Van den bosch transport

judgement comes with life experience,it is never a good idee to slag your employer off(even worst on a public forum),
everybody can be replaced,
but at least he went to work abroad,so he must be fairly open minded,regarding to languages,there are many foreigners
in the uk,they can not speak english and they dont want to do it

i totally agree with this point marior some of these foreiners are part reason we had to leave our country and take a chance cause theres very little jobs left for scottish people based in scotland at a decent rate in our industry.

Fed, Watered and rested here. Pmsl. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: … ata_player

You think it`s an exclusively Scottish problem, Trimph? Don’t know if you had noticed, but the job shortage is not restricted to north of the border, but is, in fact, everywhere. It is not the fault of the eastern Europeans who migrated, it is not the fault of the dutch. You seem to think they were docking money and Frans has said that it is something he will look at. That seems more than fair to me.

Basic contracts are this, You are employed by us. We will do our best to keep you working as much as we and you can work. We will pay you this much for when you work. We will not just sack you without you dropping a bollock of a certain magfnitude and you will not walk out unless we do the same sort of bollock.

That would be pretty much enough for me.

But there are things you are saying, CPC is a case in point, which you are not 100% sure of yourself, yet you continue to say them. These “attacks” on Gogz and others are a result of there being much more said than should be, and a display of attitude which is the whole reason half the employers hired foreigners in the first place.

Gogz, I have never mentioned Transam. I do not know what happened there and it is not my concern. I recall you got in trouble over your posts on that subject, too, and that you were the whipped puppy there, too, according to you. But you are really not alone in having worries at home. Believe it or not, that is quite common among drivers. My wife had cancer while we were over here. My mother and my father have both died in the last 3 years, my Dad just this August and I still haven’t been able to get back to the UK, my wife had major surgery in August, so don’t go after the sympathy vote- there are people have had things at least as tough as you and still function.

I would try to say that your age makes you callow, but you are far too vociferous for that, and you are so unreasonable to people who have been there and have done it, and would offer you all the assistance and advice you need. I would have thought you would be able to see that.

Dave, no, I guess it wasn’t me that was edited, but when I wrote it and quoted I suspected it would happen… :laughing: :wink:

i have no problem with being away, i did longer away with less time at home last year, theres things that happened last year in my private life that you dont know what happened, this is the first time ive spent any time away from my family since i lost my grandad last year, the day i got sent home with transam was the day my grandad had his stroke, my gran had a stroke 3 weeks before my grandad died, i spent everyday in hospital for 6 and a half months. i have a different approach to family life now than i did last year.

and all this time youve got idiots like vas and his pals listening to hearsay and thats all it was cause as NMM has said unless you were there and say/heard it all then it was hearsay

And the bit about family life is the part I can agree with. I was in Blois when I got a message that my Brother was seriously ill in Hospital. De Meulemeester pulled out all the stops to get me home and by swapping trailers I was back in the UK the following day.

DMT had telephones in the cabs and I was allowed to use that to track Peters progress and keep in touch with my family. He died 6 days later just 3 weeks after his 51st birthday. During that time the truck was parked at my VDB paid parking place. I went back to work for a few days after his death and then had another 4 days off to organise and attend his funeral.

So I too have a different approach to family life as well and I came home to work.

You think it`s an exclusively Scottish problem, Trimph? Don’t know if you had noticed, but the job shortage is not restricted to north of the border, but is, in fact, everywhere. It is not the fault of the eastern Europeans who migrated, it is not the fault of the dutch. You seem to think they were docking money and Frans has said that it is something he will look at. That seems more than fair to me.

Basic contracts are this, You are employed by us. We will do our best to keep you working as much as we and you can work. We will pay you this much for when you work. We will not just sack you without you dropping a bollock of a certain magfnitude and you will not walk out unless we do the same sort of bollock.

That would be pretty much enough for me.

But there are things you are saying, CPC is a case in point, which you are not 100% sure of yourself, yet you continue to say them. These “attacks” on Gogz and others are a result of there being much more said than should be, and a display of attitude which is the whole reason half the employers hired foreigners in the first place.

Gogz, I have never mentioned Transam. I do not know what happened there and it is not my concern. I recall you got in trouble over your posts on that subject, too, and that you were the whipped puppy there, too, according to you. But you are really not alone in having worries at home. Believe it or not, that is quite common among drivers. My wife had cancer while we were over here. My mother and my father have both died in the last 3 years, my Dad just this August and I still haven’t been able to get back to the UK, my wife had major surgery in August, so don’t go after the sympathy vote- there are people have had things at least as tough as you and still function.

I would try to say that your age makes you callow, but you are far too vociferous for that, and you are so unreasonable to people who have been there and have done it, and would offer you all the assistance and advice you need. I would have thought you would be able to see that.

Dave, no, I guess it wasn’t me that was edited, but when I wrote it and quoted I suspected it would happen… :laughing: :wink:

right dogbob it is worse in scotland very small nation. but aggree its global.
Foreign comment i made was not aimed at anybody from the east was a general comment so please dont put words in my mouth.
cpc thing well…WHEN somebody “management” several times gives instances of ridicule and disrespect stories that were retracted today "wrong DRIVER " :wink: I DID APOLOGISE .
is it not important to you that if you take new job boss gives you note of rates i give you £10 every hour you work sounds ok you take the job, 3 -4 month into it you see hes only paying £5p.h,.what you going to do :question: :question: :question: :question: be gratefull that he didnt sack yoU for dropping a bollock…I THINK THIS IS MORE THE CASE OF SOME PEOPLE ON HERE NOT HAVING ■■■■■■■■ IN THE FIRST PLACE■■? STOP BEING SILLY AND GO TO WORK FOR THE MONEY AGGREED AND NOT A FEW £5 NOTES WHEN HE PROMISED £10 POUND NOTES. THIS AINT FOR A HOBBIE .

Dave, no, I guess it wasn’t me that was edited, but when I wrote it and quoted I suspected it would happen… :laughing: :wink:

Hi Bob,

Just to be clear, it defo wasn’t you who was edited, and your proud record stands fully intact. :smiley:

gogzy made a personal attack, which is very clearly in breach of Forum Rule #3, so it had to go as soon as I spotted it.
It stands to sense that it also had to go from any other post that quoted it, and it would have been remiss of me had I not done so.

:bulb: When I edit something that’s in breach of Forum Rules, I usually try to make it clear in the Mod’s little explanation box inserted just below the post whether it was the post OR a quote that I edited. I’ve just checked again, and I did make the correct comment in relation to your post. :smiley:
I also left you a little message in red. :wink:


Dave, no, I guess it wasn’t me that was edited, but when I wrote it and quoted I suspected it would happen… :laughing: :wink:

Hi Bob,

Just to be clear, it defo wasn’t you who was edited, and your proud record stands fully intact. :smiley:

gogzy made a personal attack, which is very clearly in breach of Forum Rule #3, so it had to go as soon as I spotted it.
It stands to sense that it also had to go from any other post that quoted it, and it would have been remiss of me had I not done so.

:bulb: When I edit something that’s in breach of Forum Rules, I usually try to make it clear in the Mod’s little explanation box inserted just below the post whether it was the post OR a quote that I edited. I’ve just checked again, and I did make the correct comment in relation to your post. :smiley:
I also left you a little message in red. :wink:

To be fair to Gogzy you can see why he bit back, yes he’s young and yes he’s inexperienced, but some of the pish that has been aimed at him from " the old hands " :unamused: , has been a bit full on. There does seem to be a trend of frenzy feeding on certain threads.

he shows his inexperience with virtually every post he makes :unamused: a lot of honest decent advice and tips were given and he choose to ignore them. something i would be interested in is how many british drivers have/were employed by vdb and how many spat the dummy like the posters on here and how many put the head down and made it work. already there seem to be as many on here who have been there and speak well of vdb/dutch … :unamused:

To be fair to Gogzy you can see why he bit back, yes he’s young and yes he’s inexperienced, but some of the pish that has been aimed at him from " the old hands " :unamused: , has been a bit full on. There does seem to be a trend of frenzy feeding on certain threads.

Hi pete-b,

Agreed on all points mate. :smiley:

Fair play to gogzy, and whatever anybody says, I applaud him for his spirit in getting off his arse and giving it a go.

He’s already done more continental work than some of the armchair critics on here, [ :grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue: ] but to be equally fair… gogzy might pause to reflect on what he says publicly about himself or his opinions on certain matters in future since it could be said that he has made something of a rod for his own back by giving away certain info about himself. Just a thought. :smiley:


To be fair to Gogzy you can see why he bit back, yes he’s young and yes he’s inexperienced, but some of the pish that has been aimed at him from " the old hands " :unamused: , has been a bit full on. There does seem to be a trend of frenzy feeding on certain threads.

Hi pete-b,

Agreed on all points mate. :smiley:

Fair play to gogzy, and whatever anybody says, I applaud him for his spirit in getting off his arse and giving it a go.

He’s already done more continental work than some of the armchair critics on here, [ :grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue: ] but to be equally fair… gogzy might pause to reflect on what he says publicly about himself or his opinions on certain matters in future since it could be said that he has made something of a rod for his own back by giving away certain info about himself. Just a thought. :smiley:

Agree 100% DD

anyway you not meant to have cpc to be transport manager word is aint got one. dutch guiser

not necessarily no

as long as someone in the employ of the company has the relevant qualifications and is also involved on the day to day running and supervision the position of traffic manager can be filled by someone without a CPC. He may also have passed the necessary exams in Holland which would automatically be recognised in the UK


To be fair to Gogzy you can see why he bit back, yes he’s young and yes he’s inexperienced, but some of the pish that has been aimed at him from " the old hands " :unamused: , has been a bit full on. There does seem to be a trend of frenzy feeding on certain threads.

Hi pete-b,

Agreed on all points mate. :smiley:

Fair play to gogzy, and whatever anybody says, I applaud him for his spirit in getting off his arse and giving it a go.

He’s already done more continental work than some of the armchair critics on here, [ :grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue: ] but to be equally fair… gogzy might pause to reflect on what he says publicly about himself or his opinions on certain matters in future since it could be said that he has made something of a rod for his own back by giving away certain info about himself. Just a thought. :smiley:

Nice post Dave and Pete.

My short time in this Profession has shown me how hard it is, you have to constantly watch your back cos no one else will. We have so much to contend with that makes the job so hard, only the dedicated/mad would consider this as a Career and stay in it.
All this back stabbing is not needed, we all look at things in a different way, that’s what makes us all unique.

Yes Vas maybe it is, as it is not complicated as it is, just the way that VdB interpret the input and worktime is obviously different to the driver.
I admit I made mistakes on my input on this bloody thing and as Okley has stated once you get to use it properly it can be used more to your advantage as opposed to that of VdB.
The simple fact is that during the week training in the academy you are not properly informed about how your inputs will be taken in regard to pay so maybe that is something for Frans to take up with the training school in Erp and therefore avoid drivers feeling this way… :unamused: :unamused:

We sometimes have the same problem when new drivers begin with us but as we know they are new then their input on the board computer is checked on a daily or 2 daily basis until we sure they have got the hang of it, but then again we are nowhere near as big as VdB where I suppose the sheer amount of drivers would make this a nigh on impossible task


To be fair to Gogzy you can see why he bit back, yes he’s young and yes he’s inexperienced, but some of the pish that has been aimed at him from " the old hands " :unamused: , has been a bit full on. There does seem to be a trend of frenzy feeding on certain threads.

Hi pete-b,

Agreed on all points mate. :smiley:

Fair play to gogzy, and whatever anybody says, I applaud him for his spirit in getting off his arse and giving it a go.

He’s already done more continental work than some of the armchair critics on here, [ :grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue: ] but to be equally fair… gogzy might pause to reflect on what he says publicly about himself or his opinions on certain matters in future since it could be said that he has made something of a rod for his own back by giving away certain info about himself. Just a thought. :smiley:

Exactly what I have been thinking and well worded! :smiley:

Amazing, I pop into hospital for a few days and now tis up to 41 pages!! Has to be the record breaker??



Dave, no, I guess it wasn’t me that was edited, but when I wrote it and quoted I suspected it would happen… :laughing: :wink:

Hi Bob,

Just to be clear, it defo wasn’t you who was edited, and your proud record stands fully intact. :smiley:

gogzy made a personal attack, which is very clearly in breach of Forum Rule #3, so it had to go as soon as I spotted it.
It stands to sense that it also had to go from any other post that quoted it, and it would have been remiss of me had I not done so.

:bulb: When I edit something that’s in breach of Forum Rules, I usually try to make it clear in the Mod’s little explanation box inserted just below the post whether it was the post OR a quote that I edited. I’ve just checked again, and I did make the correct comment in relation to your post. :smiley:
I also left you a little message in red. :wink:

To be fair to Gogzy you can see why he bit back, yes he’s young and yes he’s inexperienced, but some of the pish that has been aimed at him from " the old hands " :unamused: , has been a bit full on. There does seem to be a trend of frenzy feeding on certain threads.

fair play to him for standing his ground, as I would have done as well :unamused: :laughing:

as far as I am concerned nothing needs to be edited, I really don´t care that much :laughing: life is life , black is black and grey is non-existent, I always brought up to say me mind so it does not bother me the slightest if others do the same, it´s a free world and after all we are supposed !!! to be grown adults

Just to add, day 3 of the training is board computer day :slight_smile: you are told its what your wages are paid on and your even given clues as to the best way it will benefit you. I started in July on silo road, you do get more time loading and unloading and as Okely am earning as we were told we would, my last pay was £2140 in the bank for 3 weeks work never more than 15 hours a day and taking breaks as per contract (which i printed and read before the interview) as for my planner :slight_smile: we get on well since have educated him :astonished:

In summary,

VdB will provide you with three weeks work, you’re away from home, so you may as well work as hard as you can, if you learn to work the computer properly you can earn money for every hour you work, less breaks, which as they don’t pay you, should be taken, and that’s about it…

There, I think that about covers it :wink:

More or less yes and they pay for flights and taxi in Holland, also if you have a problem or defect they ask you as the driver for your opinion and if you think it needs a repair well it gets done, its not all roses i know but the job works for me and suits me, mind you when you turn up at a transport company to wash and he gives you a hosepipe… :grimacing: :grimacing: :smiley:

I right dogbob it is worse in scotland very small nation. but aggree its global.
Foreign comment i made was not aimed at anybody from the east was a general comment so please dont put words in my mouth.
cpc thing well…WHEN somebody “management” several times gives instances of ridicule and disrespect stories that were retracted today "wrong DRIVER " :wink: I DID APOLOGISE .
is it not important to you that if you take new job boss gives you note of rates i give you £10 every hour you work sounds ok you take the job, 3 -4 month into it you see hes only paying £5p.h,.what you going to do :question: :question: :question: :question: be gratefull that he didnt sack yoU for dropping a bollock…I THINK THIS IS MORE THE CASE OF SOME PEOPLE ON HERE NOT HAVING ■■■■■■■■ IN THE FIRST PLACE■■? STOP BEING SILLY AND GO TO WORK FOR THE MONEY AGGREED AND NOT A FEW £5 NOTES WHEN HE PROMISED £10 POUND NOTES. THIS AINT FOR A HOBBIE .

Worse in Scotland than the US? I don’t think so. Judging by the posts on forums in general, it is pretty much a UK problem, not a Scottish one.

Perhaps your comment was not aimed at specifics, but you were, for a short time, a foreign driver, so get over yourself.

Frans has had so many attacks that a mistake on his part is probably more understandable than your diatribe. Sorry, but that is the way it is.

The wage thing… You have got to be joking. I would never have gone 3-4 MONTHS before I noticed and sorted it. And I do not think your assessment is in any way correct. See, I would only work for a wage, I would ensure the wage is correct.
No, it isn’t a hobby, it’s a job. A job many would like to have given the present situation. If things are so awful then how the hell have the firm been able to keep going? Do you seriously want us to believe that they are stealing from their drivers to make ends meet? Are they so tight fisted that they are reduced to that? No, they aren’t. Others have said that you have to get the computer input right. That has nothing to do with how the company interprets it, it is entirely how you enter it in the first place.
And “Vas and his pals” have been around the block, as has been pointed out. Vas has the wrinkles to prove it… :laughing: Some of us know the dutch, know the firm in question and are willing to accept that they are not Stobarts but you seem to think they should do as you want. Remember that they are the firm. They hired you, you accepted the job. If you cannot add the figure going into the bank up and compare it to your own records then hard luck on you. I am sure they could provide you with printouts.