Van den bosch transport

Depending what way you worked it, wether you done 6 days week 1, 5 days week 2, then 6 days week 3 or vice versa 5 days week 1, 6 days week 2, then 5 days week 3 and maxed out your cards that mean 228hrs/243hrs over the 3 weeks = £1710/£1822.50 before tax. If UK tax rate then you lose approx 20% = £1368/£1458 x 12 months = £16416/£17496 / 52 Weeks = £315/£336 Per Week… This is averaged out over 52 weeks… Maybe on your 4th week you get off you could go get a PT job somewhere else to top up the wages if I have worked them out right?? As they do seem poor, and thats maxing out your cards every week.

i subcontracted for frans and alex for about 6 mounths on nestle contract on coffe beans. it dident work very well lots of hold ups and so on. alex flew from erp to come and see me and paid us for every load for that 6 mounths even when the work hadent been done couldent belive it.good guys to wook for.used to do a bit out of chirk for them as well.

228hrs/243hrs over the 3 weeks = £1710/£1822.50 before tax. If UK tax rate then you lose approx 20% = £1368/£1458 x 12 months = £16416/£17496 / 52 Weeks = £315/£336 Per Week

nights out should go on top of that ■■?, BUT, they COULD do what van der gaag did with us, which is get you a dutch N.I number, and when your in holland/europe, you pay dutch tax (approx 40%) and when your in uk, you arer classed as self employed, and as such must pay your own tax and stamp. it sounds complicated, and can be, also, if they do that, you should get a lump sum once a year (approx £1500) which is to make up lost overtime for holidays, at van der gaag, we also got paid a flat daily rate if they had no work for us, and were sat at home waiting for the phone to ring

i suppose you have to do some arse licking to get one of those american trucks.

MJBaron - If thats the case about the Dutch tax you’ll need to reduce that average weekly/monthly income, which in turn = utter crap wages… Maybe theyll get Romanians, Slovaks etc?? Double man teams…

the dutch income tax system is as follows:
Bracket Taxable income from employment and home ownership Income tax rate
1 up to € 17,579 inclusive

2 € 17,579 to € 31,589 inclusive

3 € 31,589 to € 53,860 inclusive

4 € 53,860 and more

you pay less if you have a mortgage. you will be on a different rate when you are abroad.

i suppose you have to do some arse licking to get one of those american trucks.

Probably got a waiting list of cab happy pricks waiting for a shot at one of those and not caring what the money is as long as they can swan up and down the motorways like rubber duck!

44 Tonne Ton:

i suppose you have to do some arse licking to get one of those american trucks.

probably got a waiting list of cab happy pricks waiting for a shot at one of those and not caring what the money is as long as they can swan up and down the motorways like rubber duck!

Ohhhhhhh green eyed monster coming out there, if you read further into the company the Volvo NH is their 1000 truck so they made it special as do some UK hauliers on reaching specific historic milestones and I personally wouldnt want any Yank crap whatever the money!!! and the truck pictured is probably assigned to a Dutch driver who has worked for the company for years and it is probably a reward for many years loyalty. I would take a Globetrotter or topliner over that any day mate, but you just stick with your Day cab Scania doing supermarket deliveries and leave the real driving to the professionals

… but you just stick with your Day cab Scania doing supermarket deliveries and leave the real driving to the professionals

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

FPMSL… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry to ■■■■ on anyone elses bonfire, but it was English pounds paid into an English bank from Ireland. English Inland Revenue as well. It seems like they are after drivers to go on the East German system of three on one off. Different truck every month.

Wheel Nut:
Sorry to ■■■■ on anyone elses bonfire, but it was English pounds paid into an English bank from Ireland. English Inland Revenue as well. It seems like they are after drivers to go on the East German system of three on one off. Different truck every month.

Wheelnut, you seem to have the lowdown on V.D.Bosch, could you give these blokes who have an interview some info on the job. Seeing as you worked/ work for them.

MJBaron - If thats the case about the Dutch tax you’ll need to reduce that average weekly/monthly income, which in turn = utter crap wages… Maybe theyll get Romanians, Slovaks etc?? Double man teams…

well, tbh, it worked out as around about the same as a decent paying job over here, just that i prefered not to work for uk companies. I felt u got better tackle and better work, not allways the case of course, and there was the underlying problem of “doing a bit extra” occaisionaly, however if you kept telling them no, they would leave u alone. but u do get that alot in the dutch/flowers game


Wheel Nut:
Sorry to ■■■■ on anyone elses bonfire, but it was English pounds paid into an English bank from Ireland. English Inland Revenue as well. It seems like they are after drivers to go on the East German system of three on one off. Different truck every month.

Wheelnut, you seem to have the lowdown on V.D.Bosch, could you give these blokes who have an interview some info on the job. Seeing as you worked/ work for them.

I can only tell them what VDB will tell them, sorry if that sounds cocky, but if I asked for a reference I would expect a good one. A bad reference from anyone is of no use at all.

Yes. I did work for them, the job changed until it was unrecognisable and now I do not work for them.

Why dont they use local Drivers :confused: :confused:


44 Tonne Ton:

i suppose you have to do some arse licking to get one of those american trucks.

probably got a waiting list of cab happy pricks waiting for a shot at one of those and not caring what the money is as long as they can swan up and down the motorways like rubber duck!

Ohhhhhhh green eyed monster coming out there, if you read further into the company the Volvo NH is their 1000 truck so they made it special as do some UK hauliers on reaching specific historic milestones and I personally wouldnt want any Yank crap whatever the money!!! and the truck pictured is probably assigned to a Dutch driver who has worked for the company for years and it is probably a reward for many years loyalty. I would take a Globetrotter or topliner over that any day mate, but you just stick with your Day cab Scania doing supermarket deliveries and leave the real driving to the professionals

So you’d take an FH over the VNL? I suppose that makes sense… if you’re [zb]ing stupid :unamused:

The piece of yank crap has a bunk area that stretches out 78" from the back of the driver’s seat, this gives room to walk about, a bottom bunk that converts to a proper table & chairs, a top bunk the size of a single bed, it will have a ‘minibar’ style fridge/freezer, proper wardrobes where you can hang your clothes & cupboards big enough to fit an FH cab inside :sunglasses: Or you can cram all your gear in silly little cupboards & sleep with the back of a seat in your face in your FH, It’s like moving out of your house & sleeping in the shed :unamused:

You contradict yourself driver, you say you wouldn’t have the big super lorry, but then you tell someone to stick to their little day cab & leave the real driving to the professionals, so in your mind a professional drives a BIG lorry & yet you don’t want the biggest you can get, ergo, you ain’t a professional yourself :grimacing:

If I was in the market for a job that could be right up my street. I would ask if I could do 6 weeks on and one off, then see if they would fly me to Spain instead of UK, have a break then back to work, but Im already in Asia so I wont be applying, good luck if you get the gig.

I would love one of these Bad Boys . Think I will apply :smiley: :smiley:

you may find that the yank tanks only do the ben-lux country,s so
allowing them to operate at a higher tonnage , wheel nut may
know more, also they will be doing shows and presentation
I would have thought, as the sight of a nicely turned out truck
is good for business

Erm how anally retentive are you mate, either that or you are driving one of these things and have stopped at the services to make all the measurements HOW SAD!!!
It is personal opinion of what I want to drive and I personally would pick a topliner or an fh u can stand up get dressed and as I do hang your clothes from the ceiling and I could do a 15hr shift and still feel like driving further, you do that in one of these things and you know you have done 15 hrs and unless on the motrway these things dont make very relaxing but then again why would you want to relax you are a professional!!! With a Merc???HOW ARE THE ARM EXTENSIONS WORKING OUT■■?
You are obviously an idiot attracted to shiny things and half shut curtains.
You will be the one who goes for the interview with said company and categoricly states “I ONLY WANT THE JOB IF I GET TO DRIVE ONE OF THOSE BIG SHINY YANK TRUCKS FROM YOUR WEBSITE” You go for it mate!!!



44 Tonne Ton:

i suppose you have to do some arse licking to get one of those american trucks.

probably got a waiting list of cab happy pricks waiting for a shot at one of those and not caring what the money is as long as they can swan up and down the motorways like rubber duck!

Ohhhhhhh green eyed monster coming out there, if you read further into the company the Volvo NH is their 1000 truck so they made it special as do some UK hauliers on reaching specific historic milestones and I personally wouldnt want any Yank crap whatever the money!!! and the truck pictured is probably assigned to a Dutch driver who has worked for the company for years and it is probably a reward for many years loyalty. I would take a Globetrotter or topliner over that any day mate, but you just stick with your Day cab Scania doing supermarket deliveries and leave the real driving to the professionals

So you’d take an FH over the VNL? I suppose that makes sense… if you’re [zb]ing stupid :unamused:

The piece of yank crap has a bunk area that stretches out 78" from the back of the driver’s seat, this gives room to walk about, a bottom bunk that converts to a proper table & chairs, a top bunk the size of a single bed, it will have a ‘minibar’ style fridge/freezer, proper wardrobes where you can hang your clothes & cupboards big enough to fit an FH cab inside :sunglasses: Or you can cram all your gear in silly little cupboards & sleep with the back of a seat in your face in your FH, It’s like moving out of your house & sleeping in the shed :unamused:

You contradict yourself driver, you say you wouldn’t have the big super lorry, but then you tell someone to stick to their little day cab & leave the real driving to the professionals, so in your mind a professional drives a BIG lorry & yet you don’t want the biggest you can get, ergo, you ain’t a professional yourself :grimacing:

Erm how anally retentive are you mate, either that or you are driving one of these things and have stopped at the services to make all the measurements HOW SAD!!!
It is personal opinion of what I want to drive and I personally would pick a topliner or an fh u can stand up get dressed and as I do hang your clothes from the ceiling and I could do a 15hr shift and still feel like driving further, you do that in one of these things and you know you have done 15 hrs and unless on the motrway these things dont make very relaxing but then again why would you want to relax you are a professional!!! With a Merc???HOW ARE THE ARM EXTENSIONS WORKING OUT■■?
You are obviously an idiot attracted to shiny things and half shut curtains.
You will be the one who goes for the interview with said company and categoricly states “I ONLY WANT THE JOB IF I GET TO DRIVE ONE OF THOSE BIG SHINY YANK TRUCKS FROM YOUR WEBSITE” You go for it mate!!!



44 Tonne Ton:

i suppose you have to do some arse licking to get one of those american trucks.

probably got a waiting list of cab happy pricks waiting for a shot at one of those and not caring what the money is as long as they can swan up and down the motorways like rubber duck!

Ohhhhhhh green eyed monster coming out there, if you read further into the company the Volvo NH is their 1000 truck so they made it special as do some UK hauliers on reaching specific historic milestones and I personally wouldnt want any Yank crap whatever the money!!! and the truck pictured is probably assigned to a Dutch driver who has worked for the company for years and it is probably a reward for many years loyalty. I would take a Globetrotter or topliner over that any day mate, but you just stick with your Day cab Scania doing supermarket deliveries and leave the real driving to the professionals

So you’d take an FH over the VNL? I suppose that makes sense… if you’re [zb]ing stupid :unamused:

The piece of yank crap has a bunk area that stretches out 78" from the back of the driver’s seat, this gives room to walk about, a bottom bunk that converts to a proper table & chairs, a top bunk the size of a single bed, it will have a ‘minibar’ style fridge/freezer, proper wardrobes where you can hang your clothes & cupboards big enough to fit an FH cab inside :sunglasses: Or you can cram all your gear in silly little cupboards & sleep with the back of a seat in your face in your FH, It’s like moving out of your house & sleeping in the shed :unamused:

You contradict yourself driver, you say you wouldn’t have the big super lorry, but then you tell someone to stick to their little day cab & leave the real driving to the professionals, so in your mind a professional drives a BIG lorry & yet you don’t want the biggest you can get, ergo, you ain’t a professional yourself :grimacing:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: Who is your rant aimed at :confused: :confused: You will find that this Photo was taking at a Truck show. :confused:

This is my old Truck it done a good Job.