Van den bosch transport

How many drops and pick ups a day with VDB ?

There’s no way to sugarcoat all this there’s only one reason why these companies are employing these drivers cheaper labour transport is going the same way as manufacturing why do you think everything is made in china it’s gone to far now big money will never return fact only for the shareholders of these companies are reaping the rewards of cheaper foreign labour I’ve seen it myself in my job my basic hourly rate £13.75 ADR gas tanker work which in fairness has gone up in the last 8 years but now I know of a uk logistics company doing the same work paying there guys £8ph tanker work rates seems to be dropping fast oil petro chemical companies preach health and safety but are willing to let drivers take the responsibility of taking there products out on the road for such low hourly rates

Starting next week .13th May looking forward to it .I’ve not got alot of experience but got a driving refresher booked in Glasgow for 11th .Also got a truck tomtom 5150 .What do yous do on Silos on a day never done tramping .Anybody fancy breaking down 1 days work roughly ? Also hat off to Frans for giving me a job .






yes some drivers were asked to work 7 days, a certain telephone conversation between a driver and planner went something like this, and i know this because i was sat at the same table outside cafe de paul in erp,planner “there is another trailer to be picked up and brought back to erp”, driver “i can’t do it i started at 5 this morning i worked till 8 i have done 6 or 7 trailers and i have done 15 hours today.” planner " but this trailer needs picking up" driver i can not do this i am out of hours,i have now worked 6 days, its now half 8 and had a beer, get somebody else to do it." planner “there is nobody else you will have to do it,” driver " i can not do this its illegal" planner " you can use a different truck" driver " if i use a different truck i will do it in the morning"…and so the story goes on, this driver did get up in the morning and did do this job, this was happening every single week, 2 newbies started and went out with a silo driver on a sunday to learn the job…the 2 newbies ended up doing 19 hours that particular day, with the same driver that was teaching them…19 hour day, oh and by the way, no they were not double manning…this isn’t about disgruntled ex employees of vdb, or ex drivers sulking because they weren’t earning the money or getting decent runs, and i really didn’t want to get into this ■■■■■ fight, to explain the ins and outs of the working practice at vdb, but those types of conversations between planners and certain drivers are happening every weekend, (zb)ing it up for the drivers that want to stay legal…now is the time to close this thread and move on, enough has been said

As we were going out on our own for the first time the day after, we were both using this as a good training session, we were not asked to work these hours. I personally did no driving at all that day. I was paid for the full day at double time (yes with 2 hours deducted). I learned a lot, got a good wage, and was a lot more relaxed about going out on my own.

yes you will of been deducted 2 hours, but did you actually have a 2 hour break, (away from the back and sides of the silo) and did you sit down away from the truck and have a meal, i suspect not


having a meal? at a sensible time while working for vdb?

you must be joking

sorry gogzy, what was i thinking :smiley:

lol ive just had my dinner, and its almost midnight here. so yea anyone thinking about coming just take note of a few things. the job itself isnt bad and is a doddle but dont expect early finishes or eating at sensible times

Sounds good hopefully I adapt to this fast .

i have an interview with this company soon and i was wondering if anybody knows anything about them, good or bad, they are based in the netherlands, they fly you out there to be trained in there academy, its 2-3 weeks away from home and a week off at home, is it too good to be true, or genuine

pm wheelnut. :wink:

i have an interview with this company soon and i was wondering if anybody knows anything about them, good or bad, they are based in the netherlands, they fly you out there to be trained in there academy, its 2-3 weeks away from home and a week off at home, is it too good to be true, or genuine

keep us informed fella sounds interesting, if it actually does what it says on the tin, then may be a goodin, out of interest what criteria are they looking for? you can pm if you wish

seen a few of their wagons about, always look very clean, I think they carry to or from cadbury in chirk.

I too have an interview soon with the same company, looks like there may be a lot of competition for the jobs they do have mate.
I assume Frans has called you with interview date and time? He would have answered any questions then, he did give me a bit of info, they also have a website you can check out. I have read a bit about them.
Established in the early 1940s, 800+ trucks mainly Volvo but some Yank examples. 3 weeks out and a week at home which you do not get paid for!
also they are paying for all the training you need to do the job properly and professionally and you are paid enhanced rates for weekend working which now a lot of uk companies dont.
They are a professional operator with a well turned out fleet and most of all good work and they dont expect you to kill yourself to make a half decent wage.
I applied because im sick of the crap jobs and work based here in the UK and Irealnd and im back working agency after 2 failed jobs promising the world then expecting you to run all the hours god sends, last one was a southern irish haulier with 4 trucks the other 3 being piloted by Lithuaninans and working 23hrs a day and more for 23c a mile, this country and the majority of general fridge hauliers are a joke mate
All i want is a decent company and a decent wage!!!

I too have an interview soon with the same company, looks like there may be a lot of competition for the jobs they do have mate.
I assume Frans has called you with interview date and time? He would have answered any questions then, he did give me a bit of info, they also have a website you can check out. I have read a bit about them.
Established in the early 1940s, 800+ trucks mainly Volvo but some Yank examples. 3 weeks out and a week at home which you do not get paid for!
also they are paying for all the training you need to do the job properly and professionally and you are paid enhanced rates for weekend working which now a lot of uk companies dont.
They are a professional operator with a well turned out fleet and most of all good work and they dont expect you to kill yourself to make a half decent wage.
I applied because im sick of the crap jobs and work based here in the UK and Irealnd and im back working agency after 2 failed jobs promising the world then expecting you to run all the hours god sends, last one was a southern irish haulier with 4 trucks the other 3 being piloted by Lithuaninans and working 23hrs a day and more for 23c a mile, this country and the majority of general fridge hauliers are a joke mate
All i want is a decent company and a decent wage!!!

i looked at the job description after reading these posts it states 7.50per hour, i too like you is sick of false promises but a week off unpaid summit doesent add up 7.50 ph dosent seem like a high earning job…pm me if you no different :wink:

I too have an interview soon with the same company, looks like there may be a lot of competition for the jobs they do have mate.
I assume Frans has called you with interview date and time? He would have answered any questions then, he did give me a bit of info, they also have a website you can check out. I have read a bit about them.
Established in the early 1940s, 800+ trucks mainly Volvo but some Yank examples. 3 weeks out and a week at home which you do not get paid for!
also they are paying for all the training you need to do the job properly and professionally and you are paid enhanced rates for weekend working which now a lot of uk companies dont.
They are a professional operator with a well turned out fleet and most of all good work and they dont expect you to kill yourself to make a half decent wage.
I applied because im sick of the crap jobs and work based here in the UK and Irealnd and im back working agency after 2 failed jobs promising the world then expecting you to run all the hours god sends, last one was a southern irish haulier with 4 trucks the other 3 being piloted by Lithuaninans and working 23hrs a day and more for 23c a mile, this country and the majority of general fridge hauliers are a joke mate
All i want is a decent company and a decent wage!!!

That looks good. I might apply for it. have you got a copy of the company DVD yet? :stuck_out_tongue:

if you get a start with the said firm make sure your tax code is correct!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

if you get a start with the said firm make sure your tax code is correct!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

do tell is this talking through exprience of worked there


if you get a start with the said firm make sure your tax code is correct!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

do tell is this talking through exprience of worked there

know 2 ex drivers who worked there and if i had first hand experience i wouldn’t of put the smileys on the post!!



if you get a start with the said firm make sure your tax code is correct!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

do tell is this talking through exprience of worked there

know 2 ex drivers who worked there and if i had first hand experience i wouldn’t of put the smileys on the post!!

thanks your post tells me alot 2 EX DRIVERS and screwed up wages … is that the reason there ex drivers or just a bad job all round

you have a pm :wink:

I used to work alongside VDB drivers quite a bit when I was with H&S and they seemed decent enough. Good tackle and good work. If there are problems with your taxes, chances are they will be down to the UK system, not the company…

if u really want to know what v.d.b. r like, just ask the poor [zb] from patterson tankers, apparantley you parked your truck up on sat afternoon and, when u came in on monday, all your gear was in a bin bag or 2 where the truck had been, they told another driver to take it or find other work, they set mate against mate, lads who had worked there for 30 years together, most jacked, that saved v.d.b. a fortune in redundancies, what ive written here is fact, not heresay, a shower of [zb]. sorry to pee on your bonfire, but, thats what this company are prepared to do to get their own way, good luck mate. p.s. all this happened after pattersons sold the yard to builders, and the tanker buisness to van den cosh.

button boy:
if u really want to know what v.d.b. r like, just ask the poor bsatards from patterson tankers, apparantley you parked your truck up on sat afternoon and, when u came in on monday, all your gear was in a bin bag or 2 where the truck had been, they told another driver to take it or find other work, they set mate against mate, lads who had worked there for 30 years together, most jacked, that saved v.d.b. a fortune in redundancies, what ive written here is fact, not heresay, a shower of cnunts. sorry to pee on your bonfire, but, thats what this company are prepared to do to get their own way, good luck mate. p.s. all this happened after pattersons sold the yard to builders, and the tanker buisness to van den cosh.

so basitcally you tramp out for 3 weeks , go home for week only to return to find all your gear in yard ?then jump in a different unit and stick all your gear in that 1 ? if that was me i would take all my gear out when i was parking up at the end of 3 weeks , unless thats the tactics the company used to get rid of drivers which is shoddy after 30 years service

very mixed posts