Van den bosch transport

But I never ganged up on you… In my day indeed… cheeky sod!! :laughing: :laughing: I am 41!!!

No, we were none of us as full on as Gogz or Triumph. They were saying they were being robbed, yet admitted they had not entered the info correctly… Lots to it really, but they were saying we old ■■■■■ don’t know what it is like, but we, in fact, do.

Oh well, soz but that’s how it ‘read’ to me :unamused:

This is the on Board Computer:-

But I never ganged up on you… In my day indeed… cheeky sod!! :laughing: :laughing: I am 41!!!

Cheeky sod,s right Bob. :angry: He,s older than you. He was ch ■■■■■■ in the RAF, when you were still at school. :laughing: :laughing:

Believe it or not, I have a lot of respect for all you ‘When I’s’, This is a hard profession to be in and it was even harder in your day, we, as in noobies, could learn a great deal from the ‘When I’s’ on here but some of you are so full on. It’s like ‘listen to me cos I’m always right’ responses, MY WAY is right, I’m right. As a noobie I would like to learn, but there are always two sides to a story, give the other guy a chance and stop ganging up on members that don’t agree with you for whatever reason.

Funnily enough the 'when I’s" were all newbies once too, the reason they are now right most of the time is because they’ve learned the hard way, made all the mistakes, their way is right, they know this, because lessons learned the hard way tend to sink in :bulb: You may feel that you’re being ganged up upon, but it strikes me that you don’t want to listen half of the time, recently anybody who disagrees with you is a troll, not exactly the way to make friends and influence people is it? :wink:


this could take over from Coronation Street as the longest running soap :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Has this thread been running 25 years■■? :unamused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

counting ech post or page as an episode it would be getting close :laughing:

Cheers for that update BOBTHEDOG, sounds like a trusty sumary by the sounds of it.
Dinosteve, Rob will have to break out the Calvin klien on you if you keep on, if you didn’t spend so much time ■■■■■■■ on here you could be out there getting some experience that you so badly lack… :smiley:

Can we stop now!!!
I have just set my laptop on fire due to not being able to get off this thread.
Word to you all…Do not use a computer anywhere near a frying pan when you are cooking bacon for a bacon sarnie.
Especially not in the confines of your cab as I have just found out it is rather dangerous!!!

Can we stop now!!!
I have just set my laptop on fire due to not being able to get off this thread.
Word to you all…Do not use a computer anywhere near a frying pan when you are cooking bacon for a bacon sarnie.
Especially not in the confines of your cab as I have just found out it is rather dangerous!!!

One advantage of VDB drivers cooking in the cab, never a shortage of cooking oil or chocolate :laughing:

Can we stop now!!!
I have just set my laptop on fire due to not being able to get off this thread.
Word to you all…Do not use a computer anywhere near a frying pan when you are cooking bacon for a bacon sarnie.
Especially not in the confines of your cab as I have just found out it is rather dangerous!!!

gonna cost a few bob that then Sid ?

Wheel Nut:
[One advantage of VDB drivers cooking in the cab, never a shortage of cooking oil or chocolate :laughing:

Wheel nut, the wife is quite interested in any recipies you have regarding cooking and the use of chocolate :smiley:
Being Scottish she is getting bored with deep fried mars bars :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I was thinking maybe Pizza in dark chocolate or Fish in Milk chocolate!!

Not at all did a delivery last week, 8 pallets of laptops and as a driver u know sometimes things fall off the back of your lorry…well I managed to catch a couple before they hit the deck and got damaged :wink: :wink:
Oh and anyone who has a coffee machine in their truck I have 3 tonnes of sugar and 5 tonnes of milk powder for sale going cheap, I accuired this whilst at VdB…Perk of bulk powder :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Can we stop now!!!
I have just set my laptop on fire due to not being able to get off this thread.
Word to you all…Do not use a computer anywhere near a frying pan when you are cooking bacon for a bacon sarnie.
Especially not in the confines of your cab as I have just found out it is rather dangerous!!!

gonna cost a few bob that then Sid ?

Sorry if this has been asked before but are Exeter and Edinburgh the only 2 airports you can fly from? Im a stone’s throw from Manchester Airport.

it strikes me that you don’t want to listen half of the time, recently anybody who disagrees with you is a troll, not exactly the way to make friends and influence people is it? :wink:

OK, that’s your opinion and you are entitled to it.

Dinosteve, Rob will have to break out the Calvin klien on you if you keep on, if you didn’t spend so much time ■■■■■■■ on here you could be out there getting some experience that you so badly lack… :smiley:

Whatever you say, bring it on :laughing: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

TramperJon,I cannot answer your question off-hand.But if you read through the first 15 pages of this thread you will find out 2 things. First, somewhere in those first 15, will be the answer to your question.Second. by the time you have read that far you might well come to the conclusion that you would be as well to stick to the “Getting a full-time job with Stobarts” plan of action. I,m not trying to be funny when I say those things. Read all 44 pages, and you will probably come to the same conclusion. :wink: :wink: By the time you get to about page 3 or will see a poster named “caledoniandream”. He is a Van den Bosch rep. in the UK. click on his name, then via his profile, you should be able to send him a pm (personal message), and get some genuine info. from a man in the know. Good Luck.

Cast out far enough and reel him in, I thought if I said that we would get at least another ten pages out of dino. :smiley: :laughing: :smiley:

Cast out far enough and reel him in, I thought if I said that we would get at least another ten pages out of dino. :smiley: :laughing: :smiley:

you are worse than me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Cast out far enough and reel him in, I thought if I said that we would get at least another ten pages out of dino. :smiley: :laughing: :smiley:

you are worse than me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

nahhhh nobodies “that” bad :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Cast out far enough and reel him in, I thought if I said that we would get at least another ten pages out of dino. :smiley: :laughing: :smiley:

Hehehehehehe nice one, I fell hook, line and sinker :blush: :blush: :blush:



Cast out far enough and reel him in, I thought if I said that we would get at least another ten pages out of dino. :smiley: :laughing: :smiley:

you are worse than me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

nahhhh nobodies “that” bad :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

You little gits :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: but i keep pmsl more please :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

if the noobies would listen they wouldnt make so many boobies,instead of being so droll and calling people a troll.