Van den bosch transport

maybe if he didnt keep putting his foot in it :unamused:

Japanese could come in handy if there is a tanker load of rapeseed oil to make Biodiesel for Toyota, Honda or Datsun :laughing:

as long as you are not loading in Neuss

Don’t know, Marior… He may be only 24, but he is displaying very poor judgement here.

What is wrong with learning French? Again, it is displaying an attitude. I studied French for 5 years, German for 3. I still am able to use it, up to a point. The French stood me in good stead for moving out here. It also got me treated right in France, Quebec, and even, sometimes, in Belgium. Learning Japanese seems a much more pointless exercise… Sushi and Origami are probably sufficient… :laughing:

In point of fact, I don’t care why you quit university. If you are actually 24 then it is time you started to think about what is “for you” instead of complaining about what isn’t.

judgement comes with life experience,it is never a good idee to slag your employer off(even worst on a public forum),
everybody can be replaced,
but at least he went to work abroad,so he must be fairly open minded,regarding to languages,there are many foreigners
in the uk,they can not speak english and they dont want to do it

considering where gogzy comes from he already speaks a foreign language, english :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

considering where gogzy comes from he already speaks a foreign language, english :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I feel embarassed about not being able to speak different languages when abroad although I have picked up a few phrases and always get by. I often stay with friends in Holland but find Dutch difficult to pick up because if Dutch people have the slightest hint you are English they will always answer you in that.
Perhaps I should have been more adventurous when younger and had a go at working abroad, good luck to you guys over there, if nothing else it is experience under your belt !


You need to open your mind Gogzy. You claim to have been to University–uni as it is now known- you should have no problem learning another language. You,d get a lot more pleasure out of your time with VDB, if you did.Lighten up. Learn to “go with the flow”. Others seem to have done so.

i did go to university, i never went to learn a bloody language though, i went to play drums here

one of the best places in europe to study music, i have my reasons to why i left after a year and a half through my degree but i have no need to discuss them on here.

Well come on fella’s a couple of more post’s and we will have had 10 pages added since midnight Friday :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Robbo, (Buycrider) University’s are not the same as they were in our day when you had to attain a high level of educational achievement, usually at a Grammar School, to even be considered for any respected University. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

These days going to ‘Uni’ is seen as the next step instead of work for around 75% of school leavers and any Tom, ■■■■ or Mary can get into ‘Uni’ So we now we have the situation where we have thousands of ‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees and hundreds of ‘Mickey Mouse’ academies that just seem to churn people out with a deluded and over inflated view of their own real life experience and ability to cope with things outside their own little comfort zone. :laughing: :laughing:

"I’ve been to ‘Uni’ ergo; I’m obviously smarter, cleverer and will be able to become more experienced than you much quicker than you ever did in any job I choose to do, because :- ‘I’ve been to Uni’ :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Gogzy, I’m sure the fact that you didn’t finish your ‘Uni’ course will speak even bigger volumes, about your attitude and dare I say ‘naivety’, to some of us that have been around a bit, but heyho what do I know. :question: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Dave Penn;

I feel embarassed about not being able to speak different languages when abroad although I have picked up a few phrases and always get by

Like ‘bostin’ and ‘dey do dat dare dont dey’ :smiley:


when i left school straight after my O levels i went straight to work but some of my fellow classmates stayed on 2 years in school then college or uni, after they finished their higher education i met some and they were looking for work whilst i had been earning for several years and they might have had better education but i had the experience so they didn’t get jobs earning more money.
uni doesn’t always get you higher up the ladder sometimes its hard work not brains

uni doesn’t always get you higher up the ladder sometimes its hard work not brains

bulls droppings (or in your case those of a sheep)

the most important is attitude without that you will get nowhere


uni doesn’t always get you higher up the ladder sometimes its hard work not brains

bulls droppings (or in your case those of a sheep)

the most i portant is attitude without that you will get nowhere

attitude with hard work better than brains then, unless we’re talking brains beer from cardiff then there’s nothing better :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

james i see the basque primeminister is having a go at us welsh again. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

james i see the basque primeminister is having a go at us welsh again. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

someone has to keep tarts like you under control :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



You need to open your mind Gogzy. You claim to have been to University–uni as it is now known- you should have no problem learning another language. You,d get a lot more pleasure out of your time with VDB, if you did.Lighten up. Learn to “go with the flow”. Others seem to have done so.

i did go to university, i never went to learn a bloody language though, i went to play drums here

one of the best places in europe to study music, i have my reasons to why i left after a year and a half through my degree but i have no need to discuss them on here.

Well come on fella’s a couple of more post’s and we will have had 10 pages added since midnight Friday :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Robbo, (Buycrider) University’s are not the same as they were in our day when you had to attain a high level of educational achievement, usually at a Grammar School, to even be considered for any respected University. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

These days going to ‘Uni’ is seen as the next step instead of work for around 75% of school leavers and any Tom, ■■■■ or Mary can get into ‘Uni’ So we now we have the situation where we have thousands of ‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees and hundreds of ‘Mickey Mouse’ academies that just seem to churn people out with a deluded and over inflated view of their own real life experience and ability to cope with things outside their own little comfort zone. :laughing: :laughing:

"I’ve been to ‘Uni’ ergo; I’m obviously smarter, cleverer and will be able to become more experienced than you much quicker than you ever did in any job I choose to do, because :- ‘I’ve been to Uni’ :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Gogzy, I’m sure the fact that you didn’t finish your ‘Uni’ course will speak even bigger volumes, about your attitude and dare I say ‘naivety’, to some of us that have been around a bit, but heyho what do I know. :question: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Dave Penn;

did i ever say that what i did at uni would help me with driving a truck? ffs.
all digging into lil bits of my life which have ■■■■ all to do with you all.
the reason i left uni was i didnt have £20k to finish off my course and i dont borrow money from mummy and daddy, and btw before i went to uni i worked for 2 years to fund myself through the ■■■■ thing.

and vas

keep your snidy lil comments to yourself, dont think i didnt see what you wrote last night about the atego

Gogzy, please leave out the personal attacks. dd. :wink:

all digging into lil bits of my life which have [zb] all to do with you all,

They only can dig out,what you give away,No need to explode,Where is the english sense of humor?

all digging into lil bits of my life which have [zb] all to do with you all,

They only can dig out,what you give away,No need to explode,Where is the english sense of humor?

mayby across the border since im not english.

does it really matter if you are scott?

and vas

keep your snidy lil comments to yourself, dont think i didnt see what you wrote last night about the atego

I jst wish it had stayed up a little longer

but then again thats life

and your opinion about me will never reach the depths of my opinion about you so really see me care ? no not really .

as far as I am concerned should certain people on these hallowed forums (take note no names mentioned) wish to continue making themselves look daft on their long journey through life contrary to advice given free of charge by those who have gone before them then so be it.

Just seems daft to me to keep on posting on forums how daft one has been we have all made mistakes at sometime and we have all screwed up but to publicise the fact is beyond me


and vas

keep your snidy lil comments to yourself, dont think i didnt see what you wrote last night about the atego

I jst wish it had stayed up a little longer

but then again thats life

and your opinion about me will never reach the depths of my opinion about you so really see me care ? no not really .

as far as I am concerned should certain people on these hallowed forums (take note no names mentioned) wish to continue making themselves look daft on their long journey through life contrary to advice given free of charge by those who have gone before them then so be it.

Just seems daft to me to keep on posting on forums how daft one has been we have all made mistakes at sometime and we have all screwed up but to publicise the fact is beyond me

mayby you should take up marks post about hearsay

since you wernt ■■■■■■■ there

so long as you keep being so touchy about it then one can only assume that where there is smoke there is fire. :unamused:

but anyway back on topic :unamused:

noting all the wages problems with several of you at VdB could this maybe be linked to lack of understanding or explanation of the intricacies of the onboard computer ?