Vosa summons to court

Olog Hai:

Blah, blah, blah

Very interesting things you have to say, particularly the repetitive bits about ‘idiots’, ‘stupidity’ and so forth. You seem to regard employment in the haulage industry as a bottom the barrel occupation, which begs the question why you’re still doing it?

Can you not better yourself and find something else if it is such a terrible industry? Or are you actually one of Conor’s ‘third of the IQ of a cabbage’ types who, like one or two others on here, regards himself as a cut above other ‘idiot’ drivers because umm… ahhh… well, because they just do?


  1. Where did you get that "Blah, blah, blah " quote from, never posted anything like that in here, or you just fabricated it, to suit your need?


Absolutely, lorry driving in general seems to me like a bottom barrel job, if you are working for an average haulage company in this country, sad but true.
Vast majority of transport operators treat a driver as a buffer between themselves and VOSA (other authorities) and make sure they transfer as much responsibility to a driver, making him sign various documents that ensures it. (know it from experience, although have not been driving for very long).
No, transport operator ( at least I have never heard of one) cares about a driver, driver is there to do as he is being told to do, and if it means breaking the law, so be it, he’s sign various documents that ensure he should know what he is’has been doing.

I managed to get myself a very good job, with a company that actually makes sure , drivers do not break the law, and never pushes drivers to break the law, I know I’ve been very lucky, but before I got this job, I’ve been interviewed by many other haulage companies and all went well until I started asking questions about them, about WTD and how they deal with them.
Suddenly I started to realize they were becoming less and less interested in me, as I simply knew too much for them , which meant I would not allow myself to be pushed to break the regulations and won’t be willing to “help the business out”.
I’ve been interviewed by many companies, have spoken to many drivers and I can safely say, there are a very few companies that do not break the law.
You send VOSA to any haulage business and I can guarantee you, they will find enough evidence to prosecute the owners, management and the drivers.
The sadest thing is that the drivers are the least at fault, they simply do what they are being told, thinking that their TM is looking after them, and would not tell them to do anything if it meant breaking the law.
If a drivers thing he might be breaking the law, he will be told by his TM, not too worry about it, as VOSA doesn’t care about such minor things.
I know of such situations fist hand, and you would be surprised what companies resort to these types of antics.
I’ve seen companies mentioned on this board , drivers claiming they are 100% legit and run by the book, when I know 100% it is not true.
The questions is , doesn’t VOSA know about it, and why VOSA goes after a simple driver when in majority of situations a driver just want to keep his job, is being bullied and doesn’t know the real consequences of his unlawful actions?
I actually feel sorry about the common driver as he is between the rock and hard place, driver just want to keep his job and his family fed and clothed, why VOSA doesn’t target the employers?






Olog Hai:

You may find it trivial but this is the reality of the risk you take when you flout the law. Its why some of us continually bang on about it despite people like Dieseldog etc calling us pussies.

LOL. Almost every post of yours I read on here just screams ‘angry, self-opinionated little man. who walks around with a halo above his head.’

+1 :laughing:

+2 to this

Especially in regards his opinion on anyone who works as anything other than a PAYE worker.

Some of you are seriously funny, never thought of being a comedian?
I on the other hand, regard Conor as a top poster, and value his posts highly.
There are a few posters that posts valuable posts in my view, and I always read them with interest.
One of them hasn’t posted for a while, but after the response he got to his lasts posts, I’m not surprised he’s given up.
At least when he posts , you can learn something useful, see things from a different angle.
These posts produced by some of you only confirm my observations, lorry driving industry is mostly for idiots, and to fit in well, you need to be an idiot. No wonder lorry drivers are treated as such.
You have a few that tell you as it is, try to point to you what you do wrong, and they instantly become enemies of every stupid lorry driver out there.
I had worked in other industries before becoming a lorry driver but have never seen workers being treated so poorly as lorry drivers are.
but, as the saying goes, lorry drivers are their worst enemies and it is so very true.
If you are not stupid enough , you can not be a proper, valuable, lorry driver, and if you dare to think on your own, and do do as other lorry drivers do, you are not a valuable employee to any transportation company.

Stupidity, lack of knowledge of all rules and regulations, the law, allowing yourself to be bullied by transport managers, in this industry is very highly regarded. If you meet all these requirements, you basically are guaranteed a driving job in your average haulage company.

Conor, don’t give up on posting , there are plenty of us who value highly your opinions, and don’t even worry about what some low lives think of you.

I’m intrigued what makes me stupid or an idiot because I might have a difference of opinion on a particular subject and I’m prepared to highlight my opinion or thoughts. Its extremely naïve of you to call someone stupid just because they disagree with what you personally think. As far as this thread goes I actually agree with what Conor and anyone else has said about people who knowingly break the rules getting exactly what they deserve because there is absolutely no excuse for that.

What I was giving a +2, too above was the “angry, self opinionated little man comment” because I find his posts are for the most part very aggressive and direct, nothing wrong with that to an extent because everyone is entitled to their opinion but being direct doesn’t automatically mean everything you say is actually true and correct.

As for you anon84679660 I lost all respect for anything you might have to say and your opinion when you used the word “lowlife” at the end of your piece. Do you really think that is an appropriate word to use about someone you know nothing about other than having a different view to yourself on an internet forum. Its the sort of response I expect from someone who hasn’t got the ability to have a mature and constructive debate and has to resort to childish insults instead.

If you were giving +2 for only the “self opinionated little man comment” as you mentioned, you would have mentioned it, but you clearly, and quoted, "I’, only giving +2 for the following…, but no, and I think it is clear to anyone (although I’m sure there are going to be plenty claiming to have troubles understanding it) you agreed with everything what was being posted, so please, have some integrity and stop making a victim out of yourself, it is being “childish” and it doesn’t contribute to a “mature and constructive debate”.
You first attack people, and then try to play a victim? Very poor behavior.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant, so the person who goes round calling people you don’t know anything about, nor have ever met “lowlifes” is telling me to have some integrity…oh the irony! I think you should look up the definition.

Secondly for the most part I have no idea what your above post means, it makes no sense and I am struggling to make out what point you are trying to make. I think you need to read through what you have written and check it makes sense before you post. At a guess you seem to be implying something about the word “I” being used which in my first post it wasn’t (see below as I have re-pasted what I wrote)

“+2 to this, Especially in regards his opinion on anyone who works as anything other than a PAYE worker”

Not sure about anyone else but I don’t see the word “I” in that sentence above so still baffled what you are going on about.

I would like you to show me where I claim to be a victim, I was simply pulling you up on calling me a lowlife which is massively out of order and inappropriate when you know nothing about me.

I am amused that the poster saying that switchlogic should do one seems to know an awful lot about him. He clearly watches his videos, yet he claims to dislike him.

Sounds like you have a stalker Luke, I’m particularly intrigued by the sunglasses comment having recently read that the part of the body people look at the most when watching ■■■■ is the eyes.

Hi I am looking for some advice for my hubby. He has received a summons to attend court in person for some tachgraph infringements. x2 for failing to take adequate breaks (2mins over the 4.5hrs), pulling the card out when he reached the depot (private land) as he has been advised to do if running out of time and creating a false record, his employer advise that the false record is because he pulled his card and 1 offence of failing to hand in a print out after x amount of days.

On the summons the date of the offence is incorrect as he was not driving that vehicle on the date listed. He now does not know whether he should plead not guilty on the grounds of the wrong date or plead guilty but advise the court the date of the offence is incorrect. He had been told that if he pleads not guilty the case could be thrown out because the date is wrong, however i think they are allowed to just amend the date in court.

Also if he did plead not guilty on these grounds would the case then go to trial or would it be dealt with on the day. He has never been to court for anything before and doesn’t know how to go on. We can’t afford a solicitor. Anyone that has been before if you could let us know the full process would be greatly appreciated. It’s a magistrates court he has to attend.

Also if he does plead guilty can anyone advise on what to say in mitigation, there are some factors such as he’s been told to pull the card once he’s on private land and he’s never been told that he has to hand in printouts he just kept it for 28 days then got rid. also in terms of the breach of breaks he got stuck in bad traffic but this has not been accepted obviously.


I’d agree with the concensus here. If there is a lot of drivers being prosecuted from the same company and you are seeing what seem to be a couple of “trivial” charges of going a few minutes over then i’d pretty much be certain that its endemic amonst them all and as such they’re token charges to add as part of the bigger picture of how they’re operating.

I’d be pleading Guilty, and as mitigation i would point out (assuming its true) , that nothing had been flagged up to me by the Employer/Operator and i didn’t realise i had done anything wrong. I’d expect a big fine and maybe a Months suspended HGV entitlement from the TC.


:smiley: The more time I spend on Trucknet the more my view of Toby changes! I think he’s one of the best posters on here, funny, never takes offence, random, mad as a box of frogs and underneath it all as knowledgeable (if not more so) than any of those self obsessed know it alls. Trucknet would be much more fun with a few more Tobys & a few less Conor/HKLoss (their turn of phrase is remarkably similar…) types around. Now, got to go, I’m having lunch with the local Mayor and police chief. Happy new year from France.

Trucknet would be so good without you switch-no-logic, unfortunately we all have to endure seeing you around.
You should be spending more time with Bertie, and cleaning your cab after frying meat inside, never seen you doing any proper cleaning at all, it must be sticky all over the place from all that oil being splattered all over it.
You’ve been stuck way too long in that tin box, not being able to go out much, you might be surprised to learn there are cleaning products available cheaply in supermarkets these days, worth investing a few quid.
You don’t need ebola to kill you, if you keep living in that lorry as you do, common bacteria will finish you.
Even wearing a pair of sunglasses won’t help you save your ass.

What an amazingly strange post. Even more so when you consider I’m sponsored by and promote a company that sells cleaning products. You’re not very good at this are you old bean? Very telling sunglasses comment though, another poster on here who dislikes me as intensely as you do seems to have a weird obsession with my sunglasses.

Happy new year. May it be jolly and prosperous and if you need any cleaning products for your vehicles please try Chrome Northwest, the best by far.

I am amused that the poster saying that switchlogic should do one seems to know an awful lot about him. He clearly watches his videos, yet he claims to dislike him.

Sounds like you have a stalker Luke, I’m particularly intrigued by the sunglasses comment having recently read that the part of the body people look at the most when watching ■■■■ is the eyes.

That post was a bit freaky wasn’t it. He does seem weirdly obsessed locks doors

Chrome Northwest would that be BIG Mike

No big Jason!

First day of the new year and Switchlogic is getting a good battering, I am off for dinner with the Mayor of Perpignon and his daughter.
Tomorrow , is a plan to meet the Police Chief of Narbonne to discus bags of ■■■ thrown in the road and Truckers Tizer bottles.

No big Jason!

was mike?

No Jason started it himself. Cant talk too much about them as it would be promoting and I dont want to be on premod! I only brought them up because of my stalkers strange post.


I am amused that the poster saying that switchlogic should do one seems to know an awful lot about him. He clearly watches his videos, yet he claims to dislike him.

Sounds like you have a stalker Luke, I’m particularly intrigued by the sunglasses comment having recently read that the part of the body people look at the most when watching ■■■■ is the eyes.

That post was a bit freaky wasn’t it. He does seem weirdly obsessed locks doors

switch-no-logic might not remember but some time ago, something like 6 months ago at the very least I view a couple of his videos on YT intrigued by the links that are permanently attached to everyone of his posts to obviously promote his channel.
I noticed that time him frying some meat and not cleaning his cab after doing so.
I asked him some questions politely about that and he got seriously offended I accused him of using cooking oil for frying., lol
That was clearly cooking oil being used, but I gave up on arguing with the fella.
Don’t know whether he still fries meat and doesn’t clean his cab after doing so, as I didn’t not find his YT clips interesting.
So, when he says he’s being sponsored by a cleaning company, that is the joke of the highest caliber, at least switch-no-logic sees a funny side of it, lol, lol

You’re a strange one to say the least. That was a poor comeback, you clearly are somewhat obsessed. Its ok though, I’d be obsessed if I were you and you were me. :wink:

Edit - Ive been sponsored by Chrome Northwest for about 3 years so I obviously was when you ‘politely’ questioned me. Ive even made standalone videos about how to keep the lorry clean, both inside, outside and when cooking so next time maybe you should pick your fights more wisely.

I am amused that the poster saying that switchlogic should do one seems to know an awful lot about him. He clearly watches his videos, yet he claims to dislike him.

Sounds like you have a stalker Luke, I’m particularly intrigued by the sunglasses comment having recently read that the part of the body people look at the most when watching ■■■■ is the eyes.

how are you doing in Canada, newmercman, still being lucky enough to be driving every day of the year?
As far as I can remember you were one of those very few truck drivers in Canada being able to work no matter how much snow fell on the roads and no matter how icy and dangerous the roads were.
Are you still that lucky or you also need to stop and spend few days on the road and wait for the roads to be cleared?.
Someone who doesn’t know the conditions truck drivers experience in Canada winter time, reading your post might fall under illusions truck driving in Canada is not worst than driving in the UK, only the money, is much, much better, and you obviously unlike other canadian drivers get paid for everything, you don’t even have to work and you still get paid, am I not right newmercman?
That’s the impression I’m getting after reading some of your posts at least.

I would have thought lots of sucessful prosecutions of employees would strengthen the case against the company and directors.

i do hope it’s stobrats at APPLETON :grimacing:

Hahaha someone has snapped. Brilliant!

You’re a strange one to say the least. That was a poor comeback, you clearly are somewhat obsessed. Its ok though, I’d be obsessed if I were you and you were me. :wink:

lol, comedian, lol

Edit - Ive been sponsored by Chrome Northwest for about 3 years so I obviously was when you ‘politely’ questioned me. Ive even made standalone videos about how to keep the lorry clean, both inside, outside and when cooking so next time maybe you should pick your fights more wisely.

same here, you clearly are wasting your time being a lorry driver , switch-no-logic, but than again, comedians very rarely get sponsored by cleaning companies, and what’s better way of getting used to cleaning your work place than getting free cleaning products, so I guess you’re better off staying in that cab, and making fun of yourself on this board from time to time.

Hahaha someone has snapped. Brilliant!

you mean the Village People impersonator on here?
You might be right there


Hahaha someone has snapped. Brilliant!

you mean the Village People impersonator on here?
You might be right there

No, I mean you. I long ago stopped taking this place as seriously as you do Chas. So sorry Keith old chap, you’re on to a losing battle trying to take the ■■■■ out of someone who takes the ■■■■ out of himself more than anyone. Like I say, choose your battles more wisely. Oh and I do remember you messaging me on YouTube. I like that your idea of polite questioning is repeatedly insisting you know better than me at how I cook my own food. Fancy that, you’re a know all.

Trucknet wouldn’t be a better place without you. No one would notice you contribute so little.

Have a lovely evening my dear.■■■


We’ve actually still got regs that are more or less as flexible as those in North America in the form of domestic regs.The question then being how did/does UK only work using a UK reg truck fall into EU regs not domestic. :unamused:

UK Domestic Rules are far less flexible than EU,

The relevant fact in this case is that under domestic regs no one is going to get done for a 2 minute discrepancy in driving time using log books.Or get stopped short of destination or home in the case reaching the 4.30 or 9 hours limit which applies under the ridiculous EU regs.In addition to the fact that no limiters and the UK 60 mph limit also helps in making the difference between running out of driving time or not and providing more rest and break time.

As opposed to tachos which enforce time limits to the minute combined with that ridiculous EU driving time limit.In a regime in which slower,limited,speeds mean even more chance of running out of time and/or driving for a longer period than would otherwise be the case.Remembering that tachos also don’t allow for the situation whereby a driver who feels a bit knackered can book driving or duty on the log book,while actually taking extra time as break or rest.Which is why there was ( rightly ) a time when the transport unions were clever enough to be as against the EU and its bs regs,as they seem to be daft enough in their support of it now. :unamused:

Hopefully a UKIP influenced government might have the bottle to at least make the definition of ‘domestic’ mean what it says in the case of hours regs.In addition to allowing UK reg vehicles to be subject to the motorway speed regime which applies here not France etc.