Veganism.. Vegetarianism

I am not a vegetarian, but do have some sympathy with those who chose to be so.
Seeing films etc of factory farming make me look again at what I eat. Sometimes we do have a choice between free range and factory meats. This YT made me think again about my choices.


I’ve never heard of such an animal, nor have I ever or likely to, eat haggis.

How do you know if someone is a vegetarian?

They’ll soon let you know. :laughing:

A vegan and a vegetarian jumped off a cliff to see who would hit the ground first

Who won?

Society :smile:


First time I heard the word ‘Vegan’ was on this in the 80s…never heard it before then.
I still think of it everytime I hear it now .:joy:

The most ridiculous crap I heard was on a Bear Grylls survival show with (so called) ‘celebrities’, they had to survive on a tropical island.
One of them, Pete Wicks, a complete prat of the highest order, off some ‘reality’ show or whatever, declared to be a ‘pescatarian’…nah me either, but apparentlly all they eat is fish…no meat.

So after a week of near starvation living off fish and coconuts, they trapped a deer, which could have fed them for a week, our Pete went in the sulks,.refused to cook and eat it, saying he would leave the island if they decided to eat it.

If it had been me it would be ‘Ok, See ya then mate, …right everybody let’s get the barbie fired up’…:grin:

But no the limp bed wetting woke presumably lefties, decided to back him, then guess what next?

Wait for it…

They gave it a burial at sea with honours.

All that cra p is conco ckted before anyone even leaves home.

Ok but at least you get a bit of tv eye candy :joy:
NOT Pete Wicks btw :grin:

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To be fair I’d prefer lobster to venison bonus points with a bit of fillet steak.Deer are best left to do their thing in the wild.
Not for the Sunday roast which I buy from the butchers shop or maybe Waitrose.Definitely no sheep or deer meat only beef , chicken, turkey , or pork for me.

There is no such animal as haggis.It’s made from sheep offal/guts.
What’s the connection with factory farming.The offal is just a by product regardless.No more reason to use factory farm offal as factory farm lamb or mutton cuts.
Obviously selectively not moaning about live sheep shipping transport from AU or NZ for halal slaughter in middle east.Or for Chyarnese market in which case they might get butchered alive.Two tier meat eaters obviously.

If the necessary is available we have venison casserole for Christmas dinner.

A common misconception.
Because they are nocturnal, unsuccessful haggis hunters claim that they somehow fictitious rather than admit they were unsuccessful in the chase.
It is also true that sheep meat and offal used with oats was used as a substitute for the real haggis by poorer crofters. Easy to see how traditions have confused the issues.

The video above does show the cruelty of factory farming methods meant to make premium products affordable for the masses. I maintain it is better to source real wild haggis although it is more expensive.
Haggis from the wild does have a happier life than those raised in cages, just as shooting a wild deer for meat is arguably more humane than raising chickens in sheds. Since these animals are now protected but do need to be culled then why not use their meat?

I only tasted haggis once, didn’t like it.
In fact thought it was bloody offal.

Thank you very much.:sunglasses:

Are you seriously trying to say that Haggis is an animal species ?.
It’s an evil concoction made of sheep guts is what it is.Some say even intestines left full of sheep zb.
Obviously given enough cask strength whisky they were too ■■■■■■ and hungry to know or care what was put on the plate in front of them.
Like Irish beef steak and butter and bread being exported while the locals starved for lack of potatoes the ‘best’ lamb cutlets obviously ended up on the plates of the rich.
See even as a Nationalist I can do politics of envy too. The difference is mine is based on facts and not let’s all eat sheep guts and bugs and send all the steak and lobster to feed the Socialist elite.

Of course it is a real animal.
Wikipedia and the BBC and others all say it is sheep offal, but that is clearly a ploy.
They are all part of the commie false flag operation to reserve the best foods for their commissars!
I am truly surprised you were taken in by such an obvious ploy. Tricked by the Gov again!

And in keeping with the title of the thread…

There’s a bit of a clue under the top post mate :wink:

Obviously for attention of Franglais.

Far be it for me to either stick up for, or be a spokesman for Franglais …

He’s on a wind up dontcha know.:see_no_evil:

Nope I really do believe that Franglais thinks that a Haggis is a furry critter that walks around the glens and is hunted for that Scottish delicacy Haggis T bone steak.So difficult to find and expensive that it’s now factory farmed.Who needs Angus cattle.