Van den bosch transport

Wheel Nut:


Wheel Nut:


Does anybody know if the VDB trucks have power inverters installed into them at all ? Or what the standard internals are


they do, but they dont work

Have you wired the plugs up correctly, both pins are live iirc. The workshop will repair them if you are in Erp

i would bloody hope that my plugs for my laptop were wired up correctly. they only work in a few of them but as this is a luxury and not nessecery to do the job i doubt ud get time in the garage to fix it.

See, Gogzy, you are still learning, to a Dutchman if the coffee machine doesn’t work, that is a major defect.

koffiezetapparaat kapot is

Apologies for Google Translation

nah if my laptop still works back home and in the sockets in the smoking room then the truck is the problem, and since i dont drink coffee or tea i dont need one so its not a major problem to me.


Wheel Nut:


Wheel Nut:


Does anybody know if the VDB trucks have power inverters installed into them at all ? Or what the standard internals are


they do, but they dont work

Have you wired the plugs up correctly, both pins are live iirc. The workshop will repair them if you are in Erp

i would bloody hope that my plugs for my laptop were wired up correctly. they only work in a few of them but as this is a luxury and not nessecery to do the job i doubt ud get time in the garage to fix it.

See, Gogzy, you are still learning, to a Dutchman if the coffee machine doesn’t work, that is a major defect.

koffiezetapparaat kapot is

Apologies for Google Translation

nah if my laptop still works back home and in the sockets in the smoking room then the truck is the problem, and since i dont drink coffee or tea i dont need one so its not a major problem to me.

Gogzy gogzy gogzy :unamused:
Just think about what has been said and use it to your own advantage
See the bit highlighted in red
What does the dutchman plug his coffee machine into…could it be the on board inverter? That would mean it is a major defect :grimacing:
I don’t care if you don’t drink tea or coffee, more importantly the workshop staff don’t KNOW that you don’t drink tea or coffee

So you roll in and say “Electrics in truck are kaput, can’t get coffee machine to work…No Coffee, No workkee so what are you going to do about it?”

Simples :wink:


Johnny from IPEC ?

that is many moons hence :cry:

Yes mate,

Well salt my hole, is this thread still going strong or what, i blink and how many pages have past. Can’t be ar sed to read to far back right now so can i have a quick sum up of the last 8 pages, is dinosteve (whoever) still moaning about being crap and did betty get that jumper knitted■■? :question:

I dont know if im mad or stupid but despite all the slagging off of vdb i would still apply for a job if i was looking.

Akaday… a brief synopsis…

Gogzy complained that the germans were rude, but then admitted that he would not waste his time learning another european language. He is also suggesting that VDB are only surviving by stealing money from british drivers…

Dinosteveus is, indeed, still complaining, or was but has since gone quiet.

Nobody really knows what Triumph is saying… his english is not so good, but stealing money seems to appear there sometimes, as best I can tell.

Wheelnut, Vas, Myself and a couple of others have tried pointing out that the UK and the Netherlands are actually different countries with different points of view…

And Rob K has pretty much got too bored to look anymore… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Kr79, So would I.

this could take over from Coronation Street as the longest running soap :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I thought I had better post just to bump the thread up again. i would hate to see it die now… :laughing: :wink:

Akaday… a brief synopsis…

Gogzy complained that the germans were rude, but then admitted that he would not waste his time learning another european language. He is also suggesting that VDB are only surviving by stealing money from british drivers…

Dinosteveus is, indeed, still complaining, or was but has since gone quiet.

Nobody really knows what Triumph is saying… his english is not so good, but stealing money seems to appear there sometimes, as best I can tell.

Wheelnut, Vas, Myself and a couple of others have tried pointing out that the UK and the Netherlands are actually different countries with different points of view…

And Rob K has pretty much got too bored to look anymore… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Kr79, So would I.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Very funny (but kinda true . . . . . ) :open_mouth:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Akaday… a brief synopsis…

Gogzy complained that the germans were rude, but then admitted that he would not waste his time learning another european language. He is also suggesting that VDB are only surviving by stealing money from british drivers…

Dinosteveus is, indeed, still complaining, or was but has since gone quiet.

Nobody really knows what Triumph is saying… his english is not so good, but stealing money seems to appear there sometimes, as best I can tell.

Wheelnut, Vas, Myself and a couple of others have tried pointing out that the UK and the Netherlands are actually different countries with different points of view…

And Rob K has pretty much got too bored to look anymore… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Kr79, So would I.

[zb], show me a complaint from me :unamused: :unamused:
It’s because of 'tards that I keep posting, if you just left me out of it I wouldn’t waste my time on this bollox. :frowning: Mention me and off course I’m gonna respond, you guys don’t fuss me with your constant BS, keyboard warriors :unamused: :unamused: Nah, 'tards. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Anyway, in your summary you forgot to mention all the ‘When I’s’ have come out of the woodwork to ‘big each other up’ and slag off the ‘noobies’ / inexperienced. :cry: :angry:

this could take over from Coronation Street as the longest running soap :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Has this thread been running 25 years■■? :unamused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Thanks for that Bob. :wink: :wink: Very helpful.

Has this thread been running 25 years■■? :unamused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

No. It just feels like it has Steve. :laughing: :laughing:

No. It just feels like it has Steve. :laughing: :laughing:

It does :unamused: I wish I’d never posted on it :angry: :angry: :angry:

we need to keep this going because switchlogic promised a free meal to poster number 2000 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

we need to keep this going because switchlogic promised a free meal to poster number 2000 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

OK, in that case I’ll put up with a bit more grief/slagging off if it’ll help to keep the thread going :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: anything for a free meal :laughing: times are hard :sunglasses:


we need to keep this going because switchlogic promised a free meal to poster number 2000 :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

OK, in that case I’ll put up with a bit more grief/slagging off if it’ll help to keep the thread going :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: anything for a free meal :laughing: times are hard :sunglasses:

I figured we should try and get gogzy to make the 2000th post as he doesn’t get to eat with VdB :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No point in that… Poor fellah would not be able to get the time off.

Steve, the "I ams’ are there because there are some of us are familiar with how it goes there. As for your complaints, they have been against those of us who, for better or worse, do know what it is like. I do not slag off noobies. I still remember being one many years ago, and I remember being one all over again 5 years ago.

I am not afraid of being a noobie. There you go, another “I am” for you.

I figured we should try and get gogzy to make the 2000th post as he doesn’t get to eat with VdB :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That’s a really nice idea :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

No point in that… Poor fellah would not be able to get the time off.

Steve, the "I ams’ are there because there are some of us are familiar with how it goes there. As for your complaints, they have been against those of us who, for better or worse, do know what it is like. I do not slag off noobies. I still remember being one many years ago, and I remember being one all over again 5 years ago.

I am not afraid of being a noobie. There you go, another “I am” for you.

Nah, you miss my point Bob.
Believe it or not, I have a lot of respect for all you ‘When I’s’, This is a hard profession to be in and it was even harder in your day, we, as in noobies, could learn a great deal from the ‘When I’s’ on here but some of you are so full on. It’s like ‘listen to me cos I’m always right’ responses, MY WAY is right, I’m right. As a noobie I would like to learn, but there are always two sides to a story, give the other guy a chance and stop ganging up on members that don’t agree with you for whatever reason.

Anyway, carry on, I’ve lit the touch paper, bring it on, again. :laughing: :laughing: :unamused: :unamused:

But I never ganged up on you… In my day indeed… cheeky sod!! :laughing: :laughing: I am 41!!!

No, we were none of us as full on as Gogz or Triumph. They were saying they were being robbed, yet admitted they had not entered the info correctly… Lots to it really, but they were saying we old ■■■■■ don’t know what it is like, but we, in fact, do.