Van den bosch transport


the only way i get paid, is by the trip, the mile, or the day.
but hourly pay gives you no freedom. a 10 hour job becomes a 15 hour job on hourly pay.
hourly pay is what you give a cleaner, a washer up, a litter picker, or a warehouse man at morrisons.
hourly pay is not something you give to a professional hgv driver, unless you consider them to be lower than a turd.

paid by the trip or by the mile isn’t an incentive to run bent in any way is it :wink: :wink: :wink:
thats why paying by the km is now frowned upon in spain because the GC know that drivers try to get as many done as poss in a day

i know what you mean. if you are paid by the trip, and the rate is realistic, then it’s worth doing.
but i know there are firms who pay such crap rates, that you have to cram in as much as poss just to make a wage.
the same can be said for hourly rate. say £6.00 per hour. you need to do a full 15 hour day, although you know it can be done in 10 or 12 hours.
the job would be much better if it was salaried. like a real professional job.

learning the language is bound to help although i found if you just knew a few basic words you could manage. only once in italy did i find someone who played the old"you must speak italian because you are in italy" which was sorted when i said “you speak italian,i speak irish but we both can speak english so english it is” his mate laughed at him and had a few words with him and we then managed to converse in english. a few basic please and thank yous will see you through more often than not.

Bullitt–Bob the Dog.-- Newmercman,( and others), have said all that needs to be said about this thread. It has in many cases been case of drivers who could not hack it, squealing like stuck pigs and lashing out at what seems to me to be an employer who shows a lot more patience with them, than would many an employer in the UK.
Gogzy,s rant against the Germans was a case in point. Thoughout my travels all over that country, I found the people, wherever I came in contact with them, to be helpful and sociable. One of the reasons for that was thanks to the fact that I had bothered my arse to learn a little of their language , via language tapes, as I was on the way there. They responded to this ,in most cases, by replying in very good, sometimes excellent, English. His mention of the war, was another low point in his rant. I speak as someone who was bombed out of my home in 1940, by the Luftwaffe.Then evacuated to Wales at the age of 6. I hold no grudges whatsoever against the German people of today ,for that. The bloody war ended 65 years ago. Although it should not ever be forgotten, it certainly should not be used as a stick to beat the German people of today with; Nor the Dutch , possibly one of the most laid-back nations in the EU; Whose only lasting problem with their next door neighbors is the fact that they did not return all of the bikes that they nicked in 1940. :laughing: :lol

It’s not about the bikes is the carbide lamp on them we want back (they are worth a lot of money now)

You must say the Germans are general very efficient, and it’s the county of good Truckstops and clean Autobahn service stations.
They don’t have a clue about queing, but neither does many people on the continent.
I think that is the UK’s main future, years ago when I just strarted living in the UK, I use to leave my truck at the factory in Grangemouth and took the bus home, when I arrived at the busstop, there where 15 people waiting 6 in the shelter, 9 outside the shelter in the rain in a straight que.
It suprised me, because in Holland everybody would have squeezed into the shelter as there was space enough for all these people.


Keep going, I’ll buy the two thousandth poster dinner! In a Roadchef

now you’re in trouble luke free food has been offered even if it is in roadchef :laughing:

:bulb: Just a suggestion but maybe good to book in at Ramsay’s as I’m sure there will be plenty!! of conversation during the meal :laughing:
Oh can we have some picci’s just leave the speech bubbles empty then we can start this thread all over again, with who said and what to whom :grimacing: :wink: :wink:

sorry,I havent got a carbide lamp in my shed :smiley: :smiley:

It’s not about the bikes is the carbide lamp on them we want back (they are worth a lot of money now)

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: That,s a cracker Caleydreamer. I,ll do a check on If there is one on there for sale, by some German ex-squaddie,s son or daughter, I,ll buy it for you.That,ll be you sorted. :wink: :wink:

I also meant in my post, to congratulate Yourself and marior2 on your use of the English language. Your joint abilities go some way towards proving the point that I am trying to make, with all due respect, to Gogzy (and others). Vasco–Brit Pete- Inselaffe, (and others), are examples of Brits showing how it should be done.

Insofar as WBiS, and all the other Cymraeg siaraders are concerned. Try this for size bechgyn :laughing:
All together now—Calon lan yn llawn dioni, tecach yw na,r Lili dlos. Dim on calon lan all canu. Canu,r dydd a chanu,r nos. No time for the rest. Dinner,s ready. :laughing: :laughing:
(that,s what wartime evacuation does for a Birkenhead lad).


Keep going, I’ll buy the two thousandth poster dinner! In a Roadchef

now you’re in trouble luke free food has been offered even if it is in roadchef :laughing:

What is this luke free food, is it like gluten free? :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey Frans, I am the senior North America driver, so the W9 should be mine. Will you pencil me and Mark in for jobs if we return, because I would be signing on for a job, too. Lots of tanker experience, and you can get a reference from H&S in Barneveld… I met Mr Strommel several times so he will vouch for me. :wink:

I’m older than you Dogg, so the W9 is mine :laughing:

Oh and I know Mr Hempenius and his name comes first, so there :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I know Den and he owns the whole caboodle now :laughing:

sorry,I havent got a carbide lamp in my shed :smiley: :smiley:

Don’t get ,me started about the Telefunken wireless sets than :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Some fun the German-Dutch relationship (hate-love relationship) is more rooted in the footbal, a couple of Euro cup and World cup frustrations.
German is the biggest market for Dutch goods, especially Veg and fruit, they are buying these water bombs, the Dutch try to call tomatoes, no taste no anything as water.

However prejudice about bike stealing Germans get now and than confirmed, and is always highlighted in the press.
In the 90’s during a visit of the German Chancellor, 2 of his security man got nicked while they where trying to steal bikes outside a pub.

By the way, there are more bikes stolen (and not only by Germans) in Holland during a year than that there a bikes sold here in a year.

By the way, there are more bikes stolen (and not only by Germans) in Holland during a year than that there a bikes sold here in a yea

By “here in a year”, I assume caleyd that you are referring to your Marital Home, the UK. :grimacing: The reason for that is, as you may have already suspected. that it is the UK expatriates, and visiting HGV drivers who are nicking them. Simples. :wink: :wink: The UK travelling tea-leaves have got yer bikes this time. And you are not getting these back either M8ee :laughing: :laughing:


By the way, there are more bikes stolen (and not only by Germans) in Holland during a year than that there a bikes sold here in a yea

By “here in a year”, I assume caleyd that you are referring to your Marital Home, the UK. :grimacing: The reason for that is, as you may have already suspected. that it is the UK expatriates, and visiting HGV drivers who are nicking them. Simples. :wink: :wink: The UK travelling tea-leaves have got yer bikes this time. And you are not getting these back either M8ee :laughing: :laughing:

That’s correct, wondered where all these bikes on the back of lorries are coming from :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Yes, here is the UK and more specified Scotland where I live, however a bike where I live is not such good idea, you may be in the next village in no time, but climbing up again will take you half a day and the lost of half a stone.
I know I could lose easy a couple of stone, but you will break out in sweat and things like that. :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
Language is never a problem, (but thanks for the compliment) because my missus is from Glasgow, I don’t understand her anyway, and maybe she doesn’t understand me.
But it is clear who is the Boss at home…Me :grimacing: :grimacing:

If I say that I do the dishes…I do the dishes :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Doesn’t matter if you know any of them at H&S, Mark, cos I worked there. I was the only Brit subby based in Barneveld. I called them, nearly 3 years after I finished, and spoke to them. They sent me a reference for over here… They were a good bunch to work for. I would invoice and they would pay, they always had work for me, they had all the accounts for washes and for ferries. And VDB have all this as well. VDB also have specialist tanks which are amazing. I was always impressed watching the liquid tippers in Veghel.
It’s almost funny to have people on here shouting at us that we don’t know what we are talking about. Many of us do. Seeing Wheelnut, Frans, Vas etc. getting lambasted by a bunch of people who have, at most, been doing this for 6 or 7 months is hilarious.
I can almost compare it to the USA invading Iraq- a teenage nation trying to teach Grandpa how to act. I bet we could all go there and do the job, along with any extras, and get paid for it, and we wouldn’t have the issues that seem to arise because we would sort them. Then we could have our unpaid week off to spend the decent money we earned.

As for the W9, Frans, yes, the turning circle does leave a bit to be desired. My Pete is not any better, but my Pete does have a proper C15 550 in it, not one of these weird things like Marks does. The newer Detroits are good motors though.

It’s gone quiet on here now lol :-p

You need to open your mind Gogzy. You claim to have been to University–uni as it is now known- you should have no problem learning another language. You,d get a lot more pleasure out of your time with VDB, if you did.Lighten up. Learn to “go with the flow”. Others seem to have done so.

i did go to university, i never went to learn a bloody language though, i went to play drums here

one of the best places in europe to study music, i have my reasons to why i left after a year and a half through my degree but i have no need to discuss them on here.

i did go to university, i never went to learn a bloody language though, i went to play drums

And that attitude, though I don’t wish to sound rude, sums up exactly why you have troubles with people over in Europe.

i have my reasons to why i left after a year and a half through my degree but i have no need to discuss them on here.

Why not? You are discussing VDB with venom…

I was expecting this thread to fizzle out after 4 or 5 pages, but when it gets up to 30 I reconsidered and wondered if it would pass Kindles, “you aint seen me right” thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like I was wrong as they are fizzling out and changing the subject!


i did go to university, i never went to learn a bloody language though, i went to play drums

And that attitude, though I don’t wish to sound rude, sums up exactly why you have troubles with people over in Europe.

i have my reasons to why i left after a year and a half through my degree but i have no need to discuss them on here.

Why not? You are discussing VDB with venom…

what cause im not interested in learning a european language? as ive said germany is the only place i have a problem so how do i have a problem in europe, its just germany.

and the reasons i left arnt anything to do with anybody on here. and what your saying im lying about everything ive said? fine ima lying {zb} that you happy now?

But if you are interested in driving in Europe, but not interested in learning a second language, then you are displaying the kind of arrogance which is bound to get up foreign noses… That’s what I was saying. :unamused:

Someone on this thread is being more than liberal with the truth. You are saying the firm is crap, basically, and that they have lied to you from the start. Now Frans has offered to look into it, has openly defended himself without resorting to particular unkindness or rudeness, while you have ranted… you have called him, Wheelnut and others liars. You have slagged at people who genuinely do know the score…


I notice you said nothing when Frans offered to cancel your return flight next week. In his shoes, I would bring you back just to say goodbye.

But if you are interested in driving in Europe, but not interested in learning a second language, then you are displaying the kind of arrogance which is bound to get up foreign noses… That’s what I was saying. :unamused:

Someone on this thread is being more than liberal with the truth. You are saying the firm is crap, basically, and that they have lied to you from the start. Now Frans has offered to look into it, has openly defended himself without resorting to particular unkindness or rudeness, while you have ranted… you have called him, Wheelnut and others liars. You have slagged at people who genuinely do know the score…


I notice you said nothing when Frans offered to cancel your return flight next week. In his shoes, I would bring you back just to say goodbye.

i have always said my problem with vdb is the office, Frans knows this. being ignored over the board computer when asking questions, not listening, an emergency number thats never answered.

i also am more interested in learning japanese which i did for a while, i can say more in japanese than german even though i studied 4 years of german at high school (mainly because it was that or french)

is no good, having a go on gogzy every time,dont forget he is still a kid with 24, he might need a bit time to get settled