Van den bosch transport

jessicas dad:

Rob K:
If you start off sharing your experiences and stories and then suddenly stop, you can’t blame people for asking why. The fact that you are being so cagey about it all just naturally makes people even more inquisitive and wonder what went down. :confused:

which reminds me of ianygn and his mysterious fire. i wonder if his trailer is still in bulgaria. :smiling_imp:

Now that was another funny thread, he had some great advice that he chose to ignore :laughing:

This is to all you wishful thinkers about to sign on for vdb. Having worked for this shower of [zb]for over 6yrs my advice is DONT. They will sign you on with promises of a mthly take home of £2200 aprox. No chance. !1st wk 24hrs off no pay for standing, 2nd wk 45 off no pay for standing, end of 3rd wk fly home. Your gear will be left in a locker at Erp, “head office” or Tielt. Different truck every shift. This last pay month they owe every driver on the fleet between £300 and £800 due to a complete [zb] taking over the wages, You will be paid waiting time at tip points loading points and cleaning stations ay a reduced rate 75%. N/O money has been the same for last 6yrs £19.50 You would be better of in uk earning £400 a wk. The yank trucks they have are only showpieces, sorry to burst your bubbles, most guys on the 3wk wonder contract are on fms not fhs… Please be warned.

its at times like these i wish i had that popcorn smiley :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

This is to all you wishful thinkers about to sign on for vdb. Having worked for this shower of [zb]for over 6yrs my advice is DONT. They will sign you on with promises of a mthly take home of £2200 aprox. No chance. !1st wk 24hrs off no pay for standing, 2nd wk 45 off no pay for standing, end of 3rd wk fly home. Your gear will be left in a locker at Erp, “head office” or Tielt. Different truck every shift. This last pay month they owe every driver on the fleet between £300 and £800 due to a complete [zb] taking over the wages, You will be paid waiting time at tip points loading points and cleaning stations ay a reduced rate 75%. N/O money has been the same for last 6yrs £19.50 You would be better of in uk earning £400 a wk. The yank trucks they have are only showpieces, sorry to burst your bubbles, most guys on the 3wk wonder contract are on fms not fhs… Please be warned.

Just like all the guys who have left VDB, talking bollox

This is to all you wishful thinkers about to sign on for vdb. Having worked for this shower of [zb]for over 6yrs my advice is DONT. They will sign you on with promises of a mthly take home of £2200 aprox. No chance. !1st wk 24hrs off no pay for standing, 2nd wk 45 off no pay for standing, end of 3rd wk fly home. Your gear will be left in a locker at Erp, “head office” or Tielt. Different truck every shift. This last pay month they owe every driver on the fleet between £300 and £800 due to a complete [zb] taking over the wages, You will be paid waiting time at tip points loading points and cleaning stations ay a reduced rate 75%. N/O money has been the same for last 6yrs £19.50 You would be better of in uk earning £400 a wk. The yank trucks they have are only showpieces, sorry to burst your bubbles, most guys on the 3wk wonder contract are on fms not fhs… Please be warned.

This post begs the question that if you do indeed work for The Bosch (as I’ve just nicknamed them!) and are as unhappy as you seem to imply why the hell have you been there over 6 years? Quite quite baffling.

don’t forget luke (switchlogic) promised to buy lunch for the 2000th poster so this new post puts life back into the thread :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I’m sure luke can stand a menu in vivonne if i win :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

All the guys that I know who are still with VDB are quite happy with the job, 12 months wages for 9 months work, can’t be that bad.

Yeah I have drive a FM sometimes, so what, it’s not got a lot of room on the inside but it does the job.

It’s better than doing uk rdc work and looking at the pay being offered by employers on the jobcentre site, I’m better off staying where I am.

don’t forget luke (switchlogic) promised to buy lunch for the 2000th poster so this new post puts life back into the thread :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I’m sure luke can stand a menu in vivonne if i win :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ll have a KFC in South Mimms and be done with it.

This is to all you wishful thinkers about to sign on for vdb. Having worked for this shower of [zb]for over 6yrs my advice is DONT. They will sign you on with promises of a mthly take home of £2200 aprox. No chance. !1st wk 24hrs off no pay for standing, 2nd wk 45 off no pay for standing, end of 3rd wk fly home. Your gear will be left in a locker at Erp, “head office” or Tielt. Different truck every shift. This last pay month they owe every driver on the fleet between £300 and £800 due to a complete [zb] taking over the wages, You will be paid waiting time at tip points loading points and cleaning stations ay a reduced rate 75%. N/O money has been the same for last 6yrs £19.50 You would be better of in uk earning £400 a wk. The yank trucks they have are only showpieces, sorry to burst your bubbles, most guys on the 3wk wonder contract are on fms not fhs… Please be warned.

I wondered how & why it took you 6 years to come to that conclusion, which one are you? We must have crossed paths in ERP or Tielt. I hope you didn’t get the start there because you thought you might be given a yank truck. Of course it is a showpiece, at least it can tip a trailer if necessary and looks good on the calendar


This is to all you wishful thinkers about to sign on for vdb. Having worked for this shower of [zb]for over 6yrs my advice is DONT. They will sign you on with promises of a mthly take home of £2200 aprox. No chance. !1st wk 24hrs off no pay for standing, 2nd wk 45 off no pay for standing, end of 3rd wk fly home. Your gear will be left in a locker at Erp, “head office” or Tielt. Different truck every shift. This last pay month they owe every driver on the fleet between £300 and £800 due to a complete [zb] taking over the wages, You will be paid waiting time at tip points loading points and cleaning stations ay a reduced rate 75%. N/O money has been the same for last 6yrs £19.50 You would be better of in uk earning £400 a wk. The yank trucks they have are only showpieces, sorry to burst your bubbles, most guys on the 3wk wonder contract are on fms not fhs… Please be warned.

Just like all the guys who have left VDB, talking bollox

I make more working at home and get home everynight

Just saying :slight_smile:



This is to all you wishful thinkers about to sign on for vdb. Having worked for this shower of [zb]for over 6yrs my advice is DONT. They will sign you on with promises of a mthly take home of £2200 aprox. No chance. !1st wk 24hrs off no pay for standing, 2nd wk 45 off no pay for standing, end of 3rd wk fly home. Your gear will be left in a locker at Erp, “head office” or Tielt. Different truck every shift. This last pay month they owe every driver on the fleet between £300 and £800 due to a complete [zb] taking over the wages, You will be paid waiting time at tip points loading points and cleaning stations ay a reduced rate 75%. N/O money has been the same for last 6yrs £19.50 You would be better of in uk earning £400 a wk. The yank trucks they have are only showpieces, sorry to burst your bubbles, most guys on the 3wk wonder contract are on fms not fhs… Please be warned.

Just like all the guys who have left VDB, talking bollox

I make more working at home and get home everynight

Just saying :slight_smile:

At least you can now eat and don’t get lost :smiley:


don’t forget luke (switchlogic) promised to buy lunch for the 2000th poster so this new post puts life back into the thread :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I’m sure luke can stand a menu in vivonne if i win :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ll have a KFC in South Mimms and be done with it.

I thought you’d be doing a roadside camion cusine especial de Luke :open_mouth: Just be sure and wear your flip flops :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Okily I never once got lost when I was at vdb even with rubbish/wrong addresses we were given


don’t forget luke (switchlogic) promised to buy lunch for the 2000th poster so this new post puts life back into the thread :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I’m sure luke can stand a menu in vivonne if i win :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ll have a KFC in South Mimms and be done with it.

considering the prices in south mimms i think a “repas sans cafe” would be cheaper :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

This is to all you wishful thinkers about to sign on for vdb. Having worked for this shower of [zb]for over 6yrs my advice is DONT. They will sign you on with promises of a mthly take home of £2200 aprox. No chance. !1st wk 24hrs off no pay for standing, 2nd wk 45 off no pay for standing, end of 3rd wk fly home. Your gear will be left in a locker at Erp, “head office” or Tielt. Different truck every shift. This last pay month they owe every driver on the fleet between £300 and £800 due to a complete [zb] taking over the wages, You will be paid waiting time at tip points loading points and cleaning stations ay a reduced rate 75%. N/O money has been the same for last 6yrs £19.50 You would be better of in uk earning £400 a wk. The yank trucks they have are only showpieces, sorry to burst your bubbles, most guys on the 3wk wonder contract are on fms not fhs… Please be warned.

So…you left■■?
6 years is a long time to be misarable, underpaid and taking the pish out of…I guess :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Isn’t it Graham■■?

I worked there for 7 months, I liked the people and and loved the job (silo road). I only left because i kept getting FM’s, I can deal with 3 weeks away on a left hand or right hand FH with the extra space but struggled living in the smaller cab and didnt mind the right hand drive. As for money regular £1800 to £1900 for 3 weeks work and VDB flew me to Spain as well :smiley: I do miss the job ? Yes I do but untill the FM’S GO ? Frans… :slight_smile:

well ive finally got round to reading this thread and been through it(tuesday -thursday ) and it strikes me that if if you replaced VDB with (canada)H&R in the title it would be word for near word perfect.
you must realise that if a company from a foreign country is looking for drivers abroad …somethings not right!!
As i had to learn …you do it the canadian way when in canada…in the netherlands do it the dutch way… simple …its less hasle that way…

as i was told … ya aint in kansas any more jimmyboy…
youre deducted 2hrs pay a day …welll take the 2hr breaks…whats the worst they can do!!!
any probs about doing over your time get them to put it on the computer …no chance , ,turn truck off go to bed! jimmy.

So…you left■■?
6 years is a long time to be misarable, underpaid and taking the pish out of…I guess :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Isn’t it Graham■■?

And there was me thinking you were one of the blue eyed boys G :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve saw one of VdB iso tanks on the A14 on Wednesday, near Bury St Edmunds. Was being pulled by a ‘plain’ white/blue unit. :unamused:

BTW, Strange how quickly Rikki came along and edited that post from the noobie, NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE and all that. Add up all of those deleted/edit comments by Rikki and there is something. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Saying that though, if it was ‘that’ bad why stay for such a long time? :sunglasses:

I’m gonna ‘hide’ from the trolls :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Okily I never once got lost when I was at vdb even with rubbish/wrong addresses we were given

you didnt last long then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: