Van den bosch transport

Rob K:


Rob K:
Okely, you have email.

Rob got email, can’t reply, the only email addy is admin@trucknet

But no and yes,
My son Cameron and donna marie are best friends

My name is Stuart

Ahhhh! Sot it’s YOU! I’ve been trying to figure out who it was for, like, YEARS now. :open_mouth: Jim is always on about you and telling stories but when I asked what your username was he can never remember. :unamused: Just kept on saying “it’s that guy with the Liverpool avatar” which made no sense whatsoever. :unamused:

Anyway next time you speak to Jim ask him about the bribes he makes to people to stop them from posting on internet forums that he’s a tight arse. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

He’s Scottish, it’s in the genes :smiley:


Rob K:


Rob K:
Okely, you have email.

Rob got email, can’t reply, the only email addy is admin@trucknet

But no and yes,
My son Cameron and donna marie are best friends

My name is Stuart

Ahhhh! Sot it’s YOU! I’ve been trying to figure out who it was for, like, YEARS now. :open_mouth: Jim is always on about you and telling stories but when I asked what your username was he can never remember. :unamused: Just kept on saying “it’s that guy with the Liverpool avatar” which made no sense whatsoever. :unamused:

Anyway next time you speak to Jim ask him about the bribes he makes to people to stop them from posting on internet forums that he’s a tight arse. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

He’s Scottish, it’s in the genes :smiley:

I’m a Yorkshireman and it’s in ours too, but we don’t bribe people to keep quiet to save face. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Anyway see what he says when you ask him that. I bet he has a few choices to say. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K:
I’m a Yorkshireman

Ah, that explains a lot :laughing:

Ah well just caught up with all the updates to this wonderfully interesting thread :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :wink: What is it now 3 new pages since last night :question: :open_mouth:

As far as using the telematics system to see that the driver is idling the engine whilst parked up and then sending a message to them instructing them to shut it off :exclamation:
AFAIC It really points to a company that can’t keep up with the technology game :question:
Any company worth its salt will have already had the onboard software tweaked to shut the engine down remotely after 5 mins of unauthorised idling. Surprised ‘carryfast’ wasn’t aware of this little innovation as I believe a lot of the big American outfits have had this in place on their massive fleets for ages. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
All in the name of fuel economy.

Over & Out my engine is off until 1645 tomorrow :laughing: :laughing: :wink:
Dave Penn;

Ah well just caught up with all the updates to this wonderfully interesting thread :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :wink: What is it now 3 new pages since last night :question: :open_mouth:

As far as using the telematics system to see that the driver is idling the engine whilst parked up and then sending a message to them instructing them to shut it off :exclamation:
AFAIC It really points to a company that can’t keep up with the technology game :question:
Any company worth its salt will have already had the onboard software tweaked to shut the engine down remotely after 5 mins of unauthorised idling. Surprised ‘carryfast’ wasn’t aware of this little innovation as I believe a lot of the big American outfits have had this in place on their massive fleets for ages. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
All in the name of fuel economy.

Over & Out my engine is off until 1645 tomorrow :laughing: :laughing: :wink:
Dave Penn;

And any American driver worth their salt would have left that job ages ago to set up as an owner driver in which case they could shut the zb thing down and start it up whenever they want just like in the old days :smiley: .

But yeah right parked up in a Northern US winter and some zb sitting in an office in Florida shuts the zb thing down for the night at which point assuming there’s no way of independently keeping the thing warm enough to stop the motor and the batteries (and the driver) from freezing up it’s going to be a case of set fire to the zb outfit and the load to survive. :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The thread is getting a bit out of hand with silly comments and snipes. Most of us went to Southern Europe and sat in hot dusty places with nothing but a deck chair, a bottle of San Miguel or a litre of Frizzante and the only cab comforts plugged into the cig lighter :stuck_out_tongue:

However unless you spend 3 or 4 grand on a MOPACC unit like Jonah did, remind me how long did that last, about 3 months?

The alternative may be a little more fuel efficient. Keith KW asked about an Air Con pod a couple of years ago and I started this post about the MAN auxiliary coolers. These were charged up while you were driving or whilst discharging a tank using the PTO. Before anyone mentions the fuel used unloading the tank, in Europe there are many land based compressors or a power point to drive the electrically driven pump.

Wheel Nut:
Not very clear Im afraid but the info is there. Basically it is a silver box that fills the drivers side locker. (LHD) Im sure it doesnt get as cold as a standard aircon with 400 hp driving it, this is a simple fix, saves the engine running and allows you to sleep well. When I get back to work i will send a picture of the actual gubbins.

The only problem I have had is when the French customs tried sticking a screwdriver through the case. This was after 2 scans and a visual inspection. I literally through the bloke out of the cab and went to see his boss.

EN) The invention relates to an auxiliary air-conditioning module for a motor vehicle, particularly for a goods-carrying vehicle, comprising a latent cold accumulator that is designed for being charged via a compression cooling circuit and discharged via a heat transfer circuit, and comprising a heat transfer/air heat exchanger with which cold can be transferred from the heat transfer medium of the heat transfer circuit to air to be cooled. The invention also relates to a motor vehicle, particularly a goods-carrying vehicle equipped with an auxiliary air-conditioning module

Maybe when the FM Volvos are replaced, they will be replaced with European specification lorries like the rest of the fleet, 1000 litre tanks etc.

Wheel Nut:
The thread is getting a bit out of hand with silly comments and snipes. Most of us went to Southern Europe and sat in hot dusty places with nothing but a deck chair, a bottle of San Miguel or a litre of Frizzante and the only cab comforts plugged into the cig lighter :stuck_out_tongue:

However unless you spend 3 or 4 grand on a MOPACC unit like Jonah did, remind me how long did that last, about 3 months?

The alternative may be a little more fuel efficient. Keith KW asked about an Air Con pod a couple of years ago and I started this post about the MAN auxiliary coolers. These were charged up while you were driving or whilst discharging a tank using the PTO. Before anyone mentions the fuel used unloading the tank, in Europe there are many land based compressors or a power point to drive the electrically driven pump.

Wheel Nut:
Not very clear Im afraid but the info is there. Basically it is a silver box that fills the drivers side locker. (LHD) Im sure it doesnt get as cold as a standard aircon with 400 hp driving it, this is a simple fix, saves the engine running and allows you to sleep well. When I get back to work i will send a picture of the actual gubbins.

The only problem I have had is when the French customs tried sticking a screwdriver through the case. This was after 2 scans and a visual inspection. I literally through the bloke out of the cab and went to see his boss.

EN) The invention relates to an auxiliary air-conditioning module for a motor vehicle, particularly for a goods-carrying vehicle, comprising a latent cold accumulator that is designed for being charged via a compression cooling circuit and discharged via a heat transfer circuit, and comprising a heat transfer/air heat exchanger with which cold can be transferred from the heat transfer medium of the heat transfer circuit to air to be cooled. The invention also relates to a motor vehicle, particularly a goods-carrying vehicle equipped with an auxiliary air-conditioning module

:confused: :confused:

Seems to be the cheap and easy solution to me. :question: … ers/49094d

Wheel Nut:
…Most of us went to Southern Europe and sat in hot dusty places with nothing but a deck chair, a bottle of San Miguel or a litre of Frizzante and the only cab comforts plugged into the cig lighter :stuck_out_tongue:


What wheelnut said, plus one. Dont get stressed, try a few bottles of frizz :smiley: :wink: :wink:

Only 1 bottle though wheelnut■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :wink:

The daftest thing ever is that there are some real suntraps in Germany and if you run your engines to keep cool or warm, you will soon have a ticket from the BAG. 8 months of the year is colder in Europe, someone mentioned unloading in Sweden recently. The Volvos are not travelling to Saudi or Syria.

I am not sticking up for Van Den Bosch I am sticking up for any right thinking haulier. Who mentioned the automatic shutdown? Volvos already have that, it shuts down unless you use the cruise control to raise the engine speed a little.

page 53 and still the same old news…whinging pom slackers cant hack it… :unamused:

Phew!!! Tea Break. :smiley:

German unions lobby for air conditioned trucks … trucks.htm
:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

You want to go to one of those big truckstops in the States about 11pm at night and listen to the hum of 200+ trucks idling away all night every night because its too hot/too cold, the amount of fuel wasted must be mind boggling :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Seems they have never heard of nightheaters or roof AC pods. :cry:

Big Truck:
You want to go to one of those big truckstops in the States about 11pm at night and listen to the hum of 200+ trucks idling away all night every night because its too hot/too cold, the amount of fuel wasted must be mind boggling :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Seems they have never heard of nightheaters or roof AC pods. :cry:

Thats because they have primitive behind the times trucks!

Right that should get things going again…Carryfaaaaaassssssttttttt

German unions lobby for air conditioned trucks … trucks.htm
:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

The unions sent their demands to the EP’s Petitions Committee, arguing that it should be compulsory to fit units that continue to function after the engine has been switched off.


How are they not■■?
By the way you need to check when they go to bed to play their lullaby on the computer and send them instructions where to put their Teddybear

Alas Frans here was I sitting with the impression that you were an intelligent and educated man!!!
Yet you have made a comment on here which demeans all the users on this site with said comment by insinuating that we all need our hands held and shown exactly what to do, 99% of the guys and girls on this site manage to do the job daily with no one in the cab to tell us what gear, lane, speed,clothes to wear where to go et al.
Neither wonder so many have left as in my personal dealing with yourself and VdB it seems you and your employers have the opinion that we all need a nursemaid and constant instruction on where to go and what to do and we would never be able to do the job if it wasn’t for they planners then VdB would be in a rite old state losing money and going down quick. Hail Hail the planners the saviours of VdB I forgot my place cos these guys and girls are all seeing all knowing gods of which the infernal nuisance that is the driver should all be grateful for.
How did we ever manage before we had planners■■?


Big Truck:
You want to go to one of those big truckstops in the States about 11pm at night and listen to the hum of 200+ trucks idling away all night every night because its too hot/too cold, the amount of fuel wasted must be mind boggling :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

Seems they have never heard of nightheaters or roof AC pods. :cry:

Thats because they have primitive behind the times trucks!

Right that should get things going again…Carryfaaaaaassssssttttttt

Don’t blame me I’ve already told everyone here they’ve used the required technology for years in their RV’s but unlike trucks there’s propably not many people using their RV’s in the middle of a North American winter and if it was me I’d leave the thing running all night too just in case it totally freezes up together with it’s driver. :open_mouth: :laughing:



How are they not■■?
By the way you need to check when they go to bed to play their lullaby on the computer and send them instructions where to put their Teddybear

Alas Frans here was I sitting with the impression that you were an intelligent and educated man!!!
Yet you have made a comment on here which demeans all the users on this site with said comment by insinuating that we all need our hands held and shown exactly what to do, 99% of the guys and girls on this site manage to do the job daily with no one in the cab to tell us what gear, lane, speed,clothes to wear where to go et al.
Neither wonder so many have left as in my personal dealing with yourself and VdB it seems you and your employers have the opinion that we all need a nursemaid and constant instruction on where to go and what to do and we would never be able to do the job if it wasn’t for they planners then VdB would be in a rite old state losing money and going down quick. Hail Hail the planners the saviours of VdB I forgot my place cos these guys and girls are all seeing all knowing gods of which the infernal nuisance that is the driver should all be grateful for.
How did we ever manage before we had planners■■?

Telex machine operated by someone in a non airconditioned portakabin part time when he’s not down the pub. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Thats because they have primitive behind the times trucks

Its way off the original topic, but in regards to this and our colonial cousins, a few years ago I (and Lucy) sat down with an owner of a fleet of over 500 trucks. We told him how we could dramaticaly reduce his fuel costs, increase payload, reduce tyre wear just by speccing his trucks slightly differently.

The guy was all for it… and lined up all the major manufacturers reps to come and talk to him, with us in attendance, No rep would talk to him about it with us there. to the point when one companies rep (cough Paccar) asked us to stop “making waves”

and our miracle solution? nothing more than drop the double drive and fit twins on the rear axle on a tag, on air…

WHY… because at the time the truck manufacturers in the USA simply didnt want to market that option, from their point of view they can charge more, dont have to put the service/repair systems in place nationaly and have a sown up market that believes everything they say.

Fast forward 10 years Schneider one of the biggest truck companies are only now triallng tag axled units, give them a few years and you may find night heaters :unamused:


Thats because they have primitive behind the times trucks

Its way off the original topic, but in regards to this and our colonial cousins, a few years ago I (and Lucy) sat down with an owner of a fleet of over 500 trucks. We told him how we could dramaticaly reduce his fuel costs, increase payload, reduce tyre wear just by speccing his trucks slightly differently.

The guy was all for it… and lined up all the major manufacturers reps to come and talk to him, with us in attendance, No rep would talk to him about it with us there. to the point when one companies rep (cough Paccar) asked us to stop “making waves”

and our miracle solution? nothing more than drop the double drive and fit twins on the rear axle on a tag, on air…

WHY… because at the time the truck manufacturers in the USA simply didnt want to market that option, from their point of view they can charge more, dont have to put the service/repair systems in place nationaly and have a sown up market that believes everything they say.

Fast forward 10 years Schneider one of the biggest truck companies are only now triallng tag axled units, give them a few years and you may find night heaters :unamused:

Oh no not the dreaded double drive versus hopeless 6x2 in zb weather argument again but I did’nt start it this time. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Still waiting for Kyrbo to explain the mathematics to show that chucking loads of weight onto one drive axle is more effective and ‘advanced’,technologically,than using less heavily loaded,but more,drive axles to overcome the inertia of the outfit and the average winter motorway littered with jacknifed 4x2 and 6x2 trucks seems to prove the point that when single drive lets go it lets go in a much bigger way than good old fashioned double drive not to mention when it comes to hauling itself from a standstill through a rough slippery situation without (A) being overloaded on the drive axle (American limits at least) and all that weight,at worst, just digging the thing deeper into the zb or at best not being enough whatever the amount chucked on it and just spinning uselessly. :smiling_imp: :laughing: . … 00#p795895