Veganism.. Vegetarianism

Don’t make yourself look foolish.

Haggis are nothing like cattle. The haggis is quite a small creature.

A bit late with that bit of advice.

Think you’re confusing Haggis with badger or hedgehog stew.

But obviously still capable of providing that rare ultra expensive Scottish delicacy of the Haggis T bone steak, or even better the Haggis Chateau Briand fillet for a bit extra cash.
Wild smoked salmon on toast caught locally same day for starters.

It is also a little known fact that the left front and rear legs of the male haggis are shorter than their right ones! This is due to their predilection for running anti clockwise around mountain sides. Unfortunately for their numbers the opposite is equally true for the females who run in a clockwise manner! Scientists have yet to capture a single instance of them mating.

So that price quoted by the local butcher for Haggis steak isn’t as much of a larf as I told him that it was.

A haggis fur hat, with a haggis feather in the band, would be novel. :cowboy_hat_face:

It would indeed be summat !

So would a mammal, that lays eggs, has a duck’s bill, and produces venom. I think you are a lot nearer to one of them (in the wild) than we are. :grinning:

Ah, the monotreme, platypus. The echidna, visually similar to your hedgehog, is the only other monotreme.
It has been suggested that the platypus was designed by some sort of government committee.

Monotreme is a new one on me.
I had heard of echidnas, but until today had not looked them up.

Goggle and Wikipedia are great. :grinning:

Pam Ayres I had definitely heard before, although not that particular one.

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My wife was vegetarian and had been since she was 12 , she then in the mid 00’s started having fish (pescatarian) . Since early last year she has gone full vegan. Iim a meat eater but after having the most amazing vegan burger in New york in the new year I’ve become more open to trying vegan food. We often have a vegan burger meal in town and even now drink vegan larger (Budweiser) . And this weekend we’re going to a vegan festival :laughing:. I’m hoping to try some nice foods. I had vegan marshmallows when I got in from work and vegan burgers and onion rings. I don’t do tofu or cardboard bacon etc, I also don’t have mated hair or wear hemp and my wife does not have hairy arm pits lol.

It would take a bloody good woman to turn me into a vegetarian/vegan.

I knew a lad who married a vegi, he was definitely under the thumb as he was a vegi at home with her, but ate burgers and stuff whilst out …but was afraid to tell her.:roll_eyes:

Btw ‘Vegan Lager’ ? :flushed:
Yep, definitely heard it all now.

Yea, Stella, Heineken, Tennant’s, Becks, Budweiser, Cobra, Carlsburg and more are all vegan.

Fosters isn’t…

images - 2024-09-06T192952.195

…it’s been through a horse.

No, that’s why we no longer drink fosters.

If you want to eat vegan why try to dress it up as meat.How does malt hops and barley and yeast and alcohol get in their sights.

Fosters for instance is filtered through fish bladders. It’s the process not ingredients

Maybe that’s partly why Fosters tastes like …fish bladders, as opposed to Young’s Special or Fullers ESB.

If you are drinking draught, then you have been drinking beer cleared with isinglass, although bottled beers are filtered without using isinglass.
Same applies to many other brewers.
Guinness stopped using isinglass in 2015, before then they too used fish by product.
John Smiths draught is not vegan friendly, (it uses fishy bits) John Smiths cans do not use isinglass. John Smith's Extra Smooth - canned is Vegan Friendly - Barnivore vegan beer guide
Fullers ESB (bottle) is Vegan Friendly - Barnivore vegan beer guide.

Vegan beer eh? :roll_eyes:
Cant help feeling there is a high ‘‘I’m up my own right on arse’’ aspect to all this. :roll_eyes:
I’m sure it will wash down a nice dish of lentils a treat.:grin:…vegan lentils obvs.