Van den bosch transport

Gaz, vbd are looking for people who jobs are scarce and i mean scarce mainly because agencies have worked their way in and its easier to have a guy for a day via an agency that having to employ somebody.

sounds good down the pub saying “I work for a dutch outfit”, maybe VDB are ok, i don’t know, but seriously people look closer to home, the jobs are there!

and they can spend weekends at the truckstop at Meer or Asten telling everyone how they are singlehandledly saving the Dutch transport industry.

it appears that they pay by the hour.
so they arn’t worth a toss.

it appears that they pay by the hour.
so they arn’t worth a toss.

How you are getting paid?


it appears that they pay by the hour.
so they arn’t worth a toss.

How you are getting paid?

In English i would imagine?

DSS :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

where are you all wellpaid drivers? which uk haulier can still afford to go to europe? what is the average pay per hour?
weak up boys! there is a company which offer you a job,the might keep some of the pay,but for the most there is a pay improvement and no one of the drivers complaint about pay beeing late or customers dont treat you well

Your not a van den bosch manager or employee by any chance are you marior22 :confused:

no, not yet

u planning on it then?

is it wrong to ask a few questions? I still havent got an answer yet
Which haulier is taking drivers on and paying a decent wage?
SOMEONE is not good enough, I need a name

Yes,I do

Gary I totally agree with your posts and can confirm your side, Frans has tried to discredit myself, you, Gogzy and to a certain extent Graham.
It was stated earlier on in this post if he cares to read back from Okley that he had only just found out that he had to report to Frans, and he has been there 7 months.
The whole thread has taken a totally different slant now, all the VdB lovers stating that we couldn’t hack it and it takes a special kind of person to work for the Dutch!!!
So let me describe the perfect VdB employee:
Absolutely no experience, but able to drive a truck without scaring the Cees, hard as it may seem but possible
Absolutely no concept of hours or money!
Will have a mental age of 6
Unable to comprehend hours worked to hours paid ratio
Will believe all that is said at interview and at everypoint from there on as long as it is stated that whoever is telling them something that they are more valued VdB employee
Frontal Labotomy preferred but not essential[/quote

for sure totally aggree its a sad reflection of global recession and brits have become very easy victims more so the scots cause so few jobs left a lot of them taken by “europeans” in scotland. ■■■■ Turpin wore a mask the dutch hide behind different european rules and different nationalties :wink:

by marior22 » Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:36 pm

is it wrong to ask a few questions? I still havent got an answer yet
Which haulier is taking drivers on and paying a decent wage?
SOMEONE is not good enough, I need a name

Wincanton co-op contract
£11.40hr (pay rise pending)
£1.50 shift pay 7pm-7am
10hr shifts 4 days a week (plenty of ot)
Breaks PAID for
20 days holiday (paid at 12.5hrs a day)
8 bank holidays paid at double time and a day in lieu ( if your rostered off on the bank holiday then your next shift on becomes your bank holiday)
pension pound for pound
company uniform
job is pretty crap and kit is abused (blue eyed boys get there own wagon)

its a sad reflection of global recession and brits have become very easy victims more so the scots cause so few jobs left a lot of them taken by “europeans” in scotland. ■■■■ Turpin wore a mask the dutch hide behind different european rules and different nationalties :wink:

about time more brits realised that “europe” or rather certain nationalities within it are ruining the job prospects for the rest of us.
when the berlin wall fell that was the end of the glory days for brit truckers as they could be easily and cheaply replaced and now they are even needing to leave home in the uk to look for work.
i agree with free movement for all europeans obviously i’ve benefitted from it but however “when in rome do as the romans do” or rather if you want to work anywhere get what the locals are getting and stop undercutting as so many “europeans” are doing all over the continent.

How about the last recession?,Brits and Irish left and the berlin wall was still there? Is no point complaining,better we are gonna take this as a chance

How about the last recession?,Brits and Irish left and the berlin wall was still there? Is no point complaining,better we are gonna take this as a chance

europe getting bigger and drivers losing their jobs to people who are willing to work for less has nothing to do with the recession, its been happening all over europe since certain countries were allowed to join on the understanding that their national wage and living standards would rise to meet those of the “western” countries but instead we’ve lowered our wages to their levels to compete and the drivers are the ones to loose out

the uk minimum wage is £5.90, VDB are paying £8.35, the germans getting about the same and yes I am german

the uk minimum wage is £5.90, VDB are paying £8.35, the germans getting about the same and yes I am german

But from what i read VDB pay £8.35 but deduct 2 hours per 15 for breaks, and DO NOT pay the 3rd or 4th week when you are at home.

Seriously i aint even gonna waste my beer drinking time to work out how cr4p that actually is!

The last 2 weeks my TAKE HOME pay has been over £600, i aint usually one to mention figures but this thread has seriously pi5sed me off!

the uk minimum wage is £5.90, VDB are paying £8.35, the germans getting about the same and yes I am german

might i suggest without trying to wind you up but how about a job in germany as it is the strongest economy in europe right now everybody in europe relies on germany to produce to keep us all in a job. we have a truck a day leave malaga for germany and never fails to get a good backload plenty of work from germany

gaz, i agree about the pay not being great but most companies deduct breaks, when i worked for J Raymonds the max you could get paid per day was 14 and a quarter hrs as they took your 45 mins off and as some others have posted thats the norm as a break is not working. these guys who have not been paid the 2 hours should just park up twice a day and eat a good euro meal


Frans !!! What is the reason for the 2 hour deduction per 15 hour shift?

And why do you pay a reduced hourly rate for waiting time(POA)?

Why not pay the advertised rates all the way through the shifts?

And as a follow on to my Question above, How does any of your drivers get the overtime rate if the rates are cut for POA? ie 5 hour tip or load

We are deducting 2 hours on a 15 hour shift, because you should have at least 2 hours break in 15hours!!
However if you are stocked under a loading point or off-loading point there is a button what you can press on the BC and you can input your information.
The BC will make a note of the circumstances (position, last action and next action) an d the payment department and the planning now what was going on., and it will be paid.
If you don’t enter anything or wrong information the BC will ignore it and assume that you have taken your break.
There is a reduced rate for waiting time because in the tanker world is so much waiting time, sometime you are to tired to take a break.
However the reduction of your waiting time and your break are no more than 2 hours TOGETHER.
POA is only when waiting, not when loading/ unloading, that time is normally paid, whatever time it takes.
However the company still believes that drivers should take their breaks, and use the “working in the break “ only as an urgency matter, and this should be communicated with their planning by BC.
If people start doing things on their own back you create a lot of unnecessary waiting time.

E.G. you have a booking at 08:00hrs and you need to do 2 hours driving. But you decide to leave at 03:00hrs because your 11 hours are done. So you arrive at 05:00hrs that morning, 3 hours waiting for you, but don’t expect the company to pay that, it’s not gone happen.
However do you arrive at 08:00 and is the product not ready until 11:00hrs, no point of discussion, POA will be opaid on the agreed amount.

Overtime starts after 40 hrs in a working week

Fair enough all that if you are made aware at the recruiting stage :wink:
Working on break :unamused:
2 hour for breaks in 15 hour shift 2x 47 mins or 2x 17mins and 2x 32mins is not 2 hours but fair play again if told not paid breaks.
Frans!!! You at least are honest and open about how your “system” works
£19.50 night out is a little tight for over the water though IMHO