Olog Hai:
Blah, blah, blahVery interesting things you have to say, particularly the repetitive bits about ‘idiots’, ‘stupidity’ and so forth. You seem to regard employment in the haulage industry as a bottom the barrel occupation, which begs the question why you’re still doing it?
Can you not better yourself and find something else if it is such a terrible industry? Or are you actually one of Conor’s ‘third of the IQ of a cabbage’ types who, like one or two others on here, regards himself as a cut above other ‘idiot’ drivers because umm… ahhh… well, because they just do?
- Where did you get that "Blah, blah, blah " quote from, never posted anything like that in here, or you just fabricated it, to suit your need?
Absolutely, lorry driving in general seems to me like a bottom barrel job, if you are working for an average haulage company in this country, sad but true.
Vast majority of transport operators treat a driver as a buffer between themselves and VOSA (other authorities) and make sure they transfer as much responsibility to a driver, making him sign various documents that ensures it. (know it from experience, although have not been driving for very long).
No, transport operator ( at least I have never heard of one) cares about a driver, driver is there to do as he is being told to do, and if it means breaking the law, so be it, he’s sign various documents that ensure he should know what he is’has been doing.
I managed to get myself a very good job, with a company that actually makes sure , drivers do not break the law, and never pushes drivers to break the law, I know I’ve been very lucky, but before I got this job, I’ve been interviewed by many other haulage companies and all went well until I started asking questions about them, about WTD and how they deal with them.
Suddenly I started to realize they were becoming less and less interested in me, as I simply knew too much for them , which meant I would not allow myself to be pushed to break the regulations and won’t be willing to “help the business out”.
I’ve been interviewed by many companies, have spoken to many drivers and I can safely say, there are a very few companies that do not break the law.
You send VOSA to any haulage business and I can guarantee you, they will find enough evidence to prosecute the owners, management and the drivers.
The sadest thing is that the drivers are the least at fault, they simply do what they are being told, thinking that their TM is looking after them, and would not tell them to do anything if it meant breaking the law.
If a drivers thing he might be breaking the law, he will be told by his TM, not too worry about it, as VOSA doesn’t care about such minor things.
I know of such situations fist hand, and you would be surprised what companies resort to these types of antics.
I’ve seen companies mentioned on this board , drivers claiming they are 100% legit and run by the book, when I know 100% it is not true.
The questions is , doesn’t VOSA know about it, and why VOSA goes after a simple driver when in majority of situations a driver just want to keep his job, is being bullied and doesn’t know the real consequences of his unlawful actions?
I actually feel sorry about the common driver as he is between the rock and hard place, driver just want to keep his job and his family fed and clothed, why VOSA doesn’t target the employers?