Van den bosch transport

Like I said childish and clutching at straws. As I said I do the job as the company wants.

How is it childish and clutching at straws? I’ve blown your argument clean out of the water and you’ve been caught with your pants down and don’t know to get out of the hole you’ve dug.

It’s a perfectly valid question : how do you justify wasting company fuel running the night heater and the engine to power all your personal gadgetry but yet it’s out of order for someone to run the aircon for the same amount of time to keep cool?

I am struggling to find a more appropriate word to describe this other than “hypocrite”, sorry if disapprove. :neutral_face:

edit -

I see you’ve added a bit :

Running the engine for 10/15 minutes a day hardly compares with running the engine for hours for aircon. Same goes for a night heater.

Exaggeration much? Where has anyone said they were running the aircon for “hours”? It was 1 hour, which was worked out to be around 3 litres of diesel.

So you run your engine for 10/15 mins a day to charge the batteries and (presumably, from what you’ve written) the night heater through the night. Night heater consumes roughly a pint of diesel per hour at 5.5 KW and and outside temp of around 0C, so on a 9hr rest period on a chilly night it would consume over 5 litres of diesel, in addition to whatever you burn when charging the batteries, but yet that’s acceptable wastage but running the aircon for an hour isn’t?!?!?!

What if the bigsidney is like Neil and doesn’t use the night heater at all? Is it fair that VdB give him chapter and verse about wasting fuel when he’s actually saving the company money vs. yer average driver who would be running the night heater?? :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

Rob K:

Right ok I’ll bite. Maybe you should read my previous posts. From some you’ll see how much I dislike Nolans and the way they do things. This is also true of several of the something like 20 companies I’ve worked for. You’ve taken my comments about Virginia and applied them to my whole life. That’s that falsehood dispelled.

My videos give next to nothing away, so if you think you know how I go about the job from them then that’s another assumption. They’re just a bit of light hearted fun.

As for your amazingly childish comments about the night heater and such that you posted in order to call me a hypocrite, well you called me a company man, how do you think I go about my job? Yes in the way the company wants me to. This involves cutting down unnecessary idling, buying fuel in approved stations etc etc. Night heaters save money, as does running the engine briefly to keep batteries topped up on a weekly rest, and the company know this. I thought you were better than that comment Rob.

The reason you won’t see any posts where I’m ranting and raving about things is that I choose not to air my laundry in public, unlike many who come on here to shout and moan then delete posts when they realise the boss is watching, or people who storm into the office mouthing off. I prefer to take any concerns I have in a calm and rational manner to the boss, and he usually listens and things get sorted.

Hope that’s cleared things up for you.

Wait… how do you work that one out? Or are you trying to work the argument in your favour by saying that the night heater saves money vs. running the engine? If (as I suspect) that it is indeed the case then that is a very weak defence on your part considering that it was only a few posts back where you accused me :

there are too many people like you that [like] spending company money on overpriced fuel


As I said before - hypocrite! You jump to the defence of VdB in agreeing with Frans that it’s out of order for someone to run the aircon when parked up but yet it’s perfectly okay for you to run the night heater and idling the engine to keep the batteries topped up. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot over. :open_mouth:

They (aircon & idling engine for battery top up) both use the same amount of fuel (aircon maybe a cupful more) so in the interests of saving the company money and you getting your pay rise :unamused: , if you are against running the engine for aircon then you should also not use your truck to power all your electrical gadgetry as you’ll have to run the engine to top up the batteries, thus wasting expensive fuel. :open_mouth: :bulb: How dare you! I am going to write a strongly worded letter to Virginia Transport about your wastage immediately and instruct them to put the fear of God into you.

Prefer the good old fashioned American idea myself of never shutting a truck down in extreme climates because the engine,batteries,and the driver will all freeze in the winter or the driver will fry in the summer and zb Virginia Transport :laughing: .But that Honda Generator would solve most of the problems in European type conditions and considering our fuel costs. :bulb:

Rob K:


Wheel Nut:

Rob K:
Finally, I’m still awaiting a response from Frans on how flying drivers in and out of the country every 3 weeks is cost effective for the bottom line. He claims that the taxes in Holland are so high that they can’t afford to employ Dutch drivers, but I bet when you compare the costs there is very little in it. In fact I’d bet a small amount that it’d be more expensive to fly drivers in and out but as I know nothing about the tax system in Holland other than Frans has said I won’t argue any further on that because I don’t know. Certainly I think the average person would question how it works out cheaper (allegedly) to fly drivers in and out vs. exploying locally from Holland or the neighbouring continental countries. :open_mouth:

Have you looked at the Ryan Air website Rob? :laughing:

Actually, now because Ryanair don’t fly out of Weeze on saturday VdB now fly us in and out of Schipol so we get our full week at home instead of sitting in Erp all day saturday.
Another example of VdB’s respect for it’s drivers.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Right… So why not just fly out in and out of AMS in the first place then if it’s due to “VdB’s respect for it’s[sic] drivers.” ? :unamused: Would it perhaps be something to do with Ryanair pulling the plug on weekend flights out of Weeze therefore leaving them no other option? :bulb:

Seriously, I’ve never seen so many company ‘yes’ men in one place. Just listen to yourselves ffs. :unamused:

Rob the last thing I am is a yes man, if I think something isn’t right I say so,
Your assumptions are born from what you have read from some digruntled ex-employees, some of these ex-employees went over to the Netherlands thinking they could earn lots of money for doing very little work, typical British moaning drivers who think the world owes them a living.
You seem to like to tag along with the negative comments because you seem to take much amusement from them.
Compared to the majority of UK firms I have worked for, VdB are miles ahead for employee relations. As has been said before excellent faccilities including a staff restaurant that stays open till 10 pm for drivers, the office staff leave between 6pm and 7. There are clean showers with continous hot water, not many british depots have those facillities.
Some drivers have had familly problems whilst away including bereavment, VdB have always done as mush as they can to help these drivers, me included. A member of my partners familly sadly past away earier this year and within 24 hours I was on my way home.
several times a year there are social gatherings, granted mostly for the office staff as they organise them, but if any driver is at Erp he is more than welcome to attend, these are bar b que’s or volleyball competitions. Food and drink is provided all free of charge.
Yes there are things that drivers want but don’t get, such as AC, how many large fleets do have AC? unless it is part of the trucks cooling system, which these days is usually as standard.
As for running the engine in idle for 24 hours, who in their right mind would allow that, only an idiot!
Next time your up to see KitKat, I’ll try and arrange that we meet for a pint and I’ll tell you some of the truths about some of the ex VdB drivers, not just the ones who post on here, but many of the others.

Rob K:

Like I said childish and clutching at straws. As I said I do the job as the company wants.

How is it childish and clutching at straws? I’ve blown your argument clean out of the water and you’ve been caught with your pants down and don’t know to get out of the hole you’ve dug.

It’s a perfectly valid question : how do you justify wasting company fuel running the night heater and the engine to power all your personal gadgetry but yet it’s out of order for someone to run the aircon for the same amount of time to keep cool?

I am struggling to find a more appropriate word to describe this other than “hypocrite”, sorry if disapprove. :neutral_face:

Your clutching at straws because we are not talking about the same amount of time or fuel. Put the aircon on for 10/15 minutes when it’s 30c outside would be pointless anyhow.

The point your failing to grasp is I do as the company wants, which was my point all along. They are happy for us to use nightheaters or keep batteries topped up, although I rarely need to do the latter. But not happy to keep the engine running for hours. I’m a company man remember. Compare like with like and you may have a valid arguement.

Your floundering badly. I notice your stuck on this now after my disproving of your other false assumptions.

Rob K:

Like I said childish and clutching at straws. As I said I do the job as the company wants.

How is it childish and clutching at straws? I’ve blown your argument clean out of the water and you’ve been caught with your pants down and don’t know to get out of the hole you’ve dug.

It’s a perfectly valid question : how do you justify wasting company fuel running the night heater and the engine to power all your personal gadgetry but yet it’s out of order for someone to run the aircon for the same amount of time to keep cool?

I am struggling to find a more appropriate word to describe this other than “hypocrite”, sorry if disapprove. :neutral_face:

edit -

I see you’ve added a bit :

Running the engine for 10/15 minutes a day hardly compares with running the engine for hours for aircon. Same goes for a night heater.

Exaggeration much? Where has anyone said they were running the aircon for “hours”? It was 1 hour, which was worked out to be around 3 litres of diesel.

So you run your engine for 10/15 mins a day to charge the batteries and (presumably, from what you’ve written) the night heater through the night. Night heater consumes roughly a pint of diesel per hour at 5.5 KW and and outside temp of around 0C, so on a 9hr rest period on a chilly night it would consume over 5 litres of diesel, in addition to whatever you burn when charging the batteries, but yet that’s acceptable wastage but running the aircon for an hour isn’t?!?!?!

What if the bigsidney is like Neil and doesn’t use the night heater at all? Is it fair that VdB give him chapter and verse about wasting fuel when he’s actually saving the company money vs. yer average driver who would be running the night heater?? :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

It wasn’t 10-15 minutes running engine for AC, it was 24 hours, that’s the difference


Rob K:

Like I said childish and clutching at straws. As I said I do the job as the company wants.

How is it childish and clutching at straws? I’ve blown your argument clean out of the water and you’ve been caught with your pants down and don’t know to get out of the hole you’ve dug.

It’s a perfectly valid question : how do you justify wasting company fuel running the night heater and the engine to power all your personal gadgetry but yet it’s out of order for someone to run the aircon for the same amount of time to keep cool?

I am struggling to find a more appropriate word to describe this other than “hypocrite”, sorry if disapprove. :neutral_face:

Your clutching at straws because we are not talking about the same amount of time or fuel. Put the aircon on for 10/15 minutes when it’s 30c outside would be pointless anyhow.

The point your failing to grasp is I do as the company wants, which was my point all along. They are happy for us to use nightheaters or keep batteries topped up, although I rarely need to do the latter. But not happy to keep the engine running for hours. I’m a company man remember. Compare like with like and you may have a valid arguement.

Your floundering badly. I notice your stuck on this now after my disproving of your other false assumptions.

I am not “floundering” (WTF?) at all and I didn’t realise it was a competition :open_mouth: . I disproved all of your points and have put several questions to you which I’m still awaiting answers to but all I’m getting is the same record played over and over again about how you’re a company boy and will do what the company wants no matter what. Anyway, since you added a bit to your previous whilst I was replying it, I have now edited that response and addressed your other points. I look forward to your answers.

Well read it properly and you’ll get your answers. 10/15 mins a day ON A WEEKLY REST. There capitals so it sinks in. So max 2 days every two weeks because I don’t need to bother on a 24, the batteries will be fine.

The poster had it running for an hour before he was stopped by the planners, who knows how long it would have been on for.

Your constant harping on about night heaters is just making you look silly. Keeping a 16 litre engine ticking over using 2/3 litres an hour is not comparable to a night heater, which would use that in a night.

Like I say floundering, I’ve explained everything yet you still don’t get it.

Rob K:

Like I said childish and clutching at straws. As I said I do the job as the company wants.

How is it childish and clutching at straws? I’ve blown your argument clean out of the water and you’ve been caught with your pants down and don’t know to get out of the hole you’ve dug.

It’s a perfectly valid question : how do you justify wasting company fuel running the night heater and the engine to power all your personal gadgetry but yet it’s out of order for someone to run the aircon for the same amount of time to keep cool?

I am struggling to find a more appropriate word to describe this other than “hypocrite”, sorry if disapprove. :neutral_face:

edit -

I see you’ve added a bit :

Running the engine for 10/15 minutes a day hardly compares with running the engine for hours for aircon. Same goes for a night heater.

Exaggeration much? Where has anyone said they were running the aircon for “hours”? It was 1 hour, which was worked out to be around 3 litres of diesel.

So you run your engine for 10/15 mins a day to charge the batteries and (presumably, from what you’ve written) the night heater through the night. Night heater consumes roughly a pint of diesel per hour at 5.5 KW and and outside temp of around 0C, so on a 9hr rest period on a chilly night it would consume over 5 litres of diesel, in addition to whatever you burn when charging the batteries, but yet that’s acceptable wastage but running the aircon for an hour isn’t?!?!?!

What if the bigsidney is like Neil and doesn’t use the night heater at all? Is it fair that VdB give him chapter and verse about wasting fuel when he’s actually saving the company money vs. yer average driver who would be running the night heater?? :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

If you’re doing international work in Southern Europe during a typical Summer,using non independent powered air con,the choice is not a lot different to using a truck without a nightheater in the winter,in the context of either running the engine to keep comfortable,for a lot more than just 1 hour in the real world, while parked,or not and just be uncomfortable (very) instead.Simples.

It wasn’t 10-15 minutes running engine for AC, it was 24 hours, that’s the difference

Who said about it running for 1 hour then? Frans? I see now bigsidney did say he ran the aircon for 24 hrs with the engine running and I would agree that that is not on if the truck ain’t moving. Periodically running it for shortish periods to refresh yourself is, imho, acceptable, but not all the time. Even I would draw the line at that unless they were planning on contributing to the fuel bill :laughing: .

Rob K:

It wasn’t 10-15 minutes running engine for AC, it was 24 hours, that’s the difference

Who said about it running for 1 hour then? Frans? I see now bigsidney did say he ran the aircon for 24 hrs with the engine running and I would agree that that is not on if the truck ain’t moving. Periodically running it for shortish periods to refresh yourself is, imho, acceptable, but not all the time. Even I would draw the line at that unless they were planning on contributing to the fuel bill :laughing: .

And so now it’s not on to run it overnight is it? Make up your mind. Have you done southern Europe in the summer? Putting the aircon on for an hour is a pointless waste of time.

You could start an argument in an empty room.

Rob K:

It wasn’t 10-15 minutes running engine for AC, it was 24 hours, that’s the difference

Who said about it running for 1 hour then? Frans? I see now bigsidney did say he ran the aircon for 24 hrs with the engine running and I would agree that that is not on if the truck ain’t moving. Periodically running it for shortish periods to refresh yourself is, imho, acceptable, but not all the time. Even I would draw the line at that unless they were planning on contributing to the fuel bill :laughing: .

So you’ve obviously don’t know what Italian summer temperatures are like then Rob because it’s not a case of ‘periodically running it to refresh yourself’ just like the average decent hotel there in which no one calls you up on the phone to turn the zb thing off .You set the temp you want (cold :smiley: ) and leave it going or there’s no point in having it anyway. :unamused: :unamused:


Rob K:

It wasn’t 10-15 minutes running engine for AC, it was 24 hours, that’s the difference

Who said about it running for 1 hour then? Frans? I see now bigsidney did say he ran the aircon for 24 hrs with the engine running and I would agree that that is not on if the truck ain’t moving. Periodically running it for shortish periods to refresh yourself is, imho, acceptable, but not all the time. Even I would draw the line at that unless they were planning on contributing to the fuel bill :laughing: .

So you’ve obviously don’t know what Italian summer temperatures are like then Rob because it’s not a case of ‘periodically running it to refresh yourself’ just like the average decent hotel there in which no one calls you up on the phone to turn the zb thing off .You set the temp you want (cold :smiley: ) and leave it going or there’s no point in having it anyway. :unamused: :unamused:

Jesus Carryfast we agree on something!


Rob K:

It wasn’t 10-15 minutes running engine for AC, it was 24 hours, that’s the difference

Who said about it running for 1 hour then? Frans? I see now bigsidney did say he ran the aircon for 24 hrs with the engine running and I would agree that that is not on if the truck ain’t moving. Periodically running it for shortish periods to refresh yourself is, imho, acceptable, but not all the time. Even I would draw the line at that unless they were planning on contributing to the fuel bill :laughing: .

Have you done southern Europe in the summer? Putting the aircon on for an hour is a pointless waste of time.

You could start an argument in an empty room.

^ +1

Now I’ve agreed with switchlogic for once. :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

And we’re posting at identical times saying the same thing! I’m spooked!


Rob K:

It wasn’t 10-15 minutes running engine for AC, it was 24 hours, that’s the difference

Who said about it running for 1 hour then? Frans? I see now bigsidney did say he ran the aircon for 24 hrs with the engine running and I would agree that that is not on if the truck ain’t moving. Periodically running it for shortish periods to refresh yourself is, imho, acceptable, but not all the time. Even I would draw the line at that unless they were planning on contributing to the fuel bill :laughing: .

So you’ve obviously don’t know what Italian summer temperatures are like then Rob because it’s not a case of ‘periodically running it to refresh yourself’ just like the average decent hotel there in which no one calls you up on the phone to turn the zb thing off .You set the temp you want (cold :smiley: ) and leave it going or there’s no point in having it anyway. :unamused: :unamused:

It’s aircon, not climate control. :bulb: Running aircon on cold setting for even 5 mins would bring the temperature down considerably in a cab if all the windows and roof were closed. Granted, it wouldn’t take that long for the original temp to return once you’ve shut it off but it would at least give you a brief respite from the heat.

Anyway in my replies I wasn’t talking about running it for 24hrs, they were in response to Frans who alluded that VdB would go bankrupt if every truck ran the aircon for an hour whilst parked up. :unamused:

Okely, you have email.

Spending a whole day getting hot and cold down in southern Europe is a horrible experience that’ll land you with a pounding headache. Much better to just put up with the heat. I assumed the argument was about running the engine all night.

Rob K:
Okely, you have email.

Rob got email, can’t reply, the only email addy is admin@trucknet

But no and yes,
My son Cameron and donna marie are best friends

My name is Stuart


Rob K:
Okely, you have email.

Rob got email, can’t reply, the only email addy is admin@trucknet

But no and yes,
My son Cameron and donna marie are best friends

My name is Stuart

Ahhhh! Sot it’s YOU! I’ve been trying to figure out who it was for, like, YEARS now. :open_mouth: Jim is always on about you and telling stories but when I asked what your username was he can never remember. :unamused: Just kept on saying “it’s that guy with the Liverpool avatar” which made no sense whatsoever. :unamused:

Anyway next time you speak to Jim ask him about the bribes he makes to people to stop them from posting on internet forums that he’s a tight arse. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: