Van den bosch transport

Yes Vas maybe it is, as it is not complicated as it is, just the way that VdB interpret the input and worktime is obviously different to the driver.
I admit I made mistakes on my input on this bloody thing and as Okley has stated once you get to use it properly it can be used more to your advantage as opposed to that of VdB.
The simple fact is that during the week training in the academy you are not properly informed about how your inputs will be taken in regard to pay so maybe that is something for Frans to take up with the training school in Erp and therefore avoid drivers feeling this way… :unamused: :unamused:

noting all the wages problems with several of you at VdB could this maybe be linked to lack of understanding or explanation of the intricacies of the onboard computer ?

Yes Vas maybe it is, as it is not complicated as it is, just the way that VdB interpret the input and worktime is obviously different to the driver.
I admit I made mistakes on my input on this bloody thing and as Okley has stated once you get to use it properly it can be used more to your advantage as opposed to that of VdB.
The simple fact is that during the week training in the academy you are not properly informed about how your inputs will be taken in regard to pay so maybe that is something for Frans to take up with the training school in Erp and therefore avoid drivers feeling this way… :unamused: :unamused:

noting all the wages problems with several of you at VdB could this maybe be linked to lack of understanding or explanation of the intricacies of the onboard computer ?

That is proper criticism where I can look into it and will take action on, the whole board computer was set up in the end of the nineties to avoid endless discussion about what and what didn’t happen while we where down the road.
We used timesheets up to than, but the company was getting to big to keep it all under control.
But only with proper input you will get proper output, this can cause havoc if you are rushed on a day and forget to put the right input in, or don’t know or have forgotten how to correct your input.
In the UK we only use part of the board computer, because nearly all of my drivers that are working in the UK, are on shift pay, 12hrs shift, 4 on, 4 off.

Guys this thread is becoming increasingly tedious,some of you have bitten off more than you can digest,admit the mistake then either change the attitude and start over,or go on to new ventures.As for Gogzy,FFS,as someone who managed to achieve education at University status,albeit for a limited period,you can’t even master the English language let alone make an attempt to learn a foreign one.BTW,that remark is directed more at the “system” than towards you.

Did someone mention Marstons Pedigree :smiley:

About 6 pages ago… :laughing:

Honestly, Gogz, we would all respect an admission that you don’t like being away, or that you don’t like being abroad. I don’t think anyone respects the attacks you are mounting, and I cannot believe you have been allowed to remain working there.

Frans has openly said that he can accept that things could be easier for all of you and will look into it. You really cannot ask for more than that.

This language thing displays a superior attitude which will not stand you in any sort of stead. Vas is right, as is WBIS… Hard work and a good attitude are what see you through anything, but sniping is just going to generate bad feeling, and calling Vas a “” is really not the way to go.

Sorry Bob, Rule 3 says that it had to go, even though we know you only quoted what gogzy had written.
I’ve taken it it out of his post and the quoted posts now. dd. :wink:

I may be in the minority here (I usually am!), but if anybody else thinks that this post should be ideally locked, because it’s past it’s sell by date :cry: or at least moved to the “Euro forum” as they are a Dutch company and most of their work is in in Euroland :confused: Please can you PM one of the moderators (you know who they are :wink: ) with your view, as I am going to do now, Thank You!!!

I may be in the minority here (I usually am!), but if anybody else thinks that this post should be ideally locked, because it’s past it’s sell by date :cry: or at least moved to the “Euro forum” as they are a Dutch company and most of their work is in in Euroland :confused: Please can you PM one of the moderators (you know who they are :wink: ) with your view, as I am going to do now, Thank You!!!

Hi howatsi,

If you feel that way about a post, it’s much easier to use the “report” button, because we’ll see it much sooner because any Mod can then see it.
If you PM an individual Mod, it may be a few days before they see the PM due to them being away working etc.

I’m inclined to leave this topic running for now, but Site Admin may take a different view.

As usual, it’ll be the minority who spoil things for the majority…
so I hope posters (no names mentioned :wink: ) will take this friendly warning into account and post within the forum rules.

No problem on the edit, Dave. In fact, it is the first post I have ever had edited on here… :laughing:

In honesty, Howatsi, this is more relevent in this forum, surely, since it is the brits that are being recruited.

Am I being warned here as well, Dave? Sorry, but the attitude being displayed is really poor. So many of us have been travelling across various countries for many years without that sort of issue. In the beginning, when it was said that the manager in Neuss or wherever it was, was being difficult, but then we hear that the driver has no intention of learning a second language.

It was that sort of attitude was the main reason I kept to myself.

I may be in the minority here (I usually am!), but if anybody else thinks that this post should be ideally locked, because it’s past it’s sell by date :cry: or at least moved to the “Euro forum” as they are a Dutch company and most of their work is in in Euroland :confused: Please can you PM one of the moderators (you know who they are :wink: ) with your view, as I am going to do now, Thank You!!!

Thre’s a simple solution to your problem howatsi, if you don’t like this thread
DON"T READ IT :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:



Frans, I tried to contact you from Erp and you didn’t answer my call, you replied to my text 8 hours later saying there was nothing you could do to ‘help me’.
Who do these guys contact if they have a ‘problem’? You? HR guy? Planner?

First of all, I was with my customer that day and they don’t really appriciate when you text in Meetings and on a dinner table :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Second of all, I couldn’t help you, because my magic stick couldn’t make a driver of you, you couldn’t drive, I am sorry, what do you expect me to do■■?
Let you drive??
I still read in your posts here and there that it still fazes you now and than, fair enough not a problem, everybody has to learn and you will learn everyday that you drive.
One day you will be there to the point, that every company will say, come here Steve your the right man, you are a confident driver, on you go!

Up to that day, there will be disapoinments and buttock clenching moments.

We gambled on you, you gambled on us, was the wrong day to have a lottery ticket.

Yes, whatever you say frans :unamused: :unamused: You say one thing on here and another in private, to suit your advert. :confused: :confused:



i did go to university, i never went to learn a bloody language though, i went to play drums

And that attitude, though I don’t wish to sound rude, sums up exactly why you have troubles with people over in Europe.

i have my reasons to why i left after a year and a half through my degree but i have no need to discuss them on here.

Why not? You are discussing VDB with venom…

what cause im not interested in learning a european language? as ive said germany is the only place i have a problem so how do i have a problem in europe, its just germany.

and the reasons i left arnt anything to do with anybody on here. and what your saying im lying about everything ive said? fine ima lying {zb} that you happy now?

god come on gogz dont say that theres only one person on here lying and its frans hes lied continualy about every one to protect vdb. honour your contract you lying sneaky **** Pay whats due…anyway you not meant to have cpc to be transport manager word is aint got one. dutch guiser

About 6 pages ago… :laughing:

Honestly, Gogz, we would all respect an admission that you don’t like being away, or that you don’t like being abroad. I don’t think anyone respects the attacks you are mounting, and I cannot believe you have been allowed to remain working there.

Frans has openly said that he can accept that things could be easier for all of you and will look into it. You really cannot ask for more than that.

This language thing displays a superior attitude which will not stand you in any sort of stead. Vas is right, as is WBIS… Hard work and a good attitude are what see you through anything, but sniping is just going to generate bad feeling, and calling Vas a “” is really not the way to go.

Sorry Bob, Rule 3 says that it had to go, even though we know you only quoted what gogzy had written.
I’ve taken it it out of his post and the quoted posts now. dd. :wink:

i have no problem with being away, i did longer away with less time at home last year, theres things that happened last year in my private life that you dont know what happened, this is the first time ive spent any time away from my family since i lost my grandad last year, the day i got sent home with transam was the day my grandad had his stroke, my gran had a stroke 3 weeks before my grandad died, i spent everyday in hospital for 6 and a half months. i have a different approach to family life now than i did last year.

and all this time youve got idiots like vas and his pals listening to hearsay and thats all it was cause as NMM has said unless you were there and say/heard it all then it was hearsay

Sugar Ray:
Did someone mention Marstons Pedigree :smiley:

Yes. I used to think it was foreign muck too, until I moved nearer to the river Trent, takes a brave Yorkshireman to forego Black Sheep, Timothy Taylor, Whalebone, Thorne and Stones :laughing:

I am sure the term “Gone for a Burton” was coined with Pedigree in mind rather than a funeral suit :wink:

No problem on the edit, Dave. In fact, it is the first post I have ever had edited on here… :laughing:

Hi Bob,
If you look at the edit, you’ll see that nothing you wrote was edited.

In honesty, Howatsi, this is more relevent in this forum, surely, since it is the brits that are being recruited.

That’s the way I see it too Bob, but I’d go a little further…
Brits are being recruited in Britain, the initial interviews are held in Britain, and so it seems to me to be a British ‘thing.’

Am I being warned here as well, Dave? Sorry, but the attitude being displayed is really poor.

Now then Bob, my friendly warning was clearly directed at those who weren’t posting within the forum rules.

I wouldn’t comment on gogzy’s attitude, except to say that he’ll earn his own reputation at VdB by his own efforts and on here by the manner in which he posts.
How he does that on here is a matter for himself, unless he’s in breach of forum rules, then the Mod Team will point it out to him.

As you said yourself:

In fact, it is the first post I have ever had edited on here…

You still haven’t had a post edited on here Bob, because you only quoted what another poster had written.
What the other poster wrote was a personal attack and therefore removed because it was against the forum rules. (Rule #3.)

So many of us have been travelling across various countries for many years without that sort of issue.

Same here mate.
I did 10 years as a Euro tramper, including just over a year for an Italian company, but that was back in the 80s.

In the beginning, when it was said that the manager in Neuss or wherever it was, was being difficult, but then we hear that the driver has no intention of learning a second language.

It was that sort of attitude was the main reason I kept to myself.

I kept pretty much to myself too Bob, but I actually enjoyed learning foreign languages. As it happens, German is by far my best foreign language. After I came off the road, I funded my own further study of it at college and uni.
Although my ‘time’ was quite a few years ago, I always found that making a reasonable effort at foreign languages tended to get a driver better thought of in foreign lands. :smiley:

This thread keeping you on your toes dieseldave? :laughing:

to all you doubters that no nowt about our contract of employment but have loads to say in disrespect of drivers you do not know, ive looked out my contract special for yous, some of you may be that old youve never heard of such a document. Still slavering about crash gearboxes and europe in the days of horse and carts probably. This document is in place to protect the employer as well as employee gives “rights”… some of you may not no that word cause some of you dinosaurs take whatever goes in the bank gimp style going by previous replys. clowns.
the main important part to me is .-
" when you worked more than 13.5hrs : resting time 2 hours". followed by - “in case its not possible to have rest and you can prove it breaks will not be deducted.” Well vdb Know we can prove it because we use onboard computer and must press break button to indicate we took a break. simples, but instead they withold the cash at a rate of £12.45 per hour good bit of profiteering that aint it imagine when you take this from scores of people every day every week big bucks kept in the vdb bank account.
Now i dont give a monkeys what you all say some points are fair some just crap, trying to take frans from the back. Just Incase the current climate in haulage takes your jobs like it has many in scotland , if so you can apply vdb and maybe by then vdb will realise they made a mistake with brit pay structure and pay you better than us ( i think their chances of retaining a high percentage till they realise the mistake is slim to say the least). And when the job your bumming up pays you for the work you do maybe you can thank some of us.
I did enjoy europe which includes all nationalities german, french , belg, and have many dutch freinds , and i was very pleasant with most people i delivered to. never realy any problems with customers. I did get french at school so speak that basic, tried to learn basic german and already had reasonable knowledge of basic dutch. I always liked to practice bits rather than expect English, which they always never had problem speaking english to me after being immpressed with my ability and pronounciation of some words in dutch although only limited vocabulary.
So some you guys need to think before your critical of people you dont know or dont know whole picture. Youve got to remember frans is not a driver hes management and this site is for drivers by drivers so they can communicate about the industry employers and jobs.Not so they can spy on staff and what they be saying about the company they work or did work. Threatening about flight returns or just picking at poor gogzys opinion. Where is the freedom of speech frans uses a lot and he dont even tell the truth. you see me, gogzy, sid, graham, are only trying to tell like it is i wish i could have read some these points before i went work van den bump the wages . Let your employer take 12,45 some days or 24.90 on others and stay quiet thats not what being British is about ,the industry in our country is in tatters and we have to fight for what is rightfully our money that has been stolen from us by a sneaky system of exploitation and liars. Yes they gave us a chance but what they gave us in one hand they took back some with the other, and they didnt honour british contract of employment supposedly van den bosch ltd , british company , british contract, i would imagine answerable IN A BRITISH COURT… AND I WOULD IMAGINE ON MY EXPERIENCE IN ERP OR TIELT IS JUST A MATTER OF TIME SO MANY DISGRUNTLED STAFF, EVEN LOTS OF DUTCH DRIVERS ARE DISALLUSIONED TO. NIGHT NIGHT ALL.

god come on gogz dont say that theres only one person on here lying and its frans hes lied continualy about every one to protect vdb. honour your contract you lying sneaky **** Pay whats due…anyway you not meant to have cpc to be transport manager word is aint got one. dutch guiser

Hi Gary, you are wrong there, I have a CPC National and International, Passed with Friendberry in the English language first time (while it’s not my fisrt language, thanks very much)
However, the information I had about you was wrong, I apologise for that, you certainly left because you didn’t agree with the pay structure, what is fine with me, and I understandt that point. :blush:
That was the only reason I got when I double checked this morning, and it was confirmed that the information they had given was in correct about you and was about another person.

I don’t need to defend Van den Bosch, we send everybody the draft contract before, they can read what deductions are made, when deductions are made and when not.
I don’t speak for you, but there are many people who havent read the contract and still sign it.

…anyway you not meant to have cpc to be transport manager word is aint got one. dutch guiser

If that says what I think it says, you probably need to be more careful listening to hearsay triumph :wink:

The Operator CPC can be easily checked and also where the course was taken.

In this case both National and International CPC in Road transport Operations were studied with a well known OCR supplier based in Taunton.

all this time youve got idiots like vas and his pals

The Wannabe Drummer-boy frae Fife, is firing off insulting riifs in all directions, as usual. Whoever it was that said " You would have no difficulty in differentiating between a ray of sunshine, and a Jock with a perceived grievance" – (or words to that effect. If i,m wrong it is because I did not go to uni :frowning: )–.Must have had this guy in mind. He is now looking for sympathy. You might find that it is thin on the ground , in this area pal.That being a consequence of your numerous personal attacks on this thread. You are 24 ffs. Start acting your age. Stop stamping your feet, and biting the hand that is currently feeding you, like some 4 year old whose Mummy is trying to wean it off its dummy. Buy yourself a set of drums, and go and knock the ZB Gene Krupa, out of them. You,ll feel better.

I,m now going to pm Vasco and ask him if he,ll bung me on his very lengthy "pals " list. :laughing: :laughing:
Following which I,ll get me Dad,s old Tin Hat out of the Anderson shelter. I,ll probably need it. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


god come on gogz dont say that theres only one person on here lying and its frans hes lied continualy about every one to protect vdb. honour your contract you lying sneaky **** Pay whats due…anyway you not meant to have cpc to be transport manager word is aint got one. dutch guiser

Hi Gary, you are wrong there, I have a CPC National and International, Passed with Friendberry in the English language first time (while it’s not my fisrt language, thanks very much)
However, the information I had about you was wrong, I apologise for that, you certainly left because you didn’t agree with the pay structure, what is fine with me, and I understandt that point. :blush:
That was the only reason I got when I double checked this morning, and it was confirmed that the information they had given was in correct about you and was about another person.

I don’t need to defend Van den Bosch, we send everybody the draft contract before, they can read what deductions are made, when deductions are made and when not.
I don’t speak for you, but there are many people who havent read the contract and still sign it.

well at least your man enough to apologise, and my apologys to you to, i heard by word of mouth you didnt have cpc when over there guess it must a been gossip. i defo dont want slagging match, but with any job money is reason you do and i firmly believe fairness should be very important , im a little sad it went this way but enjoyed experience anyway and felt i gave 110%.