, blah, blah’ line as I regarded your input as hardly worth reading.
What you don’t seem to grasp about this whole thing as you jump to Conor’s defence is that I wasn’t passing comment on his opinion. Everyone has an opinion. Rather, I was commenting on the holier-than-thou, self-righteous and often downright abusive tone he adopts when putting it across. If you had realised that in the first place you wouldn’t have spent all afternoon arguing on here!
- “I long ago stopped taking this place as seriously as you do” - by being so obsessed with this thread and replying to every post involving you and not only you, you’ve just proved otherwise, switch-no-logic
I just like goading angry self important little men like yourself. Not so hard to understand sweetness. XxxxX oh and xox
Love and Kisses
Clearly not having anything to say is not stopping you from posting, but that’s nothing new to me, that’s how I remember you from other posts and arguments you have regularly in here with others.
Clearly not having anything to say is not stopping you from posting either. But that is new to me as I dont remember any discussion you’ve ever been involved in. You’re just not very memorable, Babe. Xxxx
I can’t be arsed pulling another of your posts to pieces, easy as it would be. Hang on… actually, yes I can.
if it was so hardly worth reading why did you read it in the first place, and why did you think it was worth replying to, and now, why it makes keep coming back replying more.
Are you for real? How the ■■■■ am I supposed to know whether it’s worth reading or not without reading it?!
You contradict yourself in every post you make and you don’t even realize it.
OK, wise one. Examples, please.
2. I always pay attention (well, whenever I check this board at least) of what Conor posts, and never noticed him being as you describe a “self-rightenous” and “abusive”, you are in fact contradicting yourself again
As above, are you for real or what?
you are denying Conor to post what he thinks is the right thing to say
Um, no. Well, I think no, because I don’t fully understand what you’re trying to say.
Selective judgments and goodguy badges comes to mind when reading your posts.
My God, hk-dead-loss is a PITA, isn’t he? Happy new year to all the (relatively) normal people on here. Off out with the wife to start the new year as I mean to go on - ■■■■■■
Oh, and good luck to the OP’s other half. Best I can advise is spend some money on legal advice if you possibly can. I think he could be looking at a suspension (but I hope not), so try and work out how much money he might lose in wages compared to some legal fees to reduce it. Crap at New Year I know All the best.
I am amused that the poster saying that switchlogic should do one seems to know an awful lot about him. He clearly watches his videos, yet he claims to dislike him.Sounds like you have a stalker Luke, I’m particularly intrigued by the sunglasses comment having recently read that the part of the body people look at the most when watching ■■■■ is the eyes.
how are you doing in Canada, newmercman, still being lucky enough to be driving every day of the year?
As far as I can remember you were one of those very few truck drivers in Canada being able to work no matter how much snow fell on the roads and no matter how icy and dangerous the roads were.
Are you still that lucky or you also need to stop and spend few days on the road and wait for the roads to be cleared?.
Someone who doesn’t know the conditions truck drivers experience in Canada winter time, reading your post might fall under illusions truck driving in Canada is not worst than driving in the UK, only the money, is much, much better, and you obviously unlike other canadian drivers get paid for everything, you don’t even have to work and you still get paid, am I not right newmercman?
That’s the impression I’m getting after reading some of your posts at least.
Arguing with a fool only proves that there are two. HTH
Never argue with an idiot - they will simply drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience!
Arguing with a fool only proves that there are two. HTH
DAMMIT! Although me being a fool is a surprise to no one.
Arguing with a fool only proves that there are two. HTHDAMMIT! Although me being a fool is a surprise to no one.
I’m not arguing that one either
First day of the new year and Switchlogic is getting a good battering, I am off for dinner with the Mayor of Perpignon and his daughter.
Tomorrow , is a plan to meet the Police Chief of Narbonne to discus bags of ■■■ thrown in the road and Truckers Tizer bottles.
I think I found one of your french villages a few weeks ago. I was delivering gym equipment to a chateau one of our directors had just bought. The guys installing the gym had picked me up at the services for a recon trip, we ended up at their B&B where the owner wouldn’t hear of me staying at the services. He took me back to get the truck and showed me where I could park it in the centre of the village, and then we went back to the B&B for a slap up meal. He also phoned up the local bus driver to see if it would be ok for us to use the bus stop near the Chateau to unload the truck.
Not quite dinner with the mayor, but far better than a night parked up in a service station.
You should’ve dropped Toby’s name, you’d have been tucked in with the mayor’s daughter in no time.
You should’ve dropped Toby’s name, you’d have been tucked in with the mayor’s daughter in no time.
Dam, I’ll have to remember that if I go back. although if Toby got there first, it may not be a good idea to admit I know of him.
Nothing much to worry about, from what I hear if you follow Toby it’s just like a new one after the first three inches
I am no lawyer as well, but I am sure they can’t change the date, even in court, as this is falsifying documents. If you phone ACAS, they will give you a number to phone, of the people who know.all the legal in’s and out’s of paperwork. As far as handing in printouts, never hear of that before… You have 42 days to hand in the old discs… Pulling your card on private land. Hummm , I was lead to believe if a third party vehicle uses it, then it is classed as a highway, but not sure…
Good luck… Oh, I thought Legal Aid was still available… Is he not in a union?