Van den bosch transport



Worked for the Dutch (DE ROY) great company if you dont like sleepin.Thats why all their trucks are now flagged Lithuanian or Polish.Mate of mine worked for that other bloody cowboy outfit Brit European out of Rotterdam first thing they did was confiscate his sleeping bag.

Bunch of [zb] shysters be warned.

another bull story
how can anyone/firm take stuff off you. load of ■■■■■■■■ that one is. :unamused: :unamused:

A few years ago I had a mate start for a Dutch company (no names,no packdrill).

After the first two weeks while he was back In the yard ,he had to put his truck In the garage for ‘Sevicing’ …

Only for It to be returned to him minus the bunks…

He went to see the company owner who intern told him that the bunks were taken out because he sleeps too much :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

He quit there & then…

your pulling my leg

the maoster:

Sir +:

The bunks belong to the firm so they do with as they please.but personal kits is a def no no.

But daily rest can only be taken in a vehicle if it is fitted with a bunk! :confused:

Link to relevant regulation please. :wink:

page 20 … Europe.pdf

Sir +:

The bunks belong to the firm so they do with as they please.but personal kits is a def no no.

But daily rest can only be taken in a vehicle if it is fitted with a bunk! :confused:

It doesn’t mention a bunk here!

Where a driver chooses to do this, daily rest periods and
reduced weekly rest periods away from base may be taken in a
vehicle, as long as it has suitable sleeping facilities for each
driver and the vehicle is stationary.

EC 561/2006

A hammock would be good

One of my Dutch friends has just sent me a link to this. … 6UVhTJ6W6s

Maby Caledonian dream would care to comment…

Very interesting video.

Those two smarmy ■■■■■■■■ from VdB and Den Hartogh know exactly what is going on and are clearly lying through their teeth on camera.

The hapless chairman of the Dutch RHA is a joke and the Dutch ministry are obviously not up to the job.

The stance of the multinationals also speaks volumes.

The bottom line is that drivers from eastern Europe with dubious credentials are being employed to cut costs and maximize profit for the haulier at the expense of the indigenous workforce.

The shocking thing about this film is that it highlights the lax attitude to safety at 2 of the largest ADR hauliers in Europe and also the apparent lack of concern of the multinational companies who must also be aware of these working practices of their hauliers.

However, they will have you believe that “safety is their highest priority”.

PR bull droppings.

Profit is their highest priority.

Seen that programme 6 month ago, it’s very much playing with the truth and creating a atmosphere.
Van den Bosch is not a big ADR haulier and defiantly not in the heavy chemical or petro chemical industry.

If you watch the film right to the end and take attention to detail you actualy will notice something, the commetator on the end says that the East Europeen drivers change over with the Dutch drivers and drive the dangerous goods around Europe, if you look you see that every truck leaving this parking lot with a East European truck is or empty and none of theme has any Kemler plates open :grimacing: :grimacing:

Yes van den Bosch use Hungarian drivers, beside their German, Austrian, Belgium, and English drivers.
For an explanation of that you have to speak to Mr. van den Bosch himself, if I agree with it or not it’s not important.
It’s something what happens nowadays, and what happened the last 30 years since I have been in transport, we use to have Belgium, Danish, Spanish whatever was cheaper.
You nad me are not goen change this, the problem is you and me, we want our product as cheap as possible.

The program tries to proof that there a trucks full of explosive goods are transported true Europe by foreign drivers who have not the qualification.
They failed in that because while we are in one Europe the standard of ADR is totaly different, the Dutch have an extreme difficult ADR to pass.
But a Belgium or Italian driver could load in their country and deliver it into Holland with a by Dutch standards low qualifeid ADR certificate.

The failure of this program (it’s made by Zembla which is part of the VPRO which is part of the Unions, which is part of the left and ultra left of the Dutch politics)
They failed to notice that Van den Boschis not in the Petro chemical industry transport
They have a grudge because for the last 2 years they try to proof that Van den Bosch work iligal with Hungarian drivers
They pretended that the program was made for the Dutch chamber of commerce, instead of revealing their real business.

You can think what you want, so do I, but watch a program in full detail before you make your point.

By the way both companies, the Hartogh and Van den Bosch have or had companies in Hungary before the economic down turn.
Silo tank is a part of van den Bosch and was based in Hungary and Austria.

The shocking thing about this film is that it highlights the lax attitude to safety at 2 of the largest ADR hauliers in Europe .

How do you mean “the largest ADR Hauliers” van denBosch has maximum 30 ADR trucks. None of them are in the heavy chemical industry but drive products like screenwash etc.
Get your facts right please


The shocking thing about this film is that it highlights the lax attitude to safety at 2 of the largest ADR hauliers in Europe .

How do you mean “the largest ADR Hauliers” van denBosch has maximum 30 ADR trucks. None of them are in the heavy chemical industry but drive products like screenwash etc.
Get your facts right please

OK, my mistake. 1 of the largest ADR hauliers in Europe

Sir +:

The bunks belong to the firm so they do with as they please.but personal kits is a def no no.

But daily rest can only be taken in a vehicle if it is fitted with a bunk! :confused:

Can say I believe the story but I think the whole premise behind it was they don’t take daily rest…

(it’s made by Zembla which is part of the VPRO which is part of the Unions, which is part of the left and ultra left of the Dutch politics)

I have no idea of the politics of the programme makers, but it is a justified investigation into the shady dealings of the transport industry in their use of eastern Europeans to radically reduce their operating costs and further maximise their profits by playing the glorious European game of subterfuge, deceit or outright fraud.

The losers are the local drivers who are priced out of a job and the hordes of eastern Europeans forced to eat out of tins in parking areas for weeks on end as they cannot survive any other way in the west on the eastern European wages that their western masters see fit to pay them.

Playing the ADR card was probably a shock tactic by the programme makers to bring the practices being engaged in within the haulage industry to the attention of the general public who would probably be hitherto unaware of the current situation.

I will be vilified for this and told I am ■■■■-holing up to VDB and the Den Hartogh boss. I can confirm that the carriage of ADR regulated goods is very low in Erp and Amsterdam from my own experience.

It is a very one sided documentary which tries to shock, no mention of the Dutch driver who fell asleep on the A67 after using a magnet, no mention of the English drivers who kept hitting a railway bridge. The film shows drivers cooking in and around their trailers with open flames, it shows them drinking around the trailers, but it doesn’t show the two companies mentioned on that part. How many drivers in the UK are cab catering, living in a lay by and ■■■■■■■ up the wheels because it is too far to walk to the toilet.

I worked at Norman Lewis who had his office & trailers registered in Holland to be able to get permits, the main work was from Germany and I know drivers who had done that job for 30 years and were quite proud of the fact they only spoke English. If you rang the Dutch office, it was unmanned, a PO Box no which had a bank account attached to it.

One company that was shown but not featured was Bertschi who have been using Eastern Bloc and Russian drivers for at least 25 years. They too used to travel by bus to the East German depot. Bertschi have lorries registered in every state of the EU despite being Swiss owned. They have very few Swiss registered lorries apart from the likes of Furrer AG. The system in BASF was geared up to the fact that there were drivers from all over Europe, who only spoke one language, but it wasn’t a safety issue.

There is nothing new on this film that hasn’t been happening since I started lorry driving. English drivers working for Italian, French, Dutch and German companies. I have worked for the Belgians, the Dutch, French and Germans using British documents, a simplified ADR exam and 20 hours driver training. Their own drivers had to sit through regular training sessions and diplomas.

I have loaded from companies in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and have met some great local drivers along the way, those who would help you in the factories and explain the procedure, even if it was with a few grunts, hand signals and drawings. We have had it our own way for a long time, the East are becoming stronger, their infrastructure is improving, many companies who were big names in Western Europe have relocated to the East because like Caledonia Dream has mentioned, you, me, your mother and grandparents want more affordable goods.

We are just going to have to accept that we are too expensive as drivers, road transport is too cheap and there are far too many lorries on the roads fighting for part loads.

It isn’t the Polish companies that are filling our supermarket shelves with horse, it is the shareholders greed who own the suppliers in Ireland and the UK who are buying it in. To be honest the best thing has happened with these meat scares. I went to my local butcher as I normally do and the place was full of customers, they will trust local suppliers, we have just had a local greengrocer open a shop using local produce and not buying it in from South Africa or Africa. Obviously his Oranges and Bananas are coming from Spain but the more local stuff we buy and use will help negate the need for cheap drivers.

Inselsaffe, I agree but I think that any investigation should be clear of grudge, atmosphere creating and shock for the sake of a few viewers more.
If the input was honest and complete no problem, but to put incomplete un proofed and untrue facts on the program to score it’s a bad way to show things.
Any ADR driver should have seen the failures in they program.

My other point is, they stated that the Polish driver could get false ADR certificates, they should have proofed it, and informed the Dutch police as the Polish police / governement.
By failing to do so, they made a lot of people wiser (where to get a false ADR certificate) and let the situation carry on, or like they stated it"drive with a bomb through Europe"

On the other hand, it makes me smile! The thing what get said about the East-European people, is the same what the Dutch and German would say about the English 20-30 years ago.
The in polo shirt and covered in tattoos ( at that point in time, only travellers, sailors and “a social” people would have tattoos) English, didn’t really fulfill the Dutch and Germans with joy, and they where stealing our jobs by working day and night for much less than we did get paid.

As an immigrant my self and Ibelieve you are also, I cannot blame anybody who wants to do better for theirselves, and move to another country to improve, regardless where you come from.

Van Den Bosch :question: : … ue&JobNo=2

The video was shocking especially the ADR laws being ignored!!! Waw!!! :open_mouth:

Big Truck:
Van Den Bosch :question: : … ue&JobNo=2

Don’t think it’s vdb!!

Me neither :laughing: :laughing: … ue&JobNo=2


if you only had a slight clue, you would know that there are not many Tanker transporters who do “collecting sytems from warehouses” , “Multi drop” or run with 7.5 tonners, and yes you wouldn’t believe it mayba there are hundreds of Dutch haulers :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Those two smarmy [zb] from VdB and Den Hartogh know exactly what is going on and are clearly lying through their teeth on camera.

Agree !!! And sadly there are many directors of UK firms in the same mindset :imp: :imp: